Godric let out a breath and immediately swung his wand, and several lions made of magical flames flew out of the tip of the wand and pounced on Conno in all directions.

Immediately, he brought his wand and sword together, and with the rapid slash of his arm, a huge cross-shaped magic sword qi took shape.

The magic sword aura was extremely brutal, occupying almost half the width of the room, and rushed towards Kong Nuo, leaving a deep and regular trail on the ground.

Not only that, but this sword qi also filled the vacant position of the original Flame Lion, showing a nirvana trend.

Godric continued to clasp his sword and wand together in both hands, the head of the sword resting on his shoulder, the tip of his sword pointing straight ahead, charging like a unicorn.

Kong Nuo's response was extremely simple and rude, only to hear him roar, and an incomparably round Gang Qi shroud burst out of his body violently.

The golden Gang Qi cover instantly neutralized the magic sword qi, and the flame lion that came behind also disappeared with the Gang Qi cover, leaving only the surrounding air distorted by the high temperature.

Then he stabbed forward with his casual horizontal sword, without even making any movements, as if waiting for Godric to charge.

It was such a casual action, but it made Godric feel like he was in the mood for death.

If you continue to charge now, don't deflect in any direction. Then before he could finish his attack, the tip of Conno's sword would be the first to pierce into his chest, which would be equivalent to me killing myself.

However, as long as the direction is deflected, then Conno can avoid damage with a random step, and he will not be able to form an attack.

Coupled with Kong Nuo's calm and breezy expression, it shows that he has incomparable confidence in his sword.

In this way, the height that Conno has reached in terms of skill is no longer beyond the reach of him, a dueling champion with countless combat experience, and it is not at the same level at all.

However, skill is the main content of this competition, and those magic just now seem to be powerful, but in fact they are not that powerful.

Similarly, Conno didn't use a defensive method beyond his magic attack, otherwise the Gang Qi Shield would not have vanished along with the Flame Lion.

In the two most direct encounters, Godric was on the side of the attack.

However, whether it is skill, courage, self-confidence or insight, he has fallen into the disadvantage. To put it even more ugly, it's called a failure.

Conno raised his eyebrows and looked at Godric, who had stopped charging and was a little deflated, "Why stop, come again!" The

technique he used just now is called chasing the shape and intercepting the pulse, and the emphasis is on the last strike to come first, and to intercept the opponent with skillful breaking power.

This has high requirements for the situation, the insight of the opponent's movements, and the timing of the shot, if it weren't for the fact that he had completely seen through Godric's movements, he would not have used such a lazy move.

Godric's combination of sword skills and magic must have reached some heights.

But for Kong Nuo, who is familiar with various moves and routines and is fishing in the realm of martial arts grandmasters, it is still a little insufficient.

However, in such a short two encounters, his fighting addiction was still outlined.

Looking at the magic watch again, it hasn't been too long now, and I can continue to play with Godric for a while.

He suggested, "Why don't we use all our strength?" and make a move, which will be much more exciting!"

Godric separated his wand from his sword again with both hands, and began to wonder if he should accept the offer.

The scene just now when he was crushed by Conno with pure technology and had to stop charging may be unforgettable.

Now, however, Conno has come up with a new suggestion, suggesting that the two of them go all out to attack for a move.

He had to think about whether this would be his only chance in life, because he believed in his wand and in his Gryffindor sword.

At the same time, he was also curious about what kind of surprise this young man who was less than twenty-five years old could bring to him if he exerted his strength with all his might.

Yes, the adventurous spirit of Gryffindor House is shining brightly at this moment! Yes,

it was a very simple encounter. I myself was born for a duel, I live for a duel, what reason should I be afraid!

It is incumbent upon my generation to recast the glory of the founder!

Godric dropped the replica sword in his hand and reached for the wizard's hat, holding the real Gryffindor sword in his hand, and bringing his wand together to the hilt, once again joining the staff and sword.

"Protego Horribilis!Protego Horribilis!"

Several whispers in succession, several profound protective magics had been blessed on his body.

The shield, which was originally circular and transparent, was almost condensed into substance at this moment, and the huge lion's head shield was like a guard, guarding around him.

At the same time, the Gryffindor sword in his hand became red, and the milky white flames continued to rush and jump on the sword, as if it had vitality.

Godric shouted, "Come on!"

Conno laughed, and finally spat out only one word: "Good!"

The Thousand Machine Sword in his hand returned to its original stick form, and the Thousand Machine Stick began to tremble, and those golden veins became dazzling, making it seem extremely sacrosanct.

However, when this feeling reaches its extreme, those golden veins suddenly become inconspicuous, a kind of superb realm of returning to the basics.

At the tip of the Thousand Machine Sticks, a golden sharpness appeared, as unrivaled as the head of a spear, pointing at Godric, who was protected by countless protective magics.

This time it was Conno who was the first to move, striding forward with both hands, and there was a loud air explosion around him, and the thousand machine guns that turned into guns stabbed at Godric like a devastating one.

In the middle of the air, a thousand machine guns and a lion's head shield collided together, and suddenly the qi stirred to form a vortex, tearing the air of the entire room to pieces, and let out a roar like a ghost crying wolf.

Godric felt that his whole body was locked by Conno, and the feeling of extreme pain and discomfort made him can't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Not only that, but even the milky white flames on the Gryffindor Sword flickered, as if they would be extinguished at any moment.

Although he spat out a mouthful of blood, Godric only had a stronger fighting intent at this moment, and his eyes burned like flames.

The layers of lion shields that had been used to defend against them disappeared in an instant, surging into the Gryffindor Sword.

The flames no longer faltered, nor rushed and jumped, but instead attached to the sword like a scabbard, and there was also a sense of returning to the basics.

Immediately, he ignored the head of the air gun that was about to pierce his chest, and instead swept forward with his sword.

"It is incumbent upon our generation to recast the glory of the founder!" Godric slammed out, his eyes so calm that he was left with nothing but indomitable and death-defying life.

At this moment, a golden Gang Qi cover suddenly appeared, and the entire room was instantly filled with cracks, and began to shake violently, and countless smoke and dust rose to drown the two ......

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