Cloud Night carefully avoided Hogwarts’ Night’s Watch, and like Filch a thousand years later, Hogwarts had already had the position of Night’s Watch a thousand years ago, except that today’s Night’s Watch is not Filch.

Yunye slowly walked in the Hogwarts campus, and now there was another question in front of Yunye, that is, where was Yunye lurking on the Hogwarts campus?

Hogwarts has a lot of hidden places, but Cloud Night is not sure whether these places the Hogwarts Big Four know or not, after all, there is no reason why the Hogwarts Big Four are built here and are unfamiliar, and it is actually difficult for Cloud Night to find an unknown place.

Yunye also thought about the house of demand, that place even if the Hogwarts Four knew that there was a place, they might not be able to find it, but it was the best place for Yunye to hide.

However, Yun Ye felt that the house was not as safe as he thought.

The House of Demand has always existed on the Hogwarts campus, and many people in the Hogwarts calendar have found the existence of the House of Demand, even Dumbledore has recorded it, there are already many people who have been recorded, and there are not a few people who have found the House of Demand without a record.

Therefore, the house of demand seems to be safe, but in fact, it is full of various instability, may be hidden in the cloud night, there are students to go to the toilet or accidentally pass by to open the house of demand, then the cloud night will also be exposed.

Cloudy quickly rejects the Room of Response, and instead meditates on which place is the safest place to keep Hogwarts.

“Then the portrait world… It is also inappropriate that the living cannot stay in it for too long, and there is no way to hide for a long time. ”

Yunye turned a corner and came to a bathroom, although the appearance had changed, but Yunye quickly recognized that this was the bathroom that they had become Myrtle Lady a thousand years later.

This washroom is the entrance to the Slytherin Heir Chamber of Secrets, and Myrtle is the poor person who was accidentally killed by the Basilisk a thousand years later, grasping this bathroom, making it ghostly, and no one dares to come close.

The current bathroom is very normal, there is nothing out of the ordinary.

Yunye frowned, he didn’t know if the Slytherin Heirs’ Chamber of Secrets was now built, but on closer inspection, it seemed that this place was quite suitable for Yunye to hide.

Because Hogwarts had been recorded in the Chamber of Secrets of the Slytherin Heirs, no one was able to enter it for thousands of years, and it was not until Voldemort entered Hogwarts that the Chamber of Secrets had its owner.

That is, the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, where one person in the Leitlin knows the exact location, and no one else will enter it.

Yunye’s eyes narrowed, if so, he still had a chance to hide in the Chamber of Secrets, in case Slytherin entered the Chamber of Secrets, he attacked Slyther to solve the Slytherin, is not it directly weakening the power of the Hogwarts Big Four?

Yun Ye immediately walked to the position of the open wash basin, his lips moved slightly, and his language changed into a snake cavity, and slowly said: “Open the door!” ”

There was nothing unusual about the faucet, as if he couldn’t understand Yunye’s words, but Yunye was not in a hurry, but stared at the wash basin tightly, and sure enough, after a while, the wash basin slowly moved, revealing a bottomless passage in the middle.

The corners of Yunye’s mouth were crooked, and sure enough, as he thought, Slytherin had built his heir’s chamber, and if nothing else, there would be a Basilisk in it.

Yunye did not hesitate to enter this dark passage, and his body slid through the passage and quickly moved to the depths of the earth.

However, Yunye pressed his own magic breath to the extreme, if it were not for the naked eye watching Yunye glide down, the breath and sound alone would not have detected the infiltration of Yunye.

With the entry of the cloudy night, the bathroom also slowly returned to its original state, and there was no change at all.

The Chamber of Secrets is exactly the same as when Cloud Night enters, the only difference being the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.

Yun Ye could feel that a Basilisk was being kept in the Chamber of Secrets, but now the Basilisk was still very weak, lying motionless in the pool of the Chamber of Secrets, who would know that this Basilisk would grow up to become another threat to Hogwarts?

Yunye couldn’t help but touch his arm, there was a hidden Basilisk Nagil that Yunye had obtained in the Chamber of Secrets before, but Yunye could feel that Nagil and the Basilisk were not the same Basilisk, it should only be a grandfather-grandson relationship.

Yunye found a hidden corner in the secret room to hide, and Nagil, who was staying in the pool, slowly stuck his tongue out of the water, looked around curiously, and did not find anything before he went back to the bottom of the water and fell asleep, as if nothing had changed.

Yun Ye also pressed all his fluctuating breath to the extreme, hiding to the side like a stone statue, no longer moving.

The next day, the Hogwarts Conference Room, which was the location of the office of the Headmaster Hogwarts a thousand years later, now had four seats, plus a newly added position.

The Hogwarts Four sat in their seats, looking solemnly at the documents in their hands, and it was Dumbledore who was in the new position, frowning and looking at the letters in his hands.

After half a ring, Dumbledore said, “I’m basically sure that the person who went to the Scandinavian Mountains and successfully killed the Double Dragon should be Cloud Night!” ”

Gryffindor wondered; “Did you find any evidence?”

Dumbledore paused, shook his head slowly, and said, “There is no evidence, this is just my guess, but with my understanding of Cloud Night, this speculation is eighty percent accurate.” ”

Ravenclaw asked, “Why did Cloud Night go all the way to the Scandinavian Mountains, is there any benefit to Cloud Night to kill the Double Dragon?” ”


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