Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 104: Sneak into France

"Get out of the car, remember, from the moment you get out of the car until I declare it's safe, you are not allowed to use any magic-related abilities, and you can't reveal any magic fluctuations." Daowishi reminded.

Everyone removed the Confusion Charm and Muggle Repelling Charm from their bodies, got off the car, and entered the airport. At this moment, they are all Muggles.

They came too early, and the waiting process was very boring, because they had almost nothing to talk about except for You-Know-Who, the Dark Wizard and Quidditch, but the chat would be heard by the Muggles, so they had to chat - "The weather is so bad today, and the sun can't be seen."

"Although the weather in the UK is habitually like this, it is very abnormal for it to be like this all the time..."

"It was the same ten years ago when the mysterious man was the most powerful."

"It's said to be related to the Azkaban stuff..."

"Don't mention that!" Dao Li Shi stared fiercely at the person who leaked.

Finally registered, most of them were seeing a plane for the first time, let alone sitting. Fortunately, Dao Li Shi has experience, and everyone else just needs to follow him - change boarding passes, go through security, and wait. After a while, they boarded the plane smoothly.

"My God, this thing can fly?"

"Stop asking questions, Muggles look at you like a hillbilly," Moody said impatiently, "though I'm curious too."

"There is actually free food and drink, the taste is not bad..."

"……To shut up!"


The plane flew directly to Dijon-Burgundy Airport in France, which saved a lot of time. All of them found a hotel to stay overnight under the leadership of Dao Lishi. The next day, Scrimgeour had arranged for a vehicle to take them to a place with the most hills north of Dijon and almost no one.

"Okay, there's basically no surveillance from the French Ministry of Magic here," Daoric announced, "but it's still not allowed to use too powerful spells until the preparations are done!"

"My God, I'm suffocating..." Lockhart took out his wand and put a few random ones to clean up, while Moody buttoned his magic eye and washed it hard in the water he brought. few times.

"Gidero, do you only know that it is in Dijon, when will it be found?" Anna asked.

"No, I actually asked my friend carefully. Although he couldn't say it clearly, it was very clear that it was on some of the highest-looking mountains northeast of Dijon," Lockhart replied.

"Okay, then the goal is very clear. Let's go to the northeast first. When we see a clearly higher mountain, we will spread out the search." Moody commanded.

Although the commanders of this event should be Doris and Lockhart, the others had no opinion and quickly began to implement Moody's orders, which made Lockhart have to sigh the appeal of the older generation.

Seeing a few mountains that were significantly higher, Lockhart guessed that this was the place. From here, the two of them went into a group to search, and Lockhart and Moody were in a group. After all, he was not familiar with the others, and Moody felt very safe around him.

They didn't dare to use the broom, they all cast the Lightness Charm and the Swiftness Charm on themselves, and hurriedly shuttled between the hills, walking to the highest place, watching carefully.

"Good stamina, little Gilderoy." Moody was still old, and even with the help of magic, he looked a little out of breath, and he even took out the old cane to help climb the mountain.

As Lockhart observed the surrounding situation, he used magic trail powder to mark the route dedicated to the Auror department. Later, if anyone found the trail of the giant, they would let the Patronus follow these marks. and inform others.

The scenery on the mountain is indeed very good, the layers of forest are dyed, the fog is filled, it is like a fairyland on earth, the only problem is that there is a Muggle exorcism here, the Muggles who rarely break in are also killed by giants, and there is no way to go.

Aurors can only drive while walking. Although they have experienced this kind of training, few dark wizards in the UK live in such places, and the Aurors have never searched in the mountains at all. Luckily they are wizards...

"If I retire in the future, I will take my family to such a place to live in seclusion. The air in the UK is terrible. What a wonderful environment here..." Lockhart said with emotion.

"Shh—" Moody responded dismissively.

"Damn old man, why do you disapprove of everything I say?" Lockhart asked angrily, and they continued to walk through the mountains on crutches.

"Little Gilderoy, can you not pretend?" Moody sneered. "Just a pampered person like you who has never experienced hardship, still living in seclusion in the mountains? Where do you get your food and drink? Go out to buy it every week? Then What's the difference between living with Muggles and knowing that all wizards and wizards buy their food and clothing from Muggles. Don't think that you can live in seclusion after wild survival training!"

"You ****..." Lockhart exclaimed in dissatisfaction, although thinking about what he said made sense. Forget it, it's really unpleasant to not be lyrical with this old man. "Guess how long until we find the giant?"

There was no answer, and when he looked back, Moody suddenly became serious and motioned Lockhart not to speak. Lockhart also became nervous: "What's the matter, did you find anything?"

Moody motioned to Lockhart not to speak, and pointed to the ground under his feet.

It turned out that Lockhart and Moody had been walking a few hundred meters along a semi-formed dirt road before they knew it, but they were talking just now, and they didn't feel that the road suddenly became much easier.

There is no large-scale fauna in this kind of mountain forest. Those who can step on the ground must be giants. Moreover, the surrounding trees have also become much shorter, obviously many of them are newly grown, and Lockhart can even see the trunks that were pulled out by the giant and thrown aside.

"Are they pulling the trunk..." Lockhart asked gloomily.

Moody did not speak, raised his hand and released his patron saint, the lion, and then read a few words to the patron saint, and let it return to the same way, Lockhart also released the fox, and said to it " Find the target, speed up." Let it follow the lion and run back to inform others.

The two did not wait in place, and continued to search forward. The further forward they went, the more traces of the giant's life became. The ground under their feet had become completely solid at this time. Lockhart and Moody both disappeared and walked along the giant. way to go.

Along the way, you can see some caves, which may be the temporary resting place of the giants, and the skeletons of animals left by the giants are everywhere. Going further, you can even hear the sound of giants moving.

"Enough, wait here for the people behind, it's too dangerous to go further." Moody reached out to stop Lockhart, and the two hid behind a boulder on the side of the road.

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