Chapter 3221 xyz (1)

When Harry summoned the Patronus by the lake in the Forbidden Forest, the white light from the wand in his hand flashed like the rhythm of his heart.

 The wizard's mood will affect the power of the spell. In comparison, potions are much more stable, because people's emotions are often stable when making potions, but this is not always the case, such as explosive potions.

When the white light in her mind gradually disappeared, a strong feeling of exhaustion came over her. She lay weakly on the smooth silk, as if her magic power had been drained.

The bedside in the blue room was decorated with horns of plenty, and she remembered there were grapes on the relief. She had spent a few days with Severus in an Alpine shepherd's cabin, and she had played a game with him in which she played the slave girl and he played Nero.

 It was a bad game, but they played it very happily. The juice of the grapes was as sweet as a kiss. Although it did not have the alcohol contained in wine, it was just as intoxicating.

She smelled the aroma of food and the sound of people chewing.

  She could smell chicken, eggs, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and brandy.

But she didn’t think the dish was delicious.

There was a monster who was sitting by the roaring fireplace and gulping down food, as if the devil was having his dinner in hell.

 She moved her fingers and touched the emerald necklace. Combined with the fire opal on her hand, it reminded her of an "old friend".

The scene where the maid anointed the King of Sparta with olive oil happened at the wedding. At that time, the King of Sparta's two sons and daughters were with Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, and the Spartans who also participated in the Trojan War. daughter gets married.

Neoptolemus took Hector's widow Andromache as his own. In Racine's story, Andromache agreed to a forced marriage in order to save his son's life, but was not prepared to marry anyone else. Decided to take his own life before the wedding.

In ancient Greek tragedy, Andromache, like other Trojan women, was assigned to victors like Neoptolemus. She wanted to smile at the enemy who killed her beloved husband.

The son of the king of Sparta was born to a slave girl. Helen only gave birth to a daughter, and the gods did not give her the ability to have children. This daughter married Neoptolemus. It is said that she was as beautiful as her mother.

No matter how beautiful the Queen of Sparta was, she could not avoid the situation of competing with the female slaves to have children, but the tall palace was filled with joyful music, and guests kept coming. Before taking their seats, the dusty guests had to take a bath in the bathroom, and the maids They coat them with olive oil.

 According to ancient Greek custom, the king of Sparta could only ask questions to the guests after they had eaten. The two guests were certainly not as rude as the suitors at Odysseus' house. They praised the king's gorgeous decorations during the banquet, but the king was not happy or complacent.

He brought these back from Troy, endured countless hardships and wanderings, and took eight years to carry them home in a ship. Many people did not die in Troy, but died on the way back. Sparta The king felt that he would rather use two-thirds of his wealth in exchange for the safety of those warriors.

 Why not all wealth?

 How did he calculate the price of life?

Someone once wrote a poem praising Frederick William. There was a man who waded through a river made of blood, stepped on a mountain made of corpses, and overlooked the battlefield.

 He may feel elated and consider this his achievement.

Women will watch this scene and howl in despair, looking for the bodies of their relatives in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

 A yellow diamond that once belonged to the Duke of Burgundy was discovered by a peasant. The former Duke was nothing more than a pile of flesh and blood.

 Severus said that she was arrogant by nature and was just pretending to be humble. She had also reflected on this seriously.

There is a German lullaby. A young mother wants to go out and play, but in order to take care of the baby in the cradle, she complains and sings to coax him to sleep.

 But the child refused to sleep, as if he was a little devil. Until the child smiled at her, she felt like an angel again.

 A mother does not give birth to a child to make him a stepping stone for others.

Although she has no children, she understands this feeling because she has been taking care of children for others.

Normally speaking, she is in her forties and has lost her feminine charm. No one will worry about what will happen to her after his death.

 But she is not a saint, and she also has inner desires.

 After all, women long for love more than war. If women are easily lost in love, then men are easily lost in war.

She remembered that her purpose in staying in this world was to make the Peace of Amiens longer and not so short.

 Then she touched her ears subconsciously, and an olive leaf earring was missing. No wonder she felt that one side was heavy and the other was as light as nothing.

 She wanted to get up and search.

“Don’t look for it, it’s here with me.” He said lazily, wiped his mouth with a napkin and threw it casually on the table.

She wanted to say something, but she could only watch him walking towards her with marching steps.

 He put on the colonel's uniform.

She remembered that the Bonaparte woman put his clothes in her wardrobe. At that time, she felt it was inappropriate and wanted to take it out.

 At this time, he sat on the edge of the bed and gently helped her up.

 “Why do you want to wear those earrings so much?” he asked softly.

"That was given to me by Mr. Martin, an olive leaf in one hand and a sword of victory in the other." She said obediently, her voice a little hoarse.

 He smiled like a virgin, grabbed her hand, and looked at the fire opal ring on her hand.

 “What you get at such a high price is indeed worth it.” He looked at the ring and said with satisfaction.

There is an idiom called superfluous, and she felt that it was not a good idea to mention Belisarius at this time. "I want to place Ma Qi with you." He put down her hand and said, "From now on, the Cadastral Authority and the Paris Agricultural Society will be yours."

 “What’s mine?” she said unhappily, “That belongs to the country and the people.”

 He sighed deeply, "I wish you were a man."

 “An Englishman?” asked Georgiana.

His expression became very contradictory, looking like he was smiling and gritting his teeth.

 “You may be unhappy with what I’m going to say next, and maybe you’ll never pay attention to me again.”

 “How could it be?” He immediately denied it.

“Maintaining law and order cannot be accomplished by violence and obedience alone, and Fouche cannot be replaced.”

 He really changed his face.

“Those who follow you have pure souls, and doing this will cost them.”

 He did not have an attack, scolded her for being afraid of difficulties, making excuses or anything like that.

"Don't think that death is unfortunate. It is also a blessing to die on the battlefield or fall on flowers and grass." She said expressionlessly, "Death is the beginning of immortality."

 He suddenly stood up.

She waited for his thunderous wrath.

"Do you want me to find someone to take you back? You set the rules." He said restrainedly.

 She immediately found something to wear.

 He did not leave, but kept looking at her.

 But she searched for a long time and couldn't find the one she was wearing when she arrived. Instead, she found the silver satin tutu.

 She looked at him angrily.

"If you don't wear this, do you want to go back naked?" he said confidently.

 Wear it, of course.

She endured her anger and put on the clothes. Fortunately, the belt that could strangle people was gone.

But when her legs touched the ground, she felt weak and needed his help to stand firm.

 He suddenly laughed strangely.

 “What?” she asked angrily.

“At Saint-Jacques, we are out of ammunition and have to pick up the shells that have fallen into the sand,” he said, maintaining his strange expression.

This time she understood, gained strength, and pushed him aside.

No matter what "good things" he did, they were in the clear.

 When she left his room, she came to the map room. At this time, there was no one waiting to see him.

 She looked at the map on the wall through the moonlight outside the window.

 In fact, the current mapping technology is not perfect yet, and there is a big gap between the maps she saw in the 20th century.

People in the 18th century generally believed that the range of a cannonball was the width of the territorial sea. This was determined by the war between Britain and the Netherlands, which was fought back and forth in the North Sea.

But earlier in the 16th and 17th centuries, some people proposed that the width of the territorial sea should be "the horizon as far as the eye can see." Navigators at that time believed that what they saw was what they got, and Spain and Portugal still needed papal arbitration to "divide the world."

 But how big are these two countries on the earth?

The territorial sea baseline is the low-tide line along the coast marked on a large-scale chart. The inward side is the territorial sea, including the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone. If this line is drawn, French fishermen will not need to fish in their own territorial waters. Worried about interference by warships from other countries.

  But it is not easy to determine this baseline. Not only is it a question of whether it is able to hold it after it is drawn, the scale on this map is wrong.

  Since they were all Napoleon’s old classmates, how could she let Ma Qi do the work of surveying the land and making cadastres?

 She looked back at the room she just left and sneered.

 She ran out of "ammo" so quickly. Severus had been with her for four days. It seemed that there was still a gap between wizards and Muggles.

 Then she went away humming Handel's song.

 (End of this chapter)

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