When the wizarding community in the United States became a sensation because of this, this matter also spread, and the whole world was shocked by this incident.

After all, although the U.S. Department of Magic is not the most powerful Ministry of Magic, in the world, the U.S. Department of Magic can also rank in the top three.

How could such a powerful Ministry of Magic be annihilated overnight and by a mysterious wizard, such an explosion not attract the intense attention of the Ministries of Magic in other countries?

Ministry of Templar Magic in Rome, Italy.

The strength of the Italian Ministry of Magic and the American Ministry of Magic can be said to be on par, the same is ranked in the top three in the world, if not the United States itself is many times stronger than Italy, the same training of many powerful wizards, I am afraid that the strength of the Italian Ministry of Magic will be stronger than the United States Ministry of Magic.

At this time, the Ministry of Magic of the Roman Temple, the minister’s office, is now full of a large group of wizards dressed in white robes, most of these wizards are more than half a hundred years old, white-haired, but their bodies contain extremely powerful magic fluctuations, and they are all extremely powerful wizards in the eyes.

Sitting at the main desk of the minister’s office was an elderly man, with an esoteric mark on his white wizard’s robe, the mark of Italy’s most famous family, the Romansaya family!

The head of the Romansaya family is now the Minister of Magic of Italy, Romansaye Kaiser!

Roman Sayer slowly tasted a glass of red wine in front of him, his face was very serious, and there was no sound for half a day, and the high-level wizards of the Italian Ministry of Magic around him also stood quietly on the side, with a solemn face, and did not dare to interrupt Roman Sayer’s meaning.

After a good half a ring, Roman Sayer said slowly, “Have you checked the matter of the US Department of Magic?” ”

A high-ranking wizard of the Italian Ministry of Magic quickly stepped forward and said, “Mr. Minister, the situation in the United States is so chaotic that we can’t investigate anything at all, and the only thing we can know is that this mysterious wizard is likely to be from England.” ”

Roman Sayer frowned slightly, “How do you judge this?” ”

The senior wizard of the Ministry of Magic said, “Not that I judged, but after the New Haven incident, many American fishing ships have been discussing this matter, and have been investigated, before the New Haven incident was a British ship came to New Haven, and this ship was treated the same.” ”

Roman Sayer frowned deadly, “But now the British Ministry of Magic is also unable to protect itself, how can it be the hands and feet of the British Ministry of Magic?” ”

Hearing Roman Sayer’s words, the high-level demons around Italy also pondered, the strength of the British Ministry of Magic can be described as the world’s largest, and even it is okay to lead the Ministry of Magic of other countries.

So it is understandable that such a terrible wizard appeared in Britain, but now the situation in the British Ministry of Magic is known to the world.

A more anti-heavenly figure appeared in the British Ministry of Magic, gradually overthrowing the rule of the British Ministry of Magic, and even broke out the Great War of the Wizarding of the Sky, at this time the British Ministry of Magic had no spare power to pay attention to foreign affairs.

But how does this mysterious wizard from the English steamship explain?

Roman Sayer sighed and said, “Nowadays, the wizarding world in the whole world is becoming more and more chaotic, and if this continues, I’m afraid that we old decays won’t last long.” ”

The high-ranking wizards of the Italian Ministry of Magic around them also bowed their heads and sighed helplessly, these wizards were indeed powerful and famous in all of Italy, but compared to those wizards who were really powerful against the sky, they were nothing at all.

Just like the American Ministry of Magic, it can be called the top three ministries of magic in the world, but even so, it has not been directly destroyed by a mysterious wizard.

Even the British Ministry of Magic, which can be called the world’s first, is constantly in the situation, more than ten years ago there was a Voldemort, and now there is another cloudy night, and finally it is inevitable to disappear.

Doesn’t all this mean that the younger generation is constantly replacing the older generation?

A high-ranking wizard spoke up: “Mr. Minister, what do you think, there have been accidents in Britain and the United States, and we need to take some action.” ”

The rest of the high-level wizards also nodded, and now there are only a few ministries of magic in the world that are recognized as relatively powerful, and the United Kingdom and the United States have problems one after another, and it is when the Italian Ministry of Magic is fishing in muddy waters!

Roman Sayer also nodded, “You are right, now that the wizarding world in the United Kingdom and the United States is in extreme chaos, you will immediately send people to the wizarding world of the two countries to attract powerful wizarding resources, and you can also send people to collect the magical resources of their wizarding world, and their chaos is when we are strong!” ”

The high-level wizards of the Italian Ministry of Magic around them have sneered, it is really a mess, originally the Italian Ministry of Magic is not at all better than the British Ministry of Magic and the American Ministry of Magic, but after this toss, who knows if the Italian Ministry of Magic will become the most powerful Ministry of Magic?

Just as the Italian Sanctuary of Magic was in the midst of a burst of rejoicing, Roman Sayer’s face darkened again, “But there is one thing you have to remember.” ”

The high-ranking wizards were all stunned, looking at Roman Sayer in puzzlement, not knowing what Roman Saya was going to say.

Roman Sayer’s expression became extremely severe, “If you meet strange and mysterious people, you must not offend, even if you don’t want that little benefit, I don’t want to provoke a terrible enemy to the Italian Ministry of Magic and Magic!” ”

The high-ranking wizards were solemn, understanding what Roman Sayer meant.


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