Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 103 Ready to leave

A few days later, Lockhart and Moody arrived on time at the meeting point Scrimgeour had arranged for them. Ten Aurors were already waiting for them there. Almost all of them knew Moody, while Lockhart only knew half of them. Five became Aurors after Lockhart resigned.

"We entered France with Muggle credentials and methods, and we only considered using magic until we found the giant," Doris told Lockhart and Moody.

"I didn't expect this guy to lead the team. It seems that Scrimgeour really wants to help you, little Gilderoy." Moody looked at Lockhart with satisfaction. "Talk as you walk."

Lockhart was surprised when he learned that it was Dao Lishi leading the team two days ago. This is the only ruthless character in the Auror department that can get all the best in both the advanced wizard rank test and the Auror test. In the past few years, he has been Fudge's close friend. Bodyguard, only recently replaced by Kingsley.

A group of twelve got into a car arranged by the Ministry of Magic to go to the Muggle airport.

"The Muggle department has provided all of us with all kinds of documents in the Muggle world," Doris explained to everyone, while giving each an envelope with his name on it, with a full set of documents, air tickets and pounds. "These things are true, so you don't have to be as careful as thieves later, and behave naturally. Our identity is a passenger going to France."

"The names are all fake..." Lockhart flipped through it. "It's really thoughtful."

"Yes, names have to be fake, but to Muggles, these are real." Moody was pleased with Scrimgeour's thoughtfulness.

"After arriving at the airport, everyone must stop using any magic means, don't stare at anyone, don't go to places that Muggles avoid, French airports have separate passages for Muggles and wizards, if you accidentally stare A wizard with a Confusion Charm on his body, or stepping into a wizard-only channel with a Muggle Banishing Charm, will immediately reveal his identity as a wizard."

The Doris handed Lockhart a bottle of something, "Gidro, you need a potion, you're too famous, even as a former Auror, you're too careless."

Lockhart drank the decoction and turned into a man with a body close to his own.

"I haven't been out of the UK as an Auror for so many years." Moody said excitedly, his magic eye was blocked by a blindfold, and he wore a round hat, plus he now has two legs, so look It's not very awkward to go up.

"Although I've been to France many times, to be honest, it's my first time to carry out a mission." Although Dao Lishi looked very cold, he still didn't dare to show off in front of a senior like Moody.

Moody asked curiously: "Dawlish, isn't the Auror department under pressure recently? How can you squeeze ten people out to accompany little Gilderoy."

"Moody! What is nonsense, this is a helper to cut down the mysterious man." Lockhart said dissatisfiedly.

Moody shrugged. In his opinion, a bunch of Aurors went to deal with giants far away in France.

"Although the Death Eaters under You-Know-Who have been on the move recently, they are basically still infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, buying the hearts of the remaining pure-blood families, and so on. People in other departments are busy dying, and the Aurors have become bodyguards. , has been carrying out various protection work." Anna, who was sitting next to her, said that she was the only woman in this operation, and she was in the Auror department about the same time as Lockhart, but she has been working until now.

At this time, other Aurors also joined the conversation.

"You said that those pure-blood families don't enjoy good wealth and honor. Why do they have to mix with mysterious people? Before the last wizarding war, the power of pure-blood families almost affected the entire wizarding world." A young Auror asked suspiciously. , "Like Avery, Gaunt, Malfoy, Lestrange, and the Black family, as prosperous and powerful in my mind, almost withered to extinction after the war. The Witt family was also destroyed by You-Know-Who.—Why on earth did they follow You-Know-Who? Could it be possible to remove the so-called hemp seeds and attack Muggles legitimately at the same time?

Is it more important than your own life? "

Moodie glanced at the young Auror with a smile: "Little William, you, tooyoungtoosimple, the so-called blood theory is just a political slogan of a mysterious person, and at most it is to attract those Just fanatics, those pure-blood families who are in power are all the same, and a large part of their wealth comes from Muggles, how can there be such an inexplicable concept."

Anna nodded: "Yes, that's right, especially the Malfoy family, who have been friends with the Muggle royal family for generations, and at the same time annexed the Muggle land near their fief, so that they can become so rich. "

"Then why do those pure-blood families help the mysterious man?"

"A small number, like Anthony Dolokhov, probably went to My-Know-Who for their powerful magic. And some, surely because My-Know-Who claimed to have discovered the way to immortality!" Moody exclaimed loudly. Said, "He must have promised that after controlling the entire magical world, he will teach them the method of immortality."

"The method of immortality?" William asked curiously. "Has he really mastered this method."

"Hmph, what do you think, why didn't the wizarding world turn to him?" Moody said in a disdainful tone, "because he has no way to prove that he has mastered the method of immortality, or that this method is not feasible, so like Deng Brido and us, people like this, will rise up to resist."

"You must know his method of 'immortality', Senior Moody." William asked tentatively.

"Yes, and I'm telling you very clearly that his method is not feasible, everyone who tried is dead!" Moody gave William a vicious look and said, "You better not know!"

William shrank his head and said innocently: "Just ask, I won't go to him."

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