It is very likely that the person who appeared in front of them to deal with the British army was the murderer of the American massacre!

McGonagall, Snape, Mrs. Hodge, and other Hogwarts professors also turned pale, and they thought of it.

If the wizard who appeared was really the wizard who caused the tragedy in the United States, then what did he come to the Ying Kingdom, why did he come to Hogwarts?

Merlin laughed maniacally, and in his hands, any British soldier was just an ant, an ant he killed at will.

The blood and qi emanating from the dead British soldier rushed to Merlin’s side and was absorbed by Merlin, who looked like a mad demon, which was very terrifying and terrifying.

Dozens of helicopters with Gatling machine guns appeared in mid-air, and the British soldiers on board controlled Gatlin to pour out a powerful torrent of bullets, straight through Merlin’s area, the ground was shattered into countless stone chips, and billowing smoke rose up.

But Merlin raised a hand, an invisible shield in front of him, countless bullets shot at it, just a circle of ripples, and then fell to the ground to form a thick pile of bullet casings.

Merlin looked at the dozens of helicopters that were constantly pouring out firepower and smiled coldly, his palm flipped violently, and dozens of powerful magic powers were suddenly fired, hitting the helicopter directly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dozens of helicopters did not have any accidents, and all of them exploded brilliant sparks in the air.

Seeing that dozens of helicopters had no resistance and were destroyed by Merlin at the same time, the British soldiers, even if they were stupid, should have seen the fact that the man in front of them was not something they could easily deal with.

This is a demon from hell, and with human strength it is simply impossible to challenge a terrifying devil!

“Escape, we can’t kill this demon.”

I don’t know where a voice of extreme fear came from, and this sound immediately became the fuse that overwhelmed the entire British army.

Countless British troops retreated in terror, and now for them, whether they can escape is not the most important thing, but must run faster than the people around them!

“Run! Can’t stay any longer, if you don’t want to be killed by demons! ”

“Don’t pull me, get away, don’t pull me to the back, I still have dozens of relatives in my family!”

“I don’t want to die, my mother is still going!”

One by one, the British soldiers have taken off their role as elite soldiers, revealing their most primitive nature one by one.

They are not ruthless killing weapons, they are just flesh and blood people, in the face of death, they instinctively expose their timid side.

A British soldier who had just tried to pull his comrade-in-arms was kicked hard in the heart by his comrade-in-arms, and the whole person fell backwards.

Although the soldier also quickly stood on his heels, but it was such a delay, the British soldiers behind him like a tidal wave covered him, pulling his body backwards one by one, like a zombie.

In the face of such a large crowd, this British soldier could not resist at all, and could only watch as he was getting farther and farther away from the direction of escape, and his body was constantly approaching the direction of the demon.

“No, I don’t want to die, my mom is waiting for me to go back, I said I can’t die!”

The British soldier looked at him with hatred in his eyes and slammed the trigger of the gun in his hand, at this time he could not care about so much, he had a thought in his mind, and tried his best to escape at all costs.

The pouring bullets suddenly shot into the bodies of dozens of British soldiers, spilling out a cloud of blood, these poor British soldiers desperately tried to escape the killing of Merlin’s demons, but they did not expect to die under the guns of their colleagues.

A large chunk of air suddenly appeared in front of the British soldier who fired the shot, and just as he was about to run away in ecstasy, a force he could not resist suddenly lifted him high, and it was Merlin’s burst of magic!

“No! No! ”

The British soldier’s body was hanging in the air, floating high in the air, his eyeballs were about to pop out, and he could almost escape and flee back to his home to reunite with his mother, just a little bit!

However, because of the little distance, he could no longer see his dear relatives, but could only slam on the land of Hogwarts, bursting out countless blood mist, and was quickly sucked into Merlin’s body.

The same thing broke out in various places, some people were raised to the air and died, some died in the random guns of their colleagues, until they died, they did not know why their colleagues shot at themselves, and some even accidentally fell to the ground, and then they were trampled into meat sauce by the companions behind them.

But no matter how these people died, their hearts were filled with immense remorse.

It could have lived the second half of his life well, and even had a wonderful life, but now he is dying on a strange land, and he has no ability to resist, and can only die like an ant.

“Boom, boom, boom, boom!”

On the way to the British soldiers’ escape, some of the remaining grenades, artillery shells and gunpowder were also detonated in the panic, blowing up the nearby British soldiers to the flesh and blood, and the main force of the elite British troops fled everywhere like falling dogs.

Merlin slaughtered the British soldiers madly, and fortunately Merlin was immersed in this killing spree, and did not use the super wide range of attack spells, otherwise this British soldier would not be enough for Merlin to slaughter for a second.

All the professors and students inside Hogwarts looked at the situation in front of them, and their faces slowly changed, and they realized the cruelty of Merlin’s killing.

Don’t talk about ordinary Muggles, even they can’t stand Merlin’s atrocities!


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