
Godric felt his right shoulder sliced open by the head of the air gun, and he smelled blood again for the first time in a long time.

Unfortunately, this time he smelled his own blood, which he had never smelled before.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink like pintips, and Kong Nuo on the opposite side was surrounded by an incomparably condensed golden qi shield at this moment.

Although he cut a hole in the side with his magic sword qi, it did not cause actual damage except for making Kong Nuo's face a little pale.

The milky white magic sword qi just now was already the concentrated embodiment of all his knowledge and combat experience, and it was completely an attack that sacrificed his life, but it was still resisted.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, his cat had been fishing in the black lake for too long, but he didn't expect it to appear again after a thousand years, and he was actually defeated by a young man who was less than twenty-five years old.

In this way, he had to admit, "I lost ......"

and "It's a pity that I lost."

Godric's words stunned Godric, and Conno pointed to his right shoulder, which was oozing a few drops of blood, and said, "It seems that you know a little better than I do, and I accidentally injured you."

Godric couldn't help but laugh when he saw that Conno even blinked twice in a row, "You kid! The context is still connected, isn't it! It's really unexpected

to me!" Conno also laughed, "Fight! Of course, the more the merrier, in fact, what I enjoy more is the process, and the result is just incidental!"

Godric's eyes burst into tears, of course he understood what Conno meant, and made it clear that he wanted to sell him a face.

What knows more is so far, he has already fought to that point, but he only had a small wound on his right shoulder, and Kong Nuo did not suffer any harm except for his pale face.

This shows that his attacks are completely blocked, and Kong Nuo has an extremely good control of strength, and he only causes damage to give him a step down.

Godric wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "What kind of sword skills did you just perform? It's amazing!"

Conno looked at him and asked, "Do you want to learn from you?"

Just as Godric was about to say something, he suddenly heard the sound of a wall cracking behind him.

When I turned my head, the cracks in the back became more fine, and the whole wall continued to tremble. In just a few breaths, the walls had completely shattered, revealing the room on the other side.


Principal's Office.

Dumbledore had just received a letter from the Wizarding Examinations Authority, which contained report cards for his fifth and seventh years.

Both the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams exceeded his expectations, with all candidates passing the exams and five certificates, compared to a 90 percent pass rate in previous years.

Of these students, 36% of the candidates achieved an O for Standing, and 43% for an E for Exceeds Expectations.

So he now thinks about whether to let "Five Years O.W.L. Seven Years N.E.W.T." Continue.

It was also considered whether it was necessary to take Connogh's suggestion to introduce a set of Hogwarts Secret Scrolls as a source of homework for fifth and seventh year students throughout the school year.

Not only that, but with the students having mastered the Sutra of Tranquility, the teaching progress of this school year is faster than expected, and the teachers are not under as much pressure as in previous years.

At this time, he sighed again.

Although he is very reluctant to admit it, letting Kong Nuo enter the school to become a professor of martial arts and open the martial arts department should be the most correct choice he has made in the past few years.

Now that the conceptual revision of the martial arts discipline has been submitted to the Ministry of Magic, it is believed that the new definition of the Huaxia martial arts discipline will be approved before the start of the next academic year.

In this way, it can be regarded as a guarantee that Conno can continue to teach at Hogwarts with peace of mind.

"Such a good educational achievement, you deserve to reward yourself with a dessert!" Dumbledore hummed a little song in his nose, thinking about what dessert he should reward himself.

Suddenly, the wall on his right hand shook suddenly.

He thought it was a delusion, but in the middle of his next breath, a crack appeared in the wall.

The crack spread rapidly, like a giant spider's web, and instantly covered an entire wall.

Fawkes immediately flew to Dumbledore's side and let out a low inquiring moak from the representative.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "No problem, let's see what happens." As expected, it should be related to Conno...... "

This is the law he summed up in this school year.

If something extremely unusual happens in the school, first consider whether Conno is another moth, and then consider whether Voldemort is playing some bad idea.

Squirting ......

The entire wall suddenly collapsed, and the smoke and dust spread in an instant, covering both the table and the floor with a layer of dusty smoke.

"Something is wrong...... It should be protected by magic and won't collapse directly. A low, hoarse voice rang out from a strange man.

"It's normal, isn't it? The aftermath of the battle annihilated the demonic text, and the demonic text is not indestructible, I am a gang! Don't look down on the gang!"

Dumbledore's voice was so familiar that his temples tingled for a long time.

Kong Nuo walked out first, looking around, "Hmm, this room is actually the principal's room, hello principal!"

Immediately after, a middle-aged man who looked like a lion also walked in, and he put his wand on his body as he walked.

When the middle-aged man came to Dumbledore, the damage on his body had been completely repaired.

"I'm Gryffindor, Godric Gryffindor. Are you the current Headmaster of Hogwarts?"

Hogwarts did not have a headmaster at first, but later, after the discussion of the founders, it was decided to add a headmaster position and make the headmaster position above the four headmasters.

In order to better help the school develop the selected principals, at the suggestion of Rowena Ravenclaw, a school board was set up to check and balance the principals.

At the same time, only the principal elected by the school board can get the right to use the principal's office.

If the school board directly appoints the principal, the appointed principal will not be able to enter the principal's office.

In this way, the general structure of the whole of Hogwarts was completed, and the headmaster was elected by the school council, and the headmaster's role was to lead the school to grow and develop.

Dumbledore's pupils shook instantly, he didn't expect that this time Kong Nuo would be able to make such a big move, and even the founder was dug out by him.

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