Dumbledore’s face stagnated, “I don’t know this very well, but according to the news, when the Double Dragon was discovered, it was not already turned into a bone terror, everything on his body was absorbed by some kind of power, I guess it was Yun Ye who used some evil method to absorb the power of the Double Dragon to enhance his own strength.” ”

Hufflepuff looked ugly, “Is there such an evil spell?” ”

Dumbledore spread his hands and said, “Who knows Yunye, Yunye was just a student a few years ago, at most he was the level of an elite wizard, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years, there must be secrets that are not known to anyone, and it is also possible that he can absorb the power of the Double Dragon!” ”

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw glanced at each other, and both could see the anger and disdain in each other’s hearts.

Gryffindor asked, “Then Albus, do you think we should rush past the Scandinavian Mountains?” ”

While Dumbledore was thinking, Slytherin said, “I don’t think it’s necessary, it’s been a while since the news of the Scandinavian slaying of the Double Dragon came back, and if I were a cloudy night, I wouldn’t be so stupid to stay in the Scandinavian Mountains.” ”

Dumbledore nodded, “I also think that this boy of Yunye is so treacherous and cunning that he will not stay in the Scandinavian Mountains anymore, and he certainly does not know where to hide.” ”

Gryffindor frowned, “You mean, we’ve lost the news of Cloud Night again?” ”

Dumbledore nodded helplessly, during this time the Hogwarts Four had sent a lot of people to look for the news of the cloud night, and the strange wizards who came and went on the Hogwarts campus were the eyeliners they sent out, constantly giving them feedback on intelligence.

It was not easy to find the figure of the cloud night in the intelligence of Scandinavia, but it was so quick to lose the clue again, and the five people felt a little depressed in their hearts.

Hufflepuff said reluctantly, “Or let’s go to the Scandinavian Mountains, maybe Yunye just thinks we won’t go looking for him so we stay there?” ”

When Ravenclaw heard this, there was also a look of hope in his eyes, and he immediately looked at the others, wanting to get a positive answer.

Slytherin was the first to object: “We went in vain, it was useless.” ”

Dumbledore also nodded helplessly, “Cloud Night will not have this kind of luck, and I also think he has left the Scandinavian Mountains long ago.” ”

Hearing Slytherin and Dumbledore’s opposition, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had to set their sights on Gryffindor.

Gryffindor also shook his head, “We’d better not leave Hogwarts casually, if the night raids Hogwarts in the gap between our departures, it will be great.” ”

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw nodded helplessly when they heard Gryffindor, thinking that if Yunye attacked Hogwarts while they left, the consequences would indeed not be what they could bear.

Slytlinton paused for a moment and said, “I see that today is also fruitless, I have left beforehand.” ”

Gryffindor and the others looked at Slytherin, and Dumbledore also looked at Slytherin with a curious look.

They had the impression that Slytherin was not such an early departure, and that Slytherins would not have left their meetings early for any particular reason.

Gryffindor asked, “Is there something wrong?” ”

Slytherin shook his head lightly, “There’s no problem, it’s just that I’m a little tired today and want to go back early to rest.” ”

Gryffindor and the others were also surprised and didn’t think much of it, Slytherin left the conference room, went to Hogwarts’ kitchen to get a large piece of beef, and then slowly walked to a place in Hogwarts, which was the entrance to the bathroom of the Slytherin Secret Room!

Usually, Slytherin also has the habit of breeding Basilisks, but they only go after Slytherin has nothing else to do, and it is a very strange phenomenon to raise Basilisks without even attending meetings like today.

Slytherin came to the bathroom, opened the door of the Chamber of Secrets with snake language, and proceeded along the passage towards the Chamber of Secrets, and the cloud night located in the Chamber of Secrets immediately found that Slytherin came to the Chamber of Secrets, quietly destroying the space around the Chamber of Secrets, and the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets slowly closed.

This Slytherin Chamber of Secrets has truly become a Chamber of Secrets, and Cloud Night has made up her mind to kill Slytherin and weaken the strength of the Hogwarts Big Four!

Slytherin took a huge piece of beef and strode toward the pool of secrets, where the Basilisk happily drilled its head out of the water, and the spit in and out of its mouth kept coming in and out, expressing its joy.

Yun Ye saw that this Basilisk was only the size of an arm, it was only a child, and now it was rubbing the ankle of Slytherin affectionately, and his eyes were looking longingly at the huge piece of beef in Slytherin’s hand.

The Slytherin sat in front of the Basilisk, the beef lying flat on the ground, and the Basilisk cooked over the snake’s head and feasted on the beef.

Slytherin looked at the Basilisk calmly, without any expression on his face, as if he had sat still.

Yunye was hidden in a corner of the Chamber of Secrets, both the magic fluctuations and the breathing were suppressed to the minimum, Yunye was very confident that Slytherin would definitely not find himself, he had to wait for only a moment, a time for him to kill with one blow!

Slytherin’s lips opened slightly, and a hoarse voice spread throughout the room.

“Cloud Night, I know you’re here, come out.”

Yun Ye’s heart was cold, and he did not continue to hide, slowly stepped out of the shadows, looked at Slytherin ordinary, and said, “You already knew that I was here?” ”

Slytherin snorted undeniably, his body motionless, still with his back to the cloudy night, as if he had no defense against the cloudy night.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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