But when the name Yunye came into this person’s ears, the smile on the person’s face slowly disappeared, replaced by a cold expression, “Remember, my name is Merlin, and Yunye is just a poor worm that will die at my hands.” ”

Cross’s pupils shrank suddenly, he never expected such a terrible wizard besides Cloud Night!

But he didn’t have time to think too much, because Merlin had pressed a finger against his forehead, and at the same time, Cros’s fragile skull made a crisp sound, bursting out of the night of bright red blood.

Merlin smiled coldly, and the bodies of the British soldiers gathered around Kroos were also stiff, although there was no problem in appearance, but their hearts had been detonated by the strong pressure and exploded, and their whole body had long been dispersed.

“Commander Cross has been killed, hurry up and kill this abominable wizard!”

A British staff officer shouted loudly, but the next second a heartfelt chill instantly enveloped the British staff officer.

Merlin waved his wand lightly, and the British staff officer flew up and exploded into a pool of blood mist in mid-air, and some of the approaching British soldiers were also blasted away without any accidents, and their bodies exploded!

There was a panic in the British army, and Kroos’s killing had a great impact on them, but even if the commander was killed in the British army, there were various contingency plans, so although the impact was there, it was nothing in the short term.

Some of the special forces in the British army immediately took action, and under the command of the squad leader, aimed the crosshairs of the heavy sniper rifles at Merlin in the center of the British army, and a dozen heavy bullet rounds were fired at Merlin.

Merlin’s eyes narrowed slightly, an inexplicable counterattack burst from it, and a dozen heavy bullets actually bounced straight back, hitting the sniper scope of the sniper rifle and shooting through the sniper scope into the brain of the British special forces.

Merlin strode out, and the British soldiers around him, without exception, were thrown one by one, and the moment of the ejection was extinguished, and he could not die anymore.

Not far away, inside Hogwarts.

McGonagall, Harry, and other Hogwarts professors and students watched from a distance at this shocking picture, a little overwhelmed.

Originally, they had already come here with the determination to die, but who knew that what they saw here was that the British army had been killed by a wizard and discarded, and the psychological fluctuations up and down were really too great.

McGonagall was surprised: “Is that a cloud night?” How could there be such a powerful wizard? ”

Snape said coldly, “It’s not Yunye, although it is impossible to see the appearance of this wizard here, but Yunye will not take such a cruel action even if it is to deal with the British army, and those British soldiers who are attacked have all died of extreme cruelty.” ”

Harry also nodded, “I also, Mr. Yun has fought with a lot before, even if Mr. Yun wants to kill the enemy, he will be crisp and clean, and he will not use such a cruel style.” ”

Snape groaned for a moment that was quite rare. ”

McGonagall smiled comfortably and said, “Just now I was worried that we were going to fight to the death, who knew that such a powerful wizard had jumped out, and my heart had finally been put down.” ”

Hermione on the side frowned tightly, “But how can a wizard comparable to the strength of the cloud night suddenly appear here, and it looks very strange, will this be…?” ”

McGonagall interrupted Hermione, “Needless to say, there are many people in the wizarding world who originally had Crouching Tigers and Hidden Dragons, and it is not surprising that a powerful wizard suddenly appeared.” ”

Hermione stammered and didn’t answer the call again, but she frowned deeply as she looked at the killing figure in the distance.

At this time, Merlin raised his hand to overturn, and one tank after another was directly thrown into the air, and then smashed heavily on the ground.

These tanks all exploded into a large spark after a roar, and the shells inside blew up the entire tank due to the sputtering of the sparks and the strong impact force, and the gunpowder inside was detonated.

The British soldiers also found that this wizard was not the same as the wizard they came into contact with, and the combat power was simply terrifying!

Most importantly, the heat weapon they were proud of could not cause any harm to this god of killing, and fighting such a terrible person was only to die.

Merlin’s eyes were slightly closed, his wand was constantly flipped, the inexplicable magic was constantly surging, and all the soldiers, tanks and armored vehicles around him were constantly flying, bursting, and spattering blood.

Hogwarts’ school gate has become a slaughterhouse, and Merlin is slaughtering these people in his favorite way, which is how Merlin gets his pleasure!

“Die, die, give me all to die!”

Merlin opened his eyes sharply and burst out laughing, and the arrogant laughter spread throughout Hogwarts, making people shudder.

The entire body of the British soldiers in a large range exploded, and countless blood and flesh splashed out, such a scene immediately reminded people of the recent massacre in the United States!

Hermione screamed and took several steps back, and not only Hermione, but Hogwarts’ professors and students noticed the wizard’s unusualness.

From this means of killing, the way it was killed, and Merlin’s frantic laughter, they were almost certain that Merlin was definitely not a good wizard!

Harry trembled in his voice and said, “Is he the initiator of the massacre in the United States?” ”

Harry had never believed that Cloudy was the wizard who caused the Massacre in the United States, but there had been no evidence of Cloudnight’s innocence.

But when Merlin showed up and killed the British army in this way, Harry immediately thought of this!


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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