And the vampire clan wants to rise in the true sense, and it can’t leave the cloud night!

So Lilith, the shrewd leader, immediately realized what she should do, and immediately announced her allegiance to Yunye, to the Yun family, and to firmly bind the vampire family and the Yun family together.

If the Yun family wants to become the leader of the wizarding world, the vampire clan will naturally rise to the top.

Today, Yun Ye was sitting in the conference room of the Yun Family headquarters, listening to the report given to him by his subordinates.

Most of the current wizarding world has been accepted by the Yun Family, even if it is not willing to submit to the Yun Family’s wizards, death, escape, or forced expulsion from the country, Yunye has initially stabilized the situation in the wizarding world.

Yunye waved his hand and signaled Lilith and other Yunjia’s men to leave, the Yunjia family was now gaining momentum, and there was nothing that Yunye was particularly worried about, as for some meticulous small work, it was not something Yunye had to manage.

Lilith could see that Yunye was a little worried at this time, and hurriedly beckoned the elite subordinates of the Yun Family and the elite of the Vampire Clan to leave, while she stayed at the back and whispered, “Yunye, what are you still worried about?” There is nothing to worry about in the whole British wizarding world. ”

Yunye glanced at Lilith and said, “There is indeed nothing in the British wizarding world that deserves my attention, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one in the world.” ”

Lilith was stunned and said, “You mean the wizard who caused the American tragedy?” ”

Now many fishing wheels point to Yunye, believing that the American tragedy was caused by Yunye, after all, there are not many people in the wizarding world who can have such strength, and Yunye is one of them!

But Lilith could be sure that the wizard must not be Cloudy Night, but someone else, and this person may be Lilith’s nightmarish existence of the terrifying wizard!

Lilith did not say the wizard’s name, a name that was taboo for her and for the entire vampire family.

They didn’t want to mention that person and that humiliating history, it was a great shame for their vampire family!

Lilith sighed softly and said, “You don’t have to think about it so much, maybe we just think about it more.” ”

With that, Lilith shook her head and left.

There was only one person left in the entire conference room, and Yunye gently brushed aside the mountains of documents in front of him, and he naturally knew who the person Lilith had in mind was.

Because even Yun Ye was deeply suspicious of whether all this was the masterpiece of the terrifying wizard, and if it was, there must be a great conspiracy in it.

Merlin, why did you create the American tragedy?

Yunye took a deep breath, in Yunye’s current life, no one could put such a lot of pressure on Yunye, even Dumbledore, Voldemort and the like only made Yunye jealous.

But this Merlin was indeed a person who made Yun Ye feel extremely stressed, and this old demon who had survived for hundreds of years must have an unknown side to him.

His ability to hide among the vampires, nourish himself with a huge race, and escape the pursuit of Yunye when he was weakest all explained that Merlin was not simple.

Not to mention that if it is really Merlin who single-handedly caused the American tragedy, then Merlin is indeed an unfathomable horror!

Even the current cloud night did not dare to pack a ticket to say that he would definitely be able to fight with Merlin, because his understanding of Merlin was too little, but Merlin was definitely much stronger than he imagined!

Yunye opened the Great Mage System, and now the quickest way to increase his strength is the Great Mage System, plus he has defeated so many enemies during this time, but he has not used the potential points much, and now the potential points should be able to surprise Yunye.

After deducting the upgraded potential points, Yun Ye first killed two Hogwarts giants to gain 100,000 potential points, killed Dumbledore and obtained 100,000 potential points, and the British elite wizards who had previously defeated in Azkaban gained 62,400, adding up to exactly 450,000 potential points.

Coupled with the fact that Cloud Night easily wiped out the British government army not long ago, obtaining 30,000 potential points, the total number of potential points in the end was 480,000 potential points, and this number of potential points was not a small number for Cloud Night.

Yun Ye nodded satisfactorily, these 480,000 potential points were enough for Yun Ye to upgrade a lot of skills.

However, Yunye did not plan to upgrade for the time being, because according to the changes in the needs of Yunye’s previous upgrades, if Yunye wanted to upgrade to level 9 of magic or spiritual power or body, any one of them would require a full 500,000 potential points!

And Yun Ye’s current magic, mental strength and body were only at the level of level 7, and even level 8 had not been reached, making this huge potential point embarrassing.

And which one to upgrade, Yun Ye was not sure of the idea.

After all, no one knows what will happen after that, and Yunye still has to guard against Merlin, so he wants to wait until the key point to use these potential points.

Yunye slowly stood up and looked at the window outside the Yunjia, now it was the big noon when the sun was hanging high in the sky, and the Yunjia was like this round of the sun, hanging high in the sky, officially commanding the whole world.

“Little Lord.”

A figure appeared behind Yunye, and it was Yunye’s uncle, Yunjian.

Although Yunye was already in charge of the entire Yunjia and wizarding world, given that Yunye’s age was not too old, and Yunfan and his wife were still alive, Yunjian was still accustomed to calling Yunye the young lord.

Yun Ye said, “What’s wrong?” ”

Yun Jian said, “There is one thing I forgot to report just now, and this matter is not suitable for asking you at the kind of meeting just now.” ”

Yun Ye turned back and said, “Whatever, you say.” ”


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