Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 979: ? War, war has never changed

In front of the only small building in the courtyard, after the wedding of Harry, the three of them told Dumbledore and Allen about the transformation of Animagus, and it seemed that the two of them who had been considered to have broken off at this time had something to do. To talk about it, Ginny, who had a wink, pulled away her boyfriend and brother immediately.

But compared with the nervous three, the other guests are very comfortable.

Although the scale of the wedding is not very large, guests are free to enjoy outdoor activities and taste delicious food. The chairs that were placed before the middle of the venue have disappeared. In the vacated venue, many people danced to the music played by an old gramophone, and some walked along the path.

"The transformation of Animagus is not a simple matter. Black is worthy of being the oldest pure-blood family. The most traditional method has no such success rate ..." Dumbledore frowned slightly, hesitating for a moment. Then I asked out loudly, "Allen, I know you asked all students at Hogwarts to prepare for the transformation of Animax during the summer vacation ... Please forgive me for not trying to dictate your teaching ... Of course I fully understand Your achievements in Transfiguration, but can you just comfort me and give me some insight, so that I do n’t have to worry about it ... To know that this is not ordinary magic, how can you help so much at the same time? What about the transformation of Animagus? "

"Of course no problem, this will not be a secret in the next semester." Allen probably pulled out a copy of the deformed Animagus material he had written from his pocket and gently tapped his finger on the cover. Immediately, a copy of the duplicated material was handed over to Dumbledore, and the original version was returned to his pocket.

Dumbledore ’s position before becoming the principal of Hogwarts was a professor of metamorphosis, and he was very successful in alchemy. He simply read through and understood the principles of Allen ’s method of combining the Blacks and Wagga, He praised: "This is a day for the advancement of Transfiguration! Hogwarts afterwards ... No, it should be said that the wizards of the entire magic world can safely become Animagus ... What an amazing achievement ... The Ministry of Magic should be for you A new Merlin Medal is awarded. "

Dumbledore not only likes the transformation technique, but also recognizes that the transformation method provided by Allen has nothing to do with the adventures and hidden dangers he envisioned, which ensured the safety of the students. A thought flashed in my heart. If Allen had taught such magic in his ancient magic class, they would not have reached this point today.

"Let's continue with the topic that we haven't finished, but let us enter the room first, and there should be no one there now." Allen gave Dumbledore an invitation gesture to the living room in Tonks' house.

After entering the house, this room shows the style of the owner of the house very well-Ted Tonks from Muggle and Andomida from the ancient pure blood family make the layout of the room a successful mix and match. This style, where the wizarding world and the Muggle items are disorderly and harmoniously co-existed in a room that does not make people feel abrupt, except that there are two TVs in this room that are awkward.

The Wizard TV was placed in the living room directly opposite the sofa, while another Muggle TV, away from the magic items in the living room, was placed in a corner-in order to avoid this Muggle electronic product from being magical by other Of wizard products affect damage.

Dumbledore and Allen sat on the sofa at the same time. He picked up the TV remote control on the small coffee table and turned on the TV. "These products have indeed changed the lives of the wizards. An old friend of mine is now a senior serial fan. Although I think that relying too much on them will make the wizard stay on the sofa for a long time, making you easily obese and unhealthy ... but I have to admit that these shows are very charming ... Fortunately, Harry, the little wizards, seem to have inexhaustible Vitality allows them to focus their energy outside the living room ... "

Noting the wizard news broadcast on TV, Alan glanced sideways and turned sideways: "Harry, three of them can feel two hearts so quickly. I think as long as you don't take risks when you are transformed, you should transform Animagus. There will be no major problems. "

"Before your new method appeared, not even adult wizards had the courage and perseverance to transform Animagus." Dumbledore raised his crescent-shaped glasses and praised, "but you Before transforming into a phoenix, it was the first person to venture across the river by touching stones. The result of trying to become a magical creature is always unpredictable. It cannot be said that no one has tried before and no one has succeeded, but he can teach his own experience. Helping others complete the transformation of magical creatures is an achievement beyond their predecessors. "

"This technique is immature and the risk is too great." Allen's fingers tapped lightly on the table to change the subject. "Harry will soon be 17 years old, if he can successfully transform Animag It ’s a nice birthday gift ... but Ms. Lily Evans Porter ’s protective magic will also be invalidated ... It would be too dangerous to let him stay in his aunt ’s house, to Harry and his aunt It ’s all for one family ... I do n’t know if the Phoenix has any arrangements for this? If there is anything that needs the Ministry of Magic and me to help, just mention ... "

Knowing that Allen started to talk about the topic, but Dumbledore couldn't see through his thoughts. He leaned back slightly, unconsciously pulling away from Allen.

"I'm glad to see that you can care about Harry's safety. This poor child is under a heavy burden ... And what worries me is that Harry is about to face immense danger. I got a very reliable message ..." Dumbledore paused a little and decided to say what he knew: "Tom wants to use the summer vacation to find opportunities to attack Harry."

"I also received this news. Tom seemed to think that when Harry entered the school next semester, he would have no chance to wait another year." Allen grinned, and he knew clearly that Dumbledore was through Nep got the news.

After hearing this, Dumbledore raised an eyebrow, and the names of many Death Eaters wandered in his heart.

"So, Albus, the suggestion that I didn't finish just now is related to this." Allen's expression became more serious. "Since you and I already know that Tom has planned to target Harry, I think Instead of being passively beaten, but on the contrary, when Tom took the risk, we gave him a cruel way to make him have a little later. "

Dumbledore's blue eyes flickered a few times behind the lens: "Allen, what is your plan?"

"You know his goal." Allen's voice was very calm. "We can deliberately release the wind that Harry wants to divert, so as to lure Tom out at that time ..."

"Does Harry need to show up?" Dumbledore shook his head and asked a question he actually knew the answer.

"Of course, you know the kind of connection between Harry and Tom himself. Although he can't use this to get too much information, he can still know at least when Harry is away." Allen knew when he saw Dumbledore's expression. Contrary to the other party, but he did not give up one more sentence, "This time I don't even need you to shoot, I am enough, so that you can protect Harry's safety all the way ..."

There was a moment of silence in the living room, the news on the TV in the living room was over, and the female anchor calmly reported: "From today on, the Muggle Research program will broadcast multiple documentaries-" Muggle Wars ", which will look back on the 20th century The main war in the Muggle society, to let the wizards understand the military power of the Muggles ... "

"Please forgive me, I cannot agree ... Allen ..." Dumbledore habitually crossed his fingers on his chest. "You know, Tom made so many Horcruxes, even if we beat him this time, I ca n’t kill him completely ... I do n’t want Harry to take risks on such a doomed plan ... It ’s not yet time to start a war ... "

"War, war has never changed ... Albus, you ca n’t protect Harry from being attacked forever, he has been stared at by Tom ... and he is destined to be in danger ..." Allen sat up straight, "If we can Solve him once, let him understand that he has no advantage at all in one-on-one head-to-head duel ... then at least he can converge, at least make him attack the Muggle world more cautiously, and not wanton, I think you can see that this is good for most people ... "

"It's Tom that's been getting worse recently, Allen, you know what those pure-blood families are doing ... I would definitely agree if it was a year ago and a year ago, but at this moment, the enemies hiding in the dark in this situation are coming. The more ... Harry ’s safety becomes more important. He is on the path of fate. Before the prophecy is realized, we must ensure his safety, even if it takes my life ... "Dumbledore longed 'S white beard quivered with his words.

There was a loud sound of Muggle gunfire on TV.

Dumbledore glanced sideways at the TV, calmed his emotions and continued: "Allen, please forgive my conservatism, but to protect Harry from harm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ for the final victory And the choices made ... Although I understand that your plan is also to make the world safer, I have to refuse your request this time. "

"It's nothing, but it's another result of our different ideas ... Um? Ah, you don't have to worry about the impression of the Phoenix Society's permission, I will let Ron as soon as possible ..." Allen paused, then firmly Say, "Although I am sorry that I can't cooperate, Albus, I think I will still act according to my own style ... Then, please forgive me for being out of company for a little while. I came to find some drinks, otherwise my favorite taste will be People drank up ... let's see you later when Harry turns them. "

Allen stood up, leaned slightly towards Dumbledore, and then walked out of the house.

Dumbledore said nothing. He sat indifferently on the chair and picked up a muffin from the coffee table and stuffed it into his mouth.

There was only the sound of Muggle weapons bombing on TV. A huge explosion roared, his blue eyes focused on the TV, and then he was attracted by the commentary on the opposite TV. "The Second World War in the Muggle world was based on Germany, Japan, and Italy, the three servants of the Muggle Axis, the Kingdom of Hungary, the Kingdom of Romania, the Kingdom of Bulgaria, and other servant countries, and the anti-axis countries of the world as the other. The second global-scale war fought by one side ... The war ranged from Europe to Asia, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. There were 61 countries and regions, more than 2 billion Muggle populations were involved in the war, and the area of ​​operation was 22 million square kilometers. Mi. According to incomplete statistics, Muggle soldiers and civilians were killed and injured more than 90 million people in the war, and more than 5 trillion dollars were lost to the east. It is the largest world war in Muggle history ... "

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