Another congressman shouted angrily: “Anyway, even if we enter Diagon Alley and we are at a loss, the account of killing so many of our heroic soldiers cannot be offset by anything.” ”

The Queen’s representative, who was sitting on the side, looked at the first member of parliament with a gloomy expression, as if it could burst into trouble at any moment.

The first councillor gritted his teeth and said, “We are in the first place, is there a problem with them fighting back?” Just as if the French army were to suddenly appear on our shores in England, wouldn’t we just take action and annihilate them? ”

“Well, don’t say it again, if your words go out, the people will inevitably say how can there be such a traitor among our parliamentarians, and we will reconsider your status as a parliamentarian.”

A seemingly elderly MP spoke slowly, directly ending the argument.

The councillor who was arguing for the wizard was so dead in the face that he had not yet had time to speak again, when two policemen stepped forward and dragged the councillor out.

The two members of Parliament, who were arguing for the British soldiers, hurriedly bowed their hands to the elderly parliamentarian and complimented: “The Speaker of Parliament is really wise and divine, and my generation admires it!” ”

The Speaker nodded slowly, “Continue to discuss freely, I will listen to your opinion.” ”

Some of the councillors sighed and bowed their heads, they were all parliamentarians who wanted to argue with the wizard, but there were examples of the past in front of them, and they did not know how tragic the end of the argument for the wizard was.

It is said that it is free to discuss, but the matter has already been decided.

A member of parliament stood up and said, “I suggest that Congress send troops to the wizarding world and strangle this group of evil people with all their might, their existence not only threatens the safety of the people, but also threatens the safety of our royal family. ”

Immediately, another congressman stood up and said, “I agree, as the leader of the wizarding world today, Yun Jia Yunye is the biggest suspect in the American tragedy!” ”

“He dares to do such a thing to the United States, and he will not be soft on us in Britain; in the face of such an extremely dangerous task, not taking the initiative is to sit still, and the United States is the best example!”

One by one, the parliamentarians stood up and talked about the evil of the wizarding world and the harm to the people, as if they were all warriors who were bent on the people, worried about the country and the people, and complained indignantly for the people to be desperate and indignant.

The Speaker also stretched his brows and nodded his head gently, and the Queen’s representative on the side also smiled and looked at the excited MPs, and now the fishing wheel was finally what they thought.

The Speaker stood up slowly, and the rest of the members immediately closed their mouths and stared at the Speaker closely.

Only to see the parliament leader walk to the center of the conference room and say, “Gentlemen, in fact, there is no room for maneuver in this matter!” ”

“The killing of thousands of soldiers in our country by wizards in the wizarding world has spread all over the world, and all governments are paying attention to our country, after all, the impact of the American tragedy is known to the whole world, and our tolerance for wizards has become the focus of the world’s attention.”

At this point, the speaker paused slightly, his eyes scanned around, most of the deputies looked at the speaker excitedly, but there were also a small number of deputies who bowed their heads in frustration and silently sighed in their positions.

The Parliament Governor said, “We must have zero tolerance for wizards, we can no longer allow this horrible group of human beings to exist in the world, and even if they still exist, they must be under effective government supervision!” ”



“The Speaker of Parliament is wise!”

A crowd of British parliamentarians shouted excitedly, as if they were supporting their leader, and no doubt the words of the speaker of parliament completely made them climax.

The Speaker of Parliament smiled and said, “Okay, now start voting to determine the raising of hands for the Wizarding Realm!” ”

As he spoke, the Speaker raised his hand and his eyes squinted into the parliamentary seat.

Most of the parliamentarians immediately raised their hands and excitedly shouted the slogans of Long Live the British Government and Long Live the British Royal Family.

Another small number of MPs hesitated, but finally reluctantly stood up and raised their hands, under this momentum, they were already involuntary, and no one wanted to be stripped of their parliamentarian status like the previous parliamentarian.

The Speaker of Parliament picked up the small mallet in front of him, gently hammered it on the table, and smiled: “Unanimous vote, the government declares war on the wizarding world!” ”

The representative of the queen on the side also stood up with clapping hands and smiled: “Well, I believe that Her Majesty the Queen will be very satisfied with this result, and I advise that wizards are always not easy objects to solve, and they must do their best to do something to them, and there is no room for half a point.” ”

The Speaker of Parliament nodded with a smile and said, “I understand, greeting Her Majesty the Queen on my behalf, we will not disappoint Her Majesty.” ”

The queen representative nodded lightly and left the room, he had already got the answer he wanted.

The parliamentary speaker turned his head and said coldly: “How many active soldiers are still in service in our country now, and how are the weapons and equipment situation?” ”

The parliamentarians below had a serious face, they knew that a large storm was about to break out in the British mainland, and the scale of the war would be far beyond their expectations!

Half an hour later, the Speaker of Parliament walked out of the parliament hall, followed by a group of lawmakers who looked either excited or serious.

These MPs have discussed the next course from the Congress just now, and all they have to do now is go back to their constituencies and mobilize the people in the constituencies to start preparing for the next war.

The Speaker turned around a corner with a gloomy face and walked into an office, and this office was the location of the Prime Minister’s Office!

“Mr. Prime Minister, have you read it all?”


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