Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 3220: Theater of Cruelty (Part 2)

 Chapter 3220 Theater of Cruelty (Part 2)

Georgiana didn't know if there were nobles who were willing to die for Napoleon, but there were soldiers who were willing to take bullets for him. Several French navy warships were named after these people, one of which was named Da Beaulieu. The warship HMS En was nearly sunk in Venice.

At that time, the French consulate on the island of Zante was burned down, and the smaller warship "Italian Liberator" really sank in the port of Venice. Captain Laugier asked all the crew members to disembark, and he boarded the captain alone. Station, shouted to the Austrian frigates, trying to stop their bombardment, but he was quickly shot and fell. The sailors who disembarked were attacked by Venetian warships while swimming desperately in the water to escape.

In the end, only one sailor swam to the port, but when his hand climbed onto a protruding wood, the commander of the port personally cut off his wrist with a knife.

In view of this, in accordance with Article 328 of Chapter 12 of the Triennial Constitution of the French Republic: In cases where hostilities are unavoidable or have already begun, in the event of threats or preparations for war against the French Republic, the Superintendent The Government should use all its means to defend the country and promptly notify the Legislative Council of the means adopted.

Following the departure of the French Minister in Venice, the representatives of the Republic of Venice in Lombardy and the Venetian mainland left within 24 hours.

When a war is about to break out, evacuation of overseas Chinese and ministers will definitely happen. However, a war broke out at sea between the United States and France from 1798 to 1800. At that time, the United States did not declare war, or did not formally declare war. English and The French have coined the term "quasi-war".

 Brest is located at the forefront of Brittany, the western peninsula of France. If a blockade is really carried out from the Elbe River to Brest, the English Channel will not be able to pass through.

Since Napoleon has complied with the provisions of international law and passed through the English Channel within his own territorial waters, that is unless the rules are changed.

Henry Petty, the grandson of William Petty who once wrote Petty Economics, is now in the Maritime Association. In addition to guiding the direction, a lighthouse can also be used to mark sovereignty. A piece of reef is all it takes to build a lighthouse. The territorial sea line and the coastline do not follow each other. Changes with the ebb and flow of the tide.

Although the British Army is inferior to the Navy, it is not useless. Anyway, Napoleon learned a lesson in the Battle of Toulon.

On the other hand, it was the British Navy itself. In 1797, a large-scale mutiny broke out in the English Channel Fleet, but this mutiny was not violent. The sailors just put the officers ashore until their collective demands were met.

The mutineers' demands ranged from dissatisfaction with the brutality of the officers to low pay and long periods of service at sea without the ability to serve ashore.

The current Lord of the Admiralty was in charge of the Mediterranean Fleet at the time. He established a new system to ensure that the personnel of the Mediterranean Fleet would not mutiny like the English Channel Fleet. First he separated the sailors from the marines, placing the marines between the officers at the stern and the sailors at the bow, thereby creating an effective barrier between the officers and the unruly crew.

The Marine Corps must remain armed at all times. At the same time, the soldiers and officers of the Marine Corps are also exempted from matters related to the general operation of the ship. Then there is tobacco, even if the Lord of the Admiralty pays for it himself, he must manage enough.

The two British warships chasing Napoleon's fleet this time were both transferred from the Pacific Fleet. They had been on duty in the Pacific and had never experienced war, so they were very curious whether this European celebrity really had horns on his head.

The Republic of Batavia had little objection to the cession of Ceylon. In other words, what they opposed was that the monopoly of cinnamon was given to the British. Even if they were nominally the conquerors of Ceylon, it didn't matter whether they had that title or not.

 The problem of corruption in the British navy began during the tenure of William Pitt the Younger. Nelson met Lady Hamilton while he was serving in the Mediterranean Fleet. However, where the "Victory" served was not fixed. When Nelson pursued Napoleon's Egyptian fleet, there was still a commander in the Mediterranean fleet. He felt insulted by the appointment of the Lord of the Navy, and he requested to be sent to a military court to prove himself. of innocence.

The court rejected his request, and he sued the Lord of the Admiralty. When the court refused again, the commander challenged the Lord of the Admiralty to a duel. The current Lord of the Admiralty was almost 70 years old, and he was still serving as a civilian rather than a combat commander. able to work, George III ordered that commander to withdraw the provocation.

Fox, who was also in the opposition, felt that it was impossible for Britain to take back North America. James Monroe had been active in Europe for so long, and Lucien seemed to be persuaded by his "Monroe Doctrine" anyway.

Lucien is Napoleon’s brother. Will he take a bullet for Napoleon? Or is it just like what happened in front of the Council of Five Hundred during the Coup of Brumaire, when Brutus stops Caesar from destroying the republic?

Montesquieu wrote "The Decline and Fall of Rome", and a British man named Edward Gibbon also wrote "The History of the Decline and Fall of Rome". Compared with Montesquieu, his historical materials on the Eastern Roman Empire are more detailed. Belisarius Not only was he a good general, he was also an orator, and he relied on his eloquence to become a senator and mayor of Constantinople.

In his records, Belisarius once said: "When dealing with my enemies, I am more accustomed to giving them advice than to taking advice. I hold in my hands the inevitable destruction, and at the same time I hold the Peace and freedom.”

What initially attracted Mr. Martin was a notice posted on the wall, "The Frenchman holds an olive branch in one hand and a sword of victory in the other." When they first met, he gave him olive leaf earrings made of emeralds. Georgiana.

Emeralds are very fragile, and Georgiana usually does not wear them. However, when the wife of the Batavia envoy to Amiens came to call her, Georgiana returned to her room and asked La Rochefoucauld to keep the jewelry for herself. The lady took it out and put it on, and also put on an emerald necklace.

It was so short that the last time Georgiana wore it, she had worn it as a bindi, like the maid in the Odyssey, anointing Menelaus, the victorious King of Sparta, with olive oil at the edge of the bath.

The sentimental, poet-like "Krison" appears briefly, but he is ultimately a rational man who can become very scary.

  When she came to the study, he was standing reading documents. He looked business as usual, not at all "vulnerable" as Mr. Martin said.

 But when he raised his head and looked at her, her heart immediately jumped.

 “Come and shave me.” He said as an order and walked out from behind the desk.

Marchand had everything ready. He sat down in an armchair and wrapped a towel around his neck.

 Georgiana picked up the razor on the silver plate. It was so sharp that it could even reflect her face like a mirror.

“I heard you almost killed Bessières,” he said casually.

“Just give him some blood so that he can remember the lesson.” She said as she sat on his lap.

She looked at his cheeks carefully and found that he didn't have much beard.

 Then she observed his neck. The Adam's apple was hidden in the Feng Ji button. The male's carotid artery was under the Adam's apple. If this position was hit hard, it would cause temporary ischemia or insufficient oxygen supply, leading to coma. “Do you want to bleed me?” he asked with a smile.

She smiled sweetly, turned around, picked up the soft brush, and applied the shaving foam on his face.

 Others only sprayed a little bit of perfume, but he was almost soaked in it, and the rich smell of cologne almost overwhelmed her.

"You didn't make a mistake, why should I punish you." She said after applying the foam, put down the brush and picked up the razor.

“Think about the consequences. What will you do if I die?” he said, looking at the razor.

 “What will I do if you die?” she asked expressionlessly.

"You are so beautiful." He put his hand on the back of her waist. "Do you know how many people envy me?"

 She glared at him angrily.

 “You were so proactive that day, were you trying to prove it to others?” he asked in a good mood.

 “What do you want to prove to others?” she asked inexplicably.

 “You can control me,” he said quietly.

 She thought he might have been abducted by aliens and then put a chip or something in his brain to control him.

 “Why else were you so proactive?” he asked with an interested smile.

 “Didn’t you tell Father Piazzi?” asked Georgiana.

This time it was his turn to be confused.

 “What did I tell him?” asked Napoleon.

“It was you who closed down the Inquisition,” she replied, “and stopped the Church from persecuting them.”

 “So...you want to thank me?” he said in surprise.

  She didn’t know why, but she felt very angry and wanted to put down the razor.

 But he caught her hand and stopped her.

“Go on,” he said pleasantly, placing her razor hand on her neck. “Finish your job.”

She looked into his smiling eyes and did not obey his orders. Instead, she put her hand along the lapel of the "hiding hand gift" and inserted it into his arms.

 It’s amazing that dead people can have heartbeats.

 “What are you doing?” he asked in a good mood.

“You know, Leon, Mantua is Virgil’s hometown,” said Georgiana. “You have left that swamp.”

 He raised his hand to brush her hair.

“The sound of the drums I hear now is enough to shake the Alps.”

  She thought he might have used a spell on her to make her dizzy.

 Then she kissed him recklessly.

Now she also heard the drumbeat, but it was not the drumbeat of conscience, but the drumbeat of charge.

 It seems to have awakened the monster hiding in the mountains. It has been hungry for a long time.

Although it was written in French on a ruined wall burned by the fire, "The devil is dead."

 (End of this chapter)

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