It is true that although the British and American Ministries of Magic were overthrown, there are still many terrifying wizards like the mysterious wizard and the cloud night in Britain and the United States, and these big people are not something they can provoke.

The Italian Ministry of Magic is a great power Ministry of Magic, so it can fish in muddy waters and even strengthen itself when there is such a great chaos in the wizarding world in Britain and the United States.

But with the exception of a few great ministries of magic in the world, most of them are smaller ministries of magic, just like the Israeli Ministry of Magic.

The strength of the Israeli Ministry of Magic itself is not strong, especially after experiencing Voldemort’s rebellion, not only the domestic wizarding community is very small, but also there are many wizards mixed into the Israeli wizarding world secretly causing trouble, so that the atmosphere of the Israeli wizarding world continues to decline.

However, such an outcome is always much better than the consequences of the entire Ministry of Magic being annihilated by Voldemort.

The headquarters of the Israeli Ministry of Magic, due to the previous Voldemort rebellion, the headquarters is still under construction and restoration, and only a few places have been successfully rebuilt, and among these places is the office of the Israeli Minister of Magic Norwich.

At this time, in Norwich’s office, there stood a dozen or so high-level Israeli ministries of magic, compared to other countries’ ministries of magic, a dozen high-level is already a very small number, but the Israeli Ministry of Magic has no way to face such a situation.

After all, Voldemort had only been killing in the Israeli Ministry of Magic before, and it was quite good to be able to survive this team.

Norwich had a serious look on his face and said in a loud voice, “What is the situation in Britain and the United States now, and why are there such big things?” ”

A high-ranking member of the Israeli Ministry of Magic said: “Mr. Minister, Britain is now the war between the rebels of Cloudy Night and the British Ministry of Magic, and it is said that the victory and defeat have been divided, and the rebels of Cloudy Night have overthrown the rule of the British Ministry of Magic.” ”

Norwich nodded slowly, “I have long felt that this person of Yunye must have great luck, whether it is strength or mentality, Yunye is the best choice, and this kind of person who is selected by heaven will not be mediocre.” ”

The top brass of the Ministry of Magic frowned, “Mr. Minister, you don’t know, although the rebels led by Yunye overthrew the rule of the British Ministry of Magic, Yunye was also unknown by Dumbledore, and his whereabouts are still unknown.” ”

Norwich Manchi was stunned and stunned: “Cloud Night is missing? ”

The senior echelon of the Ministry of Magic nodded, “At least I can’t hear anything about Mr. Yunye now, and even Yunye’s subordinates don’t know Mr. Yunye’s whereabouts now.” ”

Norwich said, “I believe that there will be no problem with the cloud night, he has helped us overcome such a big difficulty before our Israeli Ministry of Magic, and this time he will certainly not have a problem.” ”

The rest of the Israeli Ministry of Magic high-level people nodded their heads, and although they had been with Yunye for a short time, they all knew Yunye’s strength and personality, and they all had a blind trust in Yunye.

Norwich said, “What about the United States?” ”

The senior level of the Ministry of Magic sighed and said, “I heard that it is an unknown wizard, most likely from the United Kingdom, who single-handedly destroyed the cities of New Haven and Washington, as well as the US Department of Magic and the Military Base of Area 51, and the strength is very terrifying.” ”

Hearing this high-level person say this, another senior member of the Ministry of Magic hesitated for a moment and said, “Will the cloud night disappear in Britain, and at the same time a British wizard with such a powerful strength wreaks havoc in the United States?” ”

Everyone heard the wizard’s implications, but many of them immediately shook their heads, they did not believe that Yunye would abandon his men and go to the United States to cause such destruction.

“What nonsense are you talking about, how can Mr. Yunye be such a person?”

“No, it wasn’t all said that Mr. Cloudy had disappeared by Dumbledore’s unknown means, and said this!”

For a time, the top level of the Israeli Ministry of Magic was furious and aimed the finger at this high-level Israeli Ministry of Magic who said the wrong thing, making this high-level person blush and dare not speak again.

Norwich had no choice but to say, “Well, he didn’t mean it, so don’t say it.” ”

Since Norwich had said so, the rest of the Ministry of Magic did not dare to speak again.

Norwich sighed and said, “That evil wizard in the United States must not be Mr. Night, but I didn’t expect that after Voldemort, there was still a more powerful evil wizard, and the wizarding world in today’s world is really worrying!” ”

The surrounding Israeli Ministry of Magic could not help but sigh, after a Voldemort, and now there is a more powerful wizard, as the Ministry of Magic of a weak country, it is indeed very powerless about this.

Norwich muttered, “Now that the wizarding world is in constant chaos, and Mr. Yunye has been missing for such a long time, we must stabilize the situation in the country and not let some villains take advantage of the void!” ”

The top brass of the Israeli Ministry of Magic responded at the same time, but the faces of everyone present could not help but dim a little.

This is indeed the sadness of their small country Ministry of Magic, which can only defend against some clown-like figures who jump from beams, and if they really face Voldemort, mysterious wizards and other powerful people, they will inevitably be defeated.

Of course, Norwich also noticed the thoughts of his subordinates, but he could not do anything, although he was the minister of the Israeli Ministry of Magic, but in terms of strength alone, he was just an ordinary wizard, and he was powerless to change anything.

Norwich sighed and said, “Don’t think about it, since we can escape the disaster of Voldemort before, we will not be all right this time, don’t worry about the sky, others may not necessarily look up to our little land of Israel.” ”


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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