Yun Ye knew that this was a wave dog talking nonsense, so he didn’t pay attention to it, saying, “You stupid dog, haven’t you seen it for too long, and now you owe a beating.” ”

Yun Fan stepped forward and said, “Xiao Ye, the wave dog likes to talk nonsense, don’t you know, we are still the wave dog taking care of us during this time in Azkaban.” ”

Yunye glared at the Wave Dog fiercely, with a great sense of intimidation and warning, but the Wave Dog did not care at all, and left on his toes, as if he had just come to taunt Yun Ye with a word.

Yunye couldn’t help but laugh out loud, this wave dog will really find things for himself, but Yun Ye also understands that the wave dog is also loyal to the Yun family, otherwise he would not have taken care of his parents for such a long time, but the wave dog has always liked to pretend garlic.

Yun Fan patted Yun Ye’s shoulder, the wave dog has long been integrated into the life of the Yun family, everyone knows the personality of the wave dog, and there is not much feeling about it, Yun Fan led the cloud night to the conference room of the Yun family headquarters.

Soon, Yunye saw the brand-new Yunjia conference room.

It did take a lot of effort to build, the magnificent atmosphere is also carved with countless exquisite statues, cowhide sofas neatly arranged on both sides, the huge conference table is made of mahogany, the atmosphere is euphemistic, and it is also one of the top conference rooms seen in the cloud night over the years.

Yun Ye sighed and said, “It’s a good place to build, it’s very feeling.” ”

Yun Fan said proudly, “No, this is a conference room designed by me!” ”

Yun Ye said, “Come on, I also know what happened recently, after leaving here for so long, I don’t know what major events are happening in the world now, and I have become lonely and unheard.” ”

Indeed, Yunye has been away from the modern age for so long, and the world is changing all the time, so Yunye is eager to know what is happening today.

Yunfan and his wife also understood Yunye’s urgent mood, and quickly ordered all the important members to come over, and soon, some familiar faces appeared in front of Yunye, which were the partners that Yunye had been struggling with.

The three great ancestors of the vampire clan, Lilith, Cain, and Dracula, the Yunjian of the Yun family, and the alchemist association’s Faures, Barnes, Ennsdi, and others, appeared in front of Yunye one by one, looking at these familiar faces, Yunye couldn’t help but smile.

Lilith quipped, “I thought you would have to enjoy your parents’ warmth before you could see us, how could you handle it so quickly?” ”

Yun Ye smiled lightly, “It’s still important, now that I’m back, the Yun family has also risen, and there will be more time to reunite with my parents in the future.” ”

Lilith and the others all looked at each other and smiled, and sat down at the conference table, and Fan took the initiative to let Yunye sit in the middle of the seat, this small move immediately made the people understand what was in the table, but in the people did not show any dissatisfaction, but it was a natural look.

After all, the most important thing that the Yun family can rise is because of Yun Ye, Yun Fan just commanded the Yun Family when Yun Ye was away, and now that Yun Ye has returned, the right to speak is still in the hands of Yun Ye.

Yun Ye said, “Come on, let’s talk about it, there is something that needs our attention recently.” ”

Lilith immediately said, “Let me tell you first, since you were discarded by Dumbledore on the night of the clouds, we led the Yun family army to capture Azkaban, and the British Ministry of Magic has been destroyed.” ”

Yun Ye nodded, “I know this, I have already been to Azkaban to see it, by the way, Azkaban is also one of the three major prisons in Europe, you can’t always be so broken, repair Azkaban as soon as possible, and then this prison will be used for us.” ”

Lilith remembered it in her heart and said, “Yunye you have been to Azkaban, but you certainly don’t know one thing. ”

Yun Ye was stunned and said, “What? ”

Lilith said, “Many of the officials of the British Ministry of Magic, including Fudge, are being held in Azkaban, what should they do?” ”

Yunye frowned, facing Fuji, these officials of the Ministry of Magic, Yunye really did not have any good way to deal with it.

To say that they had offended Yunye, this was inevitable, and the entire Ministry of Magic annihilated the Yun’s family and constantly pursued and killed Yunye, which showed that the enmity between Yunye and them was indescribable.

However, Yunye also knew that the most important reason why they were like this was that Dumbledore’s demonic words deceived the public, otherwise Fudge would not have been so excited to target Yunye and the Yunjia.

If they were all imprisoned or executed because they had offended Yunye, it would undoubtedly hurt the British wizarding community, and this kind of thing that Yunye naturally did not want to do.

However, letting them all go is not too cheap for them, the Yun family and the vampire family have paid a great life and price for this, and they must let the world see the end of offending the Yun family.

Yun Fan also saw Yun Ye’s mood, and said, “Why not be like this, Xiao Ye, as the minister of the British Ministry of Magic, is the culprit who attacked our Yun Family, and if he can’t let it go, he will be imprisoned in Azkaban until he dies, and the rest of the Ministry of Magic officials can be spared as long as they are willing to put up a spell to serve our Yun Family, what do you think?” ”

Yun Ye thought for a moment, Yun Fan said that this is actually the best way, the Yun family wants to control the British wizarding world, there is no relevant talent, and the ready-made officials of the British Ministry of Magic are the best resources of Yun Ye.

Yun Ye nodded, “Well, just do what my father says.” ”

Lilith continued, “Okay, then there is nothing wrong with the remnants of the British Ministry of Magic, and there are two more issues that need our attention. ”

Yunye wondered, “Two questions? ”


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