Norwich is not wrong to say this, although the small country is weak, but the small country also has the way of survival of the small country, others really do not necessarily look at the small place of Israel, which can no longer be small, but this sentence is also said with a sense of inferiority.

This is how the Ministry of Magic of the Small Nation survives, after all, the world is still a world of the weak and the strong, and this will never change.


London, England, in a valley.

In the originally unremarkable position, a strange space distortion suddenly occurred, which was a strange energy of time and space, constantly emanating from it, and a small vortex appeared in space.

A figure was violently spewed out of it, as if targeted and disdained by the time and space force, this person looked a little embarrassed when he came out, and for this person, the time and space forces around him seemed to be very manic, as if they had a great opinion on this person!

This person is naturally the cloudy night that was rejected from a thousand years ago.

Because there is so much history that has changed, even the forces of time and space cannot stand the cloud night, and the cloud night is repelled from a thousand years ago and transmitted back to the modern era, of course, the means of transmission are not too gentle.

If it weren’t for Yunye’s extremely good physical fitness, I’m afraid that another person would have died in the strange time and space force long ago.

Yun Ye stumbled, almost unsteady and fell to the ground, his body was full of signs of embarrassment, and many places were destroyed by the power of time and space, resulting in bloodstains.

Even the strong self-recovery ability of Yunye is relatively slow to recover the wounds caused by this time-space force.

It can be seen that this space-time force is powerful!

Yun Ye smiled bitterly and shook his head, as the bearer of being rejected by the forces of time and space, he naturally had the most say in this painful experience, but the price of all this was worth it, as long as he could come back, a little suffering would not be nothing.

The force of time and space twisted violently in front of the cloud night for a long time, as if it was warning the cloud night or something, and soon slowly disappeared, and this strange energy could no longer be felt.

The space-time energy that had just appeared seemed to be just an imagination of the cloud night.

Yun Ye patted the dust and blood marks on his body, stretched out a lazy waist, and finally returned to this era!

Yun Ye finally showed a comfortable smile on his face, or the most comfortable of his own era.

A thousand years ago, even if the cloud night was strong again, there were no people and things that the cloud night struggled for in the whole era, which was just a lonely and lonely feeling for the cloud night.

What Yunye cares about is not the era, whether there are people and things in this era that care about themselves.

Yunye slightly spread out his spiritual exploration, determined that his location was Britain, and was preparing to look for the vampire family and the Yun family, Yunye suddenly felt that the land in front of him was very familiar, as if he had only seen it not long ago.

Yun Ye looked at the valley in front of him, and a name popped out of his mind! Norbvis!

Isn’t that where Norbvice School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is located?!

No wonder Yunye felt that this place was so familiar, after all, not long ago, Yunye was still in time and space a thousand years ago, but he saw this valley being built into a magnificent castle, that is, the new school of Slytherin, Norbvis!

“What the hell is going on?”

Yun Ye frowned tightly, a thousand years ago he and Slytherin obviously established Norbvis, how come after a thousand years, Norbvice is gone?

Could it be that something has happened to Norbvice that has decayed or even collapsed?

Yun Ye looked around to make sure that there was no Nobvice School of Magic and any ruins nearby, and then left the place with a heavy suspicion.

And the destination that Yunye is going to now is the island where Azkaban, where a great war is breaking out when Yunye left last time.

Yunye was actually not worried about that war, after all, even if Yunye was not there, there were also the top combat forces of Yunfan, Yunsixuan, Lilith and other vampire three ancestors.

Except for Grindelwald and Dumbledore, there are not many people on the Ministry of Magic who can put up the scene, and there is no comparison with the lineup on the side of the cloud night.

Saying that the cloud night side will not suffer too much loss, hard power is placed here, how can there not be too much loss.

But who can say clearly about the world now, not afraid of ten thousand just in case, and the Merlin that Yun Ye is most worried about is still missing, such a dangerous person must be able to pose a great threat.

Therefore, Yunye must be the first to grasp what is happening today!

The figure of the cloud night flashed continuously, the phantom transfiguration was used vividly by the cloud night, the figure of the cloud night stayed in place for no more than one second, and the next instant immediately appeared in the sky thousands of meters away, and soon the cloud night appeared above Azkaban!

Azkaban, one of the most famous wizarding prisons in all of Europe, once spread its name all over the world, and many wizarding criminals could not help but shiver when they heard this name, that is not a place that a person can look forward to for a long time.

But today Azkaban is a bleak place, the original magnificent prison castle is now in tatters, many buildings have even been razed to the ground, and there are black blood stains everywhere, which can be seen that the last war caused great damage to the land.

However, when Yun Ye saw this, the corners of his mouth smiled slightly, because he saw that the emblem of the British Ministry of Magic that had been engraved on the castle of Azkaban had been destroyed.

You know, Azkaban is the last place for the British Ministry of Magic, but there is no trace of the British Ministry of Magic here, which can already be said to be a lot of problems.


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