But in the current situation, they have no choice and no way out, this is their only choice.

Harry raised his wand and said coldly, “Professor McGonagall, there is no time to hesitate, it is now the last moment.” ”

Slytherin, most of Gryffindor’s classmates also took up the courage to come forward with their wands and stood firmly behind Harry.

Ravenclaw and his classmates at Chipachi also got up one after another to stand up to Harry, and at this moment they also had the courage to decide to fight for Hogwarts.

McGonagall sighed, and she knew that now there was no choice but to fight hard and make a final struggle.

Suddenly a figure rushed over, it was Hermione, and Hermione ran over with a worried face, “I have informed Yunye, he will come to support you soon.” ”

However, no one paid any attention to Hermione’s words, for them, the support of the cloud night was too far away, and it could even be said that there was no sense of expectation.

Hermione said anxiously, “Don’t worry, with the strength of Cloud Night, it is only a matter of minutes to support us, as long as we stabilize the situation, Hogwarts can continue to survive.” ”

Harry sighed and said, “It’s also a matter of minutes for the Ying government forces to annihilate us, so we can’t wait.” ”

Lady Hodge on the side also nodded, “That’s right, with the combat effectiveness of the Ying government army, we can’t resist at all, and the only way to fight to the death will there be a glimmer of life.” ”

McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick and other Hogwarts professors also nodded their heads, Hogwarts is now in a desperate situation, they have no way, there is only one way to go, that is, to fight to the death.

McGonagall sighed and said, “Hermione, I know you believe in Cloud Night, but now time really can’t catch up, so there’s no way out.” ”

Hermione looked anxiously at the crowd and wanted to say something, but she couldn’t say anything.

Connecting with Cloud Night to come to support is a hope that Hermione wants to give everyone, who knows that the situation is too serious now, even the name of Cloud Night can not give everyone peace of mind.

McGonagall waved her wand and said, “Listen, all the Hogwarts people, go out with me and fight for the glory of Hogwarts!” ”

With that, McGonagall waved her hand vigorously and led all the Hogwarts towards the gate.

At this time, a large group of British soldiers also came out of the gate of Gwarts, these people were all armed with various weapons, holding high-power guns in their hands, and directly rushed into Hogwarts on the way.

On the other side, McGonagall’s Hogg army also stepped forward, constantly facing the British.

The two looked like they were about to collide together, and when a terrifying battle broke out, a lonely figure suddenly appeared above a castle in Hogwarts, looking at the British army faintly, and the indifferent eyes seemed to be looking at the huge ant army that moved.

“There’s a wizard there!” A soldier of the British army immediately spotted the figure of the wizard standing above the castle.

Dozens of British soldiers did not say a word, directly set up rocket artillery and sniper rifles, aimed at the figure is a dozen rocket shells fired past, dozens of sniper bullets tilted past.

But these missiles, after the bullets are launched, are only stuck in front of the figure, and there is no way to make any progress.

Less than half a second later, the missiles and bullets that originally had a strong impact slowly lost their effect and fell straight to the ground, and even the detonation did not detonate, which was very strange.

“What is that, how come our artillery bullets have no effect at all!”

“No, didn’t the intelligence already say that the really powerful combat power of the wizarding world is on the side of the Yun Family, and Hogwarts should not have a powerful wizard.”

“Don’t be afraid, wizards are human beings, so I don’t believe they are not afraid of guns!” Keep firing! ”

The British soldiers were worthy of the royal army of the Ying country, and after a period of panic, they immediately regained their composure, raised their guns in their hands and pulled the trigger, and the bullets shot at the figure like a torrent of steel.

This time, bullets and shells directly penetrated the location of the black shadow, and even more the roof of the entire castle was blown to pieces, and no matter how to see the owner of this black shadow, it was impossible to survive.

Cross was in the middle of the British camp, holding up his telescope to see where the dark shadow was, and asked, “Is that man dead?” ”

A sniper next to Cross glanced through the sniper scope and said, “It’s gone, and I guess I’m dead anymore.” ”

The staff officer next to Kroos also nodded, “Wizards are also people, and it is impossible to survive under this kind of firepower.” ”

Cross relaxed his mind slightly, and said, “Don’t be afraid, continue to advance, today is bound to take down this school.” ”

As soon as Kroos’s voice dropped, a familiar black shadow appeared in front of him.

Kroos shook his head for a moment, how could this person’s figure be so similar to the black shadow on the roof just now?

“You are the commander of the government forces of the Ying Kingdom.”

The man smiled faintly at Cross, as if he were an old friend he hadn’t seen in years, but behind the whole smile, Cross felt a chill.

The soldiers around Cross were so frightened that they immediately raised their submachine guns and were about to shoot at this person, but they saw that the man’s palms were slightly raised, and the soldiers around them were frozen, and their bodies could not move at all.

Kroos looked at the person in front of him in horror and stuttered a little, “Are you Cloud Night?” ”

In Cross ‘s impression, only Yun Ye, the leader of the Yun Family, had such mysterious strength, otherwise their government would not suspect Yun Ye but the wizard who caused the tragedy in the United States.


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