An exploding flame suddenly erupted from the cockpit of the fighter.

Taking advantage of such a gap, Harry rushed to Mrs. Hodge and pounced on Mrs. Hodge to the other side, a row of bullets only swept Mrs. Hodge’s broomstick, but also swept Mrs. Hodge’s broom tail all away, and smoke came out.

The fighter plane hit by Harry was also constantly tumbling in the air, although it did not explode, but it also lost control and fell to the ground.

Lady Hodge was in a cold sweat on her back, and if Harry hadn’t reacted in time, she would have been swept into a honeycomb by now.

Harry gritted his teeth and said, “Lady Hodge, we can’t fight at all, so let’s retreat quickly, or everyone will die here!” ”

Mrs. Hodge looked around, and the Hogwarts students were already in a mess, shuttling through the flock of warplanes in a disorderly manner.

If it weren’t for the fire of the British warplanes that would hurt their own people, I am afraid that the Hogwarts students would have been killed long ago.

Nevertheless, there were only more than thirty students left, and after less than five minutes of fighting, more than a dozen students had been killed under British gunfire.

Mrs. Hodge sighed and said, “Retreat! “

The current situation was very unfavorable to them, although they still wanted to protect the skies over Hogwarts, but this situation would not take a few seconds for them to be completely destroyed here, and they had no choice but to retreat.

Mrs. Hodge’s broom had been somewhat damaged after being swept by the bullet, and Harry could only cover Mrs. Hodge’s downward retreat.

Hogwarts’ classmates were also scrambling to retreat, completely undisciplined, if it were not for the fact that wizards were more flexible in the air than the Ying fighters, I am afraid that this unstructured retreat would have been annihilated long ago.

However, the Ying fighter did not let go of the retreating wizard, and the tracking missiles on the plane surged out of Mars and shot at the retreating Hogwarts students, how could the Hogwarts students avoid these tracking missiles?

Suddenly, a dozen or twenty Hogwarts classmates were hit by missiles, blood splashed on the spot, and only a dozen people were able to return to the ground smoothly, you know, from their liftoff to their return is only a matter of ten minutes, and the death toll is terrifying to more than three-fifths.

Mrs. Hodge was also very sad to see such a tragic situation, if she had not led the team, I am afraid that these children would not have died, but because of the attack that led to their killing, Mrs. Hodge was naturally too unwilling to go.

Harry also sighed, originally thinking that he could resist, but the gap in strength was too big to resist at all.

At this time, Harry couldn’t help but think that if Yunye was present, they didn’t have to make such a sacrifice, and Yunye would definitely be able to relieve the crisis.

Hogwarts’ classmates saw that the casualties were heavy and beneficial to them, and they were also secretly afraid in their hearts, and they were even more afraid of the British army in the outside world, and they hid in the hall in fear.

“We didn’t expect Muggles to have such a strong air power, but we underestimated them.”

Mrs. Hodge shook her head with a miserable white face, still unable to accept the fact.

McGonagall sighed and walked over to Harry, “The shield can’t hold on anymore, a lot of places have collapsed, Harry, do you still have a way?” ”

McGonagall had been Hogwarts’ backbone ever since Dumbledore was gone, but McGonagall was ultimately ill-equipped and had no idea in such a critical situation.

Harry shook his head helplessly, he wasn’t a cloudy night, what could he do?

At this time, the protective shield on the top of Hogwarts had collapsed into a state of shape, and although the protective shield could withstand high intensity, under the indiscriminate bombardment of the British army, the protective shield could not withstand it.

The shield on top of Hogwarts collapsed in a large area, revealing the Hogwarts castle building in it.

And the bombs of the British bombers fell one after another, and the castles shattered in the fireworks, and countless stone dust dust flew in the air, and the fire and smoke had covered the entire Hogwarts.

McGonagall’s face was pale, was Hogwarts going to perish like this?

Snape said coldly, “Even if we die, we have to play Hogwarts’ style, I suggest leading everyone to rush out, and stay here we are just waiting for death in vain!” ”

Hearing Snape’s words, McGonagall’s face trembled even more, Snape’s statement was indeed not wrong, how to see that now Hogwarts is a dead end, it is better to rush out and fight a big battle, for Hogwarts to fight the last battle.

But if that’s the case, Hogwarts is really finished.

As long as there was still a glimmer of hope, McGonagall was reluctant to make such a choice, and Harry also understood what McGonagall was thinking and remained silent.

By this time, the bombing of British bombers had ended, and many parts of Hogwarts had been razed to the ground, and the flames were bubbling.

However, thanks to Harry’s hall, the most protective place of the magic shield, they were not affected for the time being.

But it is only temporary, and sooner or later the most severe situation will appear in front of them.

McGonagall took a deep breath and looked in the direction where the Hogwarts Gate was located, “The Muggle army has arrived at Hogwarts, and the shield at the gate has completely failed.” ”

Snape shook his wand in his hand and said, “Strike, we can’t lose face for Hogwarts in the last battle!” ”

Flitwick, Mrs. Hodge, and other Hogwarts professors are also resolute, they are ready to die, as Hogwarts’ professors, they absolutely have to fight for Hogwarts.

Harry sighed, he knew what McGonagall was worried about.


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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