Yunye slowly walked to the front of Slytherin, the spatial stability here had been destroyed by Yunye, Yunye was confident that Slytherin could not escape from his palm, and now it was just discovered, so Yunye was not in a hurry to make a move.

Yunye looked at the calm Slytherin in front of him, “Since you know I’m here, do you dare to come here alone?” ”

Slytherin smiled lightly and said, “Are you surprised?” ”

Yunye didn’t deny it and nodded, “That’s right.” ”

According to the character of the Hogwarts Big Four, shouldn’t they notify each other as soon as they find out about the clouds?

But now that Slytherin had spotted Cloudy Night, he hadn’t informed the other giants and Dumbledore, what was the matter?

Yun Ye paused and said, “Do you have anything to do with me?” ”

Slytherin looked at Yun Ye with a smirk and said, “You are a smart person, and it is much easier to deal with smart people.” ”

Yun Ye said coldly, “Aren’t you afraid that I will kill you directly?” ”

Slytherin smiled and said, “You won’t, because you and I are the same kind of person.” ”

Yunye snorted coldly and said, “Do you think you know me very well?” ”

Slytherin said, “I’ve heard about you from Dumbledore. ”

When Yunye heard Dumbledore and the Hogwarts Big Four say something about themselves, his face became a little ugly, and he already sensed that what Dumbledore said would not be good for him.

Slytherin continued, “You don’t have to think too much, if I want to deal with you, do you think you can still talk to me for so long?” I just have something I want to ask you. ”

Yun Ye was stunned, understanding that Slytherin did not have any ill will toward him, and that if Slytherin knew his location in advance, if he said that Slytherin was not prepared, Yun Ye would not believe it.

Cloudy Night no longer had the advantage of killing Slytherin.

Yunye stared at Slytherin tightly, “But before that, I wonder how you know I’m here?” ”

Slytherin smiled lightly and said, “You are very smart and powerful, but smart people are always mistaken by cleverness, if you just sneak into Hogwarts, with your strength and your understanding of Hogwarts, I’m afraid we really can’t find your existence.” ”

Yun Ye frowned, did not answer, and stared closely at Slytherin.

Slytherington paused for a moment and said, “But you came to the Chamber of Secrets I built, you can suppress your breath and your magic fluctuations, but you can’t suppress the smell on your body, your smell is incompatible with here, this is the main reason why I found you.” ”

Yun Ye said, “That is to say, when I entered the Chamber of Secrets, you sensed it?” ”

Slytherin reached out and touched his head, nodded, “Yes, this guy found you, but I just told it not to alarm you.” ”

Yun Ye’s heart fluttered, and he had already been discovered by Slytherin, but this was also his own negligence, not taking into account his own smell, and snakes were also quite sensitive to smell.

But in fact, it is no wonder that Cloud Night, and in the era of Cloud Night, Slytherin has long been dead, and Cloud Night certainly does not know that his smell can still be detected.

Yun Ye said, “Do you have anything you want to know?” ”

Slytherin did not tell the other giants and Dumbledore about his infiltration into the Chamber of Secrets, and there must be Slytherin’s intentions.

Slytherin nodded, “I want to know about you.” ”

Yun Ye was slightly stunned, repeated Slytherin’s words, and said, “You want to know about me? ”

Slytherin said, “Yes, Dumbledore has already told us about you, but I’d like to make sure of it again from your mouth.” ”

Yunye’s eyes narrowed, “What do you want to know?” ”

Slytherin smiled lightly and said, “Everything about you!” ”

Yunye took a breath, and Slytherin’s attitude now puzzled Yunye.

However, Yunye also knew that this was also an opportunity for himself.

Dumbledore must not have said good things about himself, as can be seen from the Hogwarts Big Four’s targeting of himself.

And now Slytherin will have such a question, indicating that Slytherin does not trust Dumbledore, if he can get Slytherin’s trust, it will invisibly weaken the strength of the Hogwarts Big Four!

Yun Ye smiled and said, “Good! ”

So Yunye began to tell his story of his experience at Hogwarts, and like Dumbledore, Yunye also spoke according to the facts, but Dumbledore deliberately omitted or did not mention Yunye’s exploits to Hogwarts, and Yunye also told it.

The more Slytherin listened, the more shocked he became, and he asked, “Voldemort infiltrated Hogwarts in the first grade, if it weren’t for you, wouldn’t he have obtained the Philosopher’s Stone?” ”

“I didn’t expect you to be able to discover the secrets of the Chamber of Secrets, and you really had a relationship with me.”

“Little Peter, such an ungrateful person, if you hadn’t really let him escape!”

“If it weren’t for you, Hogwarts wouldn’t have won, and Voldemort would have killed Harry!”

“Dumbledore is so stupid as to question you for such nothingness, and what you’ve done can’t he see!”

As Yunye recounted his past, Slytherin kept talking about his own views, and he also heard that Yunye was not exaggerating, just telling the truth.

There was a big difference between what Yunye said and Dumbledore, who always deliberately omitted Yunye’s exploits to Hogwarts, but highlighted Yunye’s bad side to the school.

When he heard that Dumbledore was going to take a shot at Yunye and the Yunjia, Slytherin finally couldn’t help it, and slapped the stone brick on the side.

Only to hear Slytherin shouting, “Ridiculous! Dumbledore is simply incomprehensible! ”


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