However, now that Cloud Night is the leader of the wizarding world, he is also an unattainable figure for Ron, and for such a Cloud Night, Ron is not jealous.

Harry smiled bitterly, “I didn’t expect Mr. Yun to be so powerful, and now he has become the home of the Yun Family, and even the leader of the wizarding world.” ”

Ron shrugged his shoulders and said, “If someone else has someone else’s life, you don’t have to think about it so much, we only have the lives of ordinary people, so let’s admit it, now that Voldemort is dead, you are an ordinary person like me.” ”

At this point, Ron was still a little happy, thinking that Harry, who had been so powerful, was just like him, and suddenly found a psychological balance.

“What are you doing here?”

A tall blonde beauty walked into the classroom, and it was Hermione.

Hermione looked at Harry and Ron and said, “We’re talking about Cloud Night again!” ”

Harry smiled bitterly and nodded, “Isn’t Mr. Yun going to war with the British government forces now, although I am not worried that Mr. Yun’s strength cannot fight against the British government forces, but if Yun Ye destroys the British government forces, maybe the American tragedy will be implemented on Mr. Yun’s head, and I certainly don’t believe that Mr. Yun is the one who committed the American tragedy!” ”

Hermione nodded, “I don’t believe it either, but many people in the world think so, and there are only a few wizards in the world who can do this kind of thing, and Cloud Night is one of them, it is really difficult to excuse this matter.” ”

Ron scratched his ear and said, “You are really mediocre people, what is the use of these things we think, it is better to live a good life, those things have those powerful people think.” ”

Harry and Hermione glared at Ron angrily, not wanting to talk to Ron again, when Hogwarts suddenly sounded a sharp siren!

The piercing sirens spread throughout the campus, and many Hogwarts students walked out of the dormitory dissatisfied, all shouting, not knowing why the campus issued this harsh alarm.

This alarm was set up after Cloudy Night left Hogwarts, because the Cloudy Night incident made McGonagall feel that Hogwarts was not safe, and this insecurity did not come from the outside, but also from the inside, so a wake-up call was set up.

As soon as there is any emergency in Hogwarts, the alarm bell is immediately sounded, so that the entire Hogwarts people receive the danger signal as soon as possible.

The three of Harry immediately understood Hogwarts and ran outside in a hurry.

At this time, the professors of McGonagall, Flitwick, Snape, Sprout, etc., ignored the light rain and gathered their classmates on the school road, as if to lead people to the cathedral.

Harry rushed to McGonagall and said, “Professor McGonagall, what happened?” ”

As soon as McGonagall saw that it was Harry, she said, “The Muggle army has appeared near Hogwarts, and the first thing they have to attack is actually our Hogwarts!” Can you contact Yunye and hurry up and ask Yunye for help! ”

Hearing McGonagall take the initiative to ask for the rescue of Yun Ye, Harry’s face became a little strange, but at this time it was too late to think about these problems, Hermione hurriedly said, “I will contact Yun Ye, and you and Professor McGonagall will organize the defense together!” ”

Harry and Ron nodded continuously, they were also senior seniors, and it was time for them to stand up and defend their classmates, plus Harry was still a well-known senior.

McGonagall could not take care of them at this time, and she had to organize Hogwarts’ professors to launch a counterattack at any time, so that the British government army could not be so easily approached by Hogwarts.

Harry and Ron also took action, gathering the more powerful Hogwarts classmates to organize the retreat of their classmates, many of whom were former students of the Cloud Night Army, and as supporters of the previous Cloud Night, they could do their part for the Cloud Night this time.

A dozen kilometers away from Hogwarts, nearly 100,000 British troops lurked, countless tanks and armored vehicles hidden in the grass, black muzzles and gun guns were directly aimed in the direction of Hogwarts, ready to spew out scorching gunfire.

The British commander was the British five-star general Cross at this time, who was constantly observing the surrounding situation with a telescope and whispered, “Did you say that the miscellaneous pieces found our existence?” ”

A man dressed in black said coldly, “Our wizard’s perception is not something that you Muggles can understand, and if Hogwarts had been on guard, it would have been discovered in our place.” ”

The wizard was the one who provided intelligence in the British government army, and it could also be said that he was a traitor in the wizarding world.

Cross said, “Brohn, wouldn’t we be dangerous if Hogwarts found us?” ”

Boron smiled coldly and said, “What’s the danger, the current Hogwarts is not the Hogwarts of the past, there is no strong person with enough weight in it!” ”

“Now I reckon they are panicking, and I advise you to attack as soon as possible, lest they invite the rescue troops.

Kroos groaned and said, “I see. ”

Crossing turned his head and whispered a few words to a soldier next to him, “Inform the Air Force and the Navy to attack immediately.” ”

With Cross on command, Britain’s air and navy sprang into action.

Dozens of warships in the Channel of England opened the rocket launchers and missile launchers on the first squad, and in less than a minute, hundreds of missiles and rockets were launched at the same time, rushing in the direction of Hogwarts with countless flames.

At the same time, airfields across the United Kingdom were constantly taking off fighters and bombers, and hundreds of warplanes flew into the sky, carrying tens of thousands of bombs towards Hogwarts!


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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