The Speaker closed the office door and spoke slowly.

The British prime minister was sitting in a fluffy office chair and nodding solemnly, he had learned from the surveillance video what had just happened in Parliament, and he knew what he was going to do next.

The Prime Minister gently pressed a button on the table, making a crisp jingle, and then the Prime Minister sat silently in his place, half silent, as if he was thinking about something.

The Speaker of Parliament also sat to the side, neither of them speaking, quietly waiting for something.

Not long after, a burly man in military uniform pushed open the office door, and he could clearly see the many badges on the man’s body, and even five star seals on his shoulders, which was the minister of the British Ministry of Defense!

The prime minister glanced at the minister of defense and said lightly, “Please sit down.” ”

The minister sat down in a chair on the side, looked at the parliament president, then at the prime minister, hesitated, and said, “Is the result out?” ”

The Prime Minister nodded, “The meaning of the Council and the Queen is already very clear, to send troops to the wizarding world!” ”

The minister’s face became very solemn, and he said, “The combat effectiveness of the Wizarding World Cloud Family is very amazing, are you sure that we want to send troops, even if we in Britain use all our troops, I am not sure that I can solve the Wizard World Cloud Family.” ”

The parliamentary governor said coldly: “Whether or not to send troops is decided by the National Assembly, and whether or not you can win the war is a question that your Ministry of Defense has to consider. ”

The minister’s face froze, he nodded slightly, and did not refute it.

The Prime Minister said: “Because of the tragedy in the United States, governments around the world have a deep hatred for wizards. ”

“Coupled with the fact that the biggest suspect in the American tragedy is in our United Kingdom, and he has killed so many soldiers to provoke the government, and our wizarding community can be called the world’s strongest wizarding gathering place, for various reasons, China’s attitude towards the wizarding community is really too far-reaching for the world.”

Both the minister and the speaker of parliament nodded, and they did not deny this, and it was also a fact, and there was nothing to say.

The Prime Minister continued: “If we let go of this group of wizarding people, the governments of the world will be extremely dissatisfied with us, and even attack us en masse, thinking that we are in the same group as the wizards!” ”

“So we have only one choice, and that is to deal with the wizards and gain the approval of the international community!” In this way, even if we are not invincible, other countries will come to our aid in the spirit of cold lips and teeth. ”

The minister nodded, he already understood what they meant.

They had no choice but to fight with the wizards, and the most important thing was that they were not bound to lose this war.

The reason why the American tragedy occurred in the United States was because the government did not pay attention to this matter at all, and wanted to solve the evil wizard through the simplest and most brutal way, which finally led to the nuclear explosion of Washington.

If the government uses all its armies to fight the wizards, no one can say whether they will win or lose.

After all, wizards have top wizarding combat power, and humans also have all kinds of high-tech weapons and all kinds of powerful bombs, which are not inferior to wizards.

The Prime Minister turned to the Minister and asked, “How much more can our country have to fight today?” ”

The minister said: “The total strength of the army is 230,000, mainly to deal with the wizards can only use the army, the army strength of about 120,000 people, with about 5,000 tanks and armored vehicles, 300 main fighters of the Air Force, as well as various types of ground-to-ground missiles, rockets are countless.” ”

The council leader said, “The number of wizards is not a minority, and it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of wizards in my country, but not all wizards are amazingly powerful, and those who can be called elite wizards are only tens of millions of people. ”

The Prime Minister exhaled a breath and said, “It would be fine if this were the case, but our victory rate is not low if thousands of wizarding armies, with 120,000 modern armies supplemented by various high-tech weapons, against thousands of wizards.” ”

The Speaker said, “I have a suggestion. ”

Both the prime minister and the minister looked at the parliamentary speaker and wondered, “What proposal?” ”

The council leader smiled lightly and said, “I have investigated the wizarding world in depth, and there are many important places in the wizarding world, such as Gringotts, which is the bank of wizards, like Azkaban, which is the prison of wizards, etc., and a place called Hogwarts is the school of the wizarding world.” ”

Both the Prime Minister and the Minister heard the Speaker deliberately emphasize this place called Hogwarts, and the Prime Minister could not help asking: “Is there anything wrong with this Hogwarts?” ”

The council governor said, “Of course, Hogwarts is the most famous wizarding school in the British wizarding world, and it can be said that it has trained many powerful and excellent top wizards, even if you say that ninety-nine percent of the elite wizards are from Hogwarts.” ”

“And our main thing to deal with is the most powerful elite wizards in these wizarding worlds!”

The minister clapped his hands and said, “I understand, you want to attack Hogwarts first, there are all the teachers and students of the elite wizards in the wizarding world, if Hogwarts is attacked by us, it will inevitably cause a great change in the hearts of the elite wizards in the wizarding world!” It’s our chance! ”

The Parliamentary Leader smiled and nodded, and he meant the same thing, and the Prime Minister understood it.

“The Speaker’s proposal is very good, so let’s follow it. You immediately organize your army and prepare for war! ”

It is clear that the Prime Minister’s last words were addressed to the Minister of Defence.

The minister received the order, stood up violently and respectfully experienced a military salute, and hurried out to prepare, and the council minister arched his hand and said, “Then I hope that this time we will win the victory!” ”


The whole of England was agitated, and the attitude of the British government towards the wizarding world suddenly spread throughout the world, including of course the whole of British society, and the whole world knew the attitude of the British government.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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