Nature is a very good thing for the Muggle world, after all, it is a very morale thing to finally have a government jump out against the evil wizards in their hearts.

The British people have climaxed because of this matter, what is the climax, that is, the whole society has become very impetuous, excited, and even arrogant!

The major cities of the United Kingdom have held marches of varying degrees, all of which are declaring the evil of wizards and the threat to them, and because of the impact of the American tragedy, many people have a very poor impression of wizards, and can even be said to be disgusted and hateful.

So the attitude of the British government aroused the passion of all the people, who felt that this was a harbinger of the imminent rise of mankind, and indeed it was to kill all the evil wizards!

The major British military regions are also operating, and the various army groups, battalions and brigades are also assembled.

In just a few days, you can frequently see British warplanes constantly circling the sky, and the Channel of England is full of warships.

The wizarding world was frightened by this move of the British government, and in the long history of wizards and Muggle regimes have not been without fighting, and it can even be said that there have been many times of fighting, and the wars between wizards and Muggles have been very tragic and frequent.

In previous wars, wizards did have a great upper hand, and Muggles were not opponents at all.

However, since the wizard disappeared into the calm, Muggle technology has continued to improve, and the scale of the war has also increased, even more tragic than the war between wizards.

Moreover, now that wizards and Muggles have not dealt with each other for a long time, and the wizarding world has been chaotic for a long time, the Yun family has only just mastered the wizarding world, and there is not much confidence that can give wizards much confidence.

Coupled with the heavy casualties of the previous Diagon Alley and Rolling Alley joining forces against the British government forces, this series of events has cast a thick shadow on the minds of British wizards.

Many wizards feel that in normal times, wizards and Muggles naturally have the upper hand between wizards, but really in the confrontation between government agencies, Muggle government and wizarding armies, wizards are not at all comparable to technologically developed Muggles.

The thick dark clouds that hung over the wizards of the British wizarding world were constantly brewing, and the cloud night naturally knew these things.

But Yunye couldn’t do anything, the Yun Family had only been in power in the wizarding world for such a short time, not only was the foundation unstable, but there was even a danger of overturning at any time.

Such a Yun family regime could not bring any confidence to the wizarding wizards in the wizarding world, even if the Yun family had defeated thousands of British troops in Diagon Alley before.

No matter what Yun Ye did at this time, he could not calm this kind of wizard’s heartbeat, and there was only one way to calm the uneasiness in their hearts.

That is to defeat the British government forces!

At this time, Yunye was also at the disposal of all the strength that the secret Yunjia could use, countless Yunjia subordinates, the elite of the vampire clan, and the newly acquired wizarding world strongmen of the Yunjia family, all gathered near the Yunjia family, ready to obey Yunye’s orders to attack the British government army.

Yun Ye knew clearly in his heart that the British government army could not threaten their Yun family at all, and even he could not threaten him for a single cloud night, so on the day when the British government army sent troops, it was the time when the British government collapsed!

But Yunye knew that these things were useless, many wizards still had no confidence in their Yunjia and Yunye, and finally they had to wait until the day when Yunye annihilated the British government army, they would let go of their uneasy hearts and truly believe in the Yunjia led by Yunye.

However, Yunye had not yet grasped the place where the British government army was the first to attack, so he gathered the Yun family’s army near the Yun family and waited for the British government army to move.

At this time, the British government troops had secretly assembled and were quietly moving in the direction of Hogwarts, and they had already received orders from the British government to take the lead in attacking Hogwarts, a famous wizarding school in the British wizarding world.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of British government troops and armies, the British government is also very clever, spending more than 10,000 troops near London to create the illusion that a large army is ready, so that the Yun family thinks that the main force of the British government army is still stationed near London.

In fact, nearly 100,000 troops of the British government army have quietly appeared near Hogwarts!

The British Air Force was also ready to launch a powerful air strike at Hogwarts, and in the Channel of England, dozens of missiles on the first squad of warships were ready to launch at the push of a button.

This is the powerful combat effectiveness of the Muggle army, the cooperation of all branches of the army, the coordinated operation of the sea, land and air, and the combat method is many times more superb than the wizard’s war.

At this time, Hogwarts was shrouded in a drizzle, and only a few pedestrians hurried through the wide school road, all of which were in a hurry, which was in stark contrast to the lively campus in the past.

A senior boy with eyes looking out the window at the drizzle, with a sad face and a distinctive lightning sign on his forehead, it was Harry!

“Harry, what are you doing, it’s rare to rest today, why are you still in the classroom?” Ron grinned and walked over.

Harry looked out at the sky and said, “Alas… The wizarding world is like this now, what do you think I’m in the mood to rest? ”

Ron was stunned and said, “This is not something we can intervene in, isn’t Yunye already jumping over the Dragon Gate, and when the sky falls, he also carries it, so we don’t have to worry more about such a small person.” ”

When Ron talked about the cloud night, there was a rare expression of jealousy on his face.

Although Yunye was excellent when he was studying before, in Ron’s opinion, Yunye was only slightly stronger than him.


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