Yun Fan hurriedly turned his back, unwilling to let Yun Ye see his tears, and tried to maintain his dignity.

And Yun Sixuan had already been unable to cry, clinging to Yun Ye and refusing to let go.

Yun Ye stood quietly, looking at his parents, allowing Yun Sixuan to hold himself for a long time, while the Yun Family subordinates and vampire subordinates who were watching also retreated and gave this area to the Yun Fan family.

After a long time, Yun Sixuan reluctantly let go of Yunye, his eyes were already crying red, Yunfan also adjusted his emotions, and looked at Yunye calmly, as if what had just gripped his attitude had not happened.

Yun Sixuan gently touched Yunye’s face and said with relief: “Xiao Ye, you have grown up, fortunately this time the Yun family has you, otherwise we would probably all be able to escape this fate.” ”

Yun Ye smiled, “I am also a member of the Yun Family, how can I not care about the Yun Family’s affairs, as long as I am here for one day, I will not let the Yun Family have an accident!” ”

Yun Sixuan nodded continuously, and unconsciously, Yunye had become another main backbone of Yun Sixuan, even more important than Yun Fan.

Yun Fan looked at Yun Ye with relief and said, “I heard that Dumbledore used the Time and Space Converter to teleport you to another time and space, how did you come back to Xiao Yue?” ”

Yunye frowned slightly, did not hide from his parents, and told Dumbledore and Grindelwald that had teamed up to teleport Yunye to a thousand years ago, even the details were not missing.

The more Yunfan and his wife listened, the more shocked they became, and they did not expect that Dumbledore’s means were so many, even the four giants of Hogwarts’ founders were invited out.

You must know that even for the Yunfan couple, the four giants are legendary figures, and their hearts will only be full of admiration, who dares to confront them?

Moreover, the strength of each of the four giants is a unique in the world, not to mention dealing with the four giants at the same time, even if any one of them is released is a heinous powerful existence, it cannot be opposed at all.

And Cloud Night, not only able to deal with the Big Four and Dumbledore at the same time, but also even plotted against Slytherin, killing Dumbledore, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, this record is simply terrifying.

The more Yunfan and his wife listened, the more shocked they became, Yunye’s experience a thousand years ago was simply too thrilling, as long as Yunye let down his guard a little, I was afraid that Yunye would never come back to see them.

Yun Sixuan hugged Yunye even more painfully, his heart was full of fear, afraid that Yunye would suddenly disappear in front of him.

Yun Fan said, “It’s okay, just come back, don’t worry about it anymore.” ”

Yun Ye also nodded, “Mom, don’t think about it anymore, I won’t let you go easy anymore, and I won’t let you leave me again.” ”

Yun Sixuan nodded continuously, not still clenching Yun Ye’s palm.

Yun Fan said, “Xiao Ye, you just came back, you need to know about the recent situation in our Yun family, or I will gather all the people to report to you.” ”

Yun Ye was stunned and smiled, “Father, you are the lord of the Yun Family, before you were not in me before you crossed you to gather the strength of the Yun Family, now that you have returned, everything in the Yun Family is still up to you to decide.” ”

Yun Fan smiled and shook his head, “Stinky boy, I know my own business, when I was the patriarch of a wizarding family, I was barely strong, but now the Yun family commands most of the British wizarding world, and now it is different from the past, and my talent is absolutely impossible.” ”

Yunye still wanted to say something, but Yunfan waved his hand and said, “Moreover, you have also gathered the Vampire Clan, the Alchemy Association, and these powerful organizations, even if I ascend to the throne, they will not agree with me in their hearts, and I also understand that now that it is your world, we should also retreat behind the scenes.” ”

Yun Sixuan touched Yun Ye’s head and smiled lovingly, “Xiao Ye, your father and I will silently support you behind your back, although we can’t play any role.” ”

Yun Ye shook her head slightly, “Parents, you are the driving force for me to struggle, without you what will I do to struggle?” ”

Yun Fan smiled, “Well, keep these words and then say them slowly, your subordinates have been waiting for you for a long time, and they are probably looking forward to your return for a long time.” ”

Yunye nodded, “Okay, then let’s go and have a meeting with them, I miss them too.” ”

Yunfan, Yun Sixuan and Yunye walked into the Yunjia headquarters, the previous Yunjia headquarters was just the headquarters of a wizard’s family, so the style was biased towards the appearance of a home, giving people a casual feeling.

But now the Yun Family headquarters is biased towards a government style, everywhere there are all kinds of offices, reception halls, the overall golden splendor, magnificent atmosphere, everywhere busy wizards and elves.

Yunye looked at the changes in the Yunjia now, it was also a bit of a smirk, Yunye had never thought that the Yunjia would actually have such a big change, even if he said to Yunye now, this is not the Yunjia headquarters, but the Ministry of Magic of a country, Yunye will be convinced.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Yunye, and looked at Yunye with a demonic smile.

Yun Ye was stunned, looking at this black figure could not help but show a comfortable smile, said: “Wave dog, you are actually not dead, it really makes me feel sorry.” ”

The figure that rushed out was the Wave Dog of Yunye, after the accident of the Yun family, the Wave Dog had been detained with the Ministry of Magic with Yunfan and his wife, and now it was finally time to see the sky again and meet with Yunye again.

The Wave Dog looked at Yun Ye with disdain and said, “Thanks to the fact that I still believe in you so much, it really disappointed me that it took so long to rescue us, and you almost lost your hand in Dumbledore’s hands, you are really getting worse and worse!” ”

“Do you want to be made into a dog meat pot again?” Yun Ye smiled and scolded and stepped forward and gently kicked the wave dog.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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