And it was at that time that the whole world was slowly swept up by a storm, that is, the wizard’s storm!

The American tragedy has been proven, and the British army incident has also been confirmed to be the work of wizards, and all the evidence points to the leader of the cloud family in the British wizarding world, Cloud Night!

The British government suffered losses at the hands of Yunye and knew the horrors of the wizards, so it did not act rashly, but secretly it was constantly brewing, trying to find outside forces to oppose Yunye’s rule.

The whole world was affected by two things, and there was panic and all kinds of anti-wizarding rhetoric at the top of the government, and there was a radical change in the attitude of the wizards or the Ministry of Magic in their own countries.


France, Paris, a corner of the Palace of Versailles.

A blonde man hurried into the office with a document, and in the office sat a refined woman, dressed in a neat suit, her eyes fixed on the documents on the table.

When the woman heard the man’s voice entering the door, she didn’t even lift her head, and said, “What, did the British side give you any information?” ”

The man nodded with a bitter smile, put a document in front of the woman, and said, “Just sent it to us, you can take a look.” ”

The woman paused, put down her work, and said, “It’s about wizards again?” ”

The man nodded, “Otherwise, what information is worth sending from the British Intelligence Service now, we all know that wizards exist all over the world, but they have been hiding on the other side of the world, and we didn’t expect that wizards finally couldn’t help but jump out and pose such a big threat to us.” ”

The woman carefully flipped through the file in her hand and frowned: “Cloud night? ”

The man said, “That’s right, this man named Yunye is the leader of the most powerful force in the British wizarding world today, and it is estimated that it will not take long for him to unify the wizarding world in Britain and become the lord of the British wizarding world.” ”

The woman casually let go of the document and said, “Is there any problem with this?” This cloudy night looks like nothing more than that. ”

The man smiled bitterly, “You don’t know, the British wizarding world is recognized as one of the strongest wizarding circles in the world, and the British Ministry of Magic, which previously ruled the British wizarding world, was single-handedly overthrown and defeated by this man named Cloud Night.” ”

The woman said, “This cloud night still sounds quite powerful, but it doesn’t help us much, we have nothing to do with the British wizarding world, we haven’t even managed to handle it in our own French wizarding world!” ”

The man said, “But what if I tell you that this man is the most likely person to cause the American tragedy?” ”

The woman’s face tightened and she lost her voice: “What? ”

The man saw that the woman finally showed a surprised look, but also smiled satisfactorily: “Judging from the traces before the cloud night, it is indeed very likely that he is the person who caused the American tragedy, and in terms of strength, he also has such strength, and not long ago he also executed thousands of British soldiers.” ”

The woman took a deep breath, as if she did not expect such a terrible strength as this cloud night, and said, “We are so close to Britain, will we become his next target?” ”

The man shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t know, the only thing I can be sure of is that if he wants to do something to us, we can’t resist.” ”

The woman gritted her teeth and said, “The survival of such a terrifying wizard in the world is really too worrying, we can’t let such a person exist!” ”

The man said, “So we have to act now, or there’s a good chance we’ll be the next America!” ”

The woman stood up and said, “I’m going to see the president right now, and the nations of the world must unite or the world will be destroyed at the hands of these wizards!” ”

Similar things continue to happen around the world, the American massacre and the British army incident have made countries aware of the horror of wizards, and the cloud night has become the target of public criticism, and has been listed as the number one danger object by various countries.

At the same time as the world is changing, a mysterious figure has set foot on British soil, with the breath of returning from the United States, a face of elegance, if people who do not know see it and think it is a typical British gentleman.

But if the people affected by the American tragedy see it, they will inevitably be shocked and terrified, because the person who really caused the American tragedy is ——— Merlin!


Outside London, England, Yun Home.

At this time, the Yun Family had established a huge castle group, in which people came and went, and countless wizards with powerful aura patrolled the vicinity of the Yun Family Castle Group.

After this period of expansion of the Yun Family’s strength, the hands and feet of the Yun Family have spread throughout the entire wizarding world, and it can even be said that the wizarding world has been initially included in the palm of the hand.

Of course, all this is due to Yunye, if it were not for Yunye’s strong hand in Diagon Alley to annihilate the British invading government forces, I am afraid that the Yun family has not been able to include the wizarding world in the palm of his hand so far.

Yunfan and his wife also officially retired behind the scenes, handing over the power of the Yun family to Yunye.

Now that Yunye’s strength and prestige have far surpassed them, it can be said that Yunye’s fame is even greater than that of the Yunjia, and it is also a matter of course that they hand over the real power of the Yunjia.

The vampire clan, Lilith, and others have officially sworn allegiance to the Yun family.

In the past, the cooperation between Lilith and Yunye was mutually beneficial, and Yunye helped Lilith solve Merlin’s hidden dangers, and in return, Lilith led the vampire clan to help Yunye counterattack the Ministry of Magic.

Now that the British Ministry of Magic has been annihilated, it is not surprising that Lilith and Yunye have parted ways.

However, in the process of the battle, Lilith was also gradually attracted by the personal charm of Yunye and deeply understood a truth.

That is, the revival of the vampire clan is inseparable from the cloud night!


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