Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 980: ?? Feed into the ball

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At the end of the party, the guests left to leave. Everyone expressed their blessings and love to the bride and groom to the maximum before leaving, and then left one by one phantom, many of the wizards also left Lupin ’s mother Pay tribute.

Afterwards, I saw that there were some father-in-law's family and a large group of people who didn't leave. Luping, who was planning to leave Tonks for a period of vacation with a couple of people, came to Sirius with doubts.

Upon seeing this, Sirius reluctantly told Lupin and Tonks and kept them from going on with their wedding program.

Lu Ping did not agree, he bowed his head and gently kissed Tonks' temple, "Sorry, my dear, I used to be a professor of black magic defense classes for children. We have to wait a little ... the children succeeded I can rest assured. "

"Don't worry about Remus, you have no problem going on vacation. The children have been practicing for a long time." Mo Li persuaded that although she had two children to undergo the transformation of Anemagus, it made her very proud. But in fact, at the same time, it is also a double worry.

"Besides the presence of Alan and Dumbledore, there is nothing really going to be our turn ... er ..." Arthur noticed the change in his wife's expression and knew that he had said bad luck, he quickly changed his mind, "I mean he The two are definitely not going to have any problems. "

"What are you sorry, Remus? You're not a professor. We have to watch it before we go." Tonks didn't feel any regrets. She was so excited that her hair had changed color. "Moli, let's wait one more minute. Will it have any effect? ​​I am Rong Magus, but it is born, there are few opportunities to see the Animagus transformation on the spot! You have seen Sirius before and they have not changed me. Ever. "

On the other side, Daisy took Emily's hand, and the two sisters returned happily to Ted's back garden.

Alan, who was holding a bottle of cola, was surprised to see them return: "Why are you two back?"

"We didn't plan to go anymore. After watching the excitement, I said." Daisy looked at the three Harry who had stood on the round table waiting to be transformed. "I don't know what will change. I heard Hermione say that Ginny seems to not Like her patron saint. "

"Alan, Luna left her in the garden when she left ... We just went out and just sent Helena back." Emily finished, seeing that the soda that Alan was drinking was a bit greedy, "You recently Drink this Muggle soda every day ... is it better than pumpkin juice and butter beer? "

"Uh ... Luna didn't forget, she knew I was still here ..." Alan gave a dry excuse for Luna, and then touched Emily's small head, "Emily, do you want to try it? Don Tex ’s father Ted put some in the refrigerator, the kind of food storage cabinet invented by Muggle, but it was very popular. When I took it just now, I found that there were only three bottles left to drink. You can get one by yourself. Give it a try, the effect is better after applying a slight freezing spell ... but remember to cast it after opening the bottle ... "

Emily nodded and ran away from her sister Daisy's hand, and ran to the house. Daisy, who heard everything beside her, also urged her sister to bring her a bottle.

The owner of the drink, Ted and Andromeda, was preparing the venue. The couple shook their wands, and the chairs that had been neatly stacked on the side because of the wedding ended flew over a few chairs, and Ted again shaded the garden The umbrella cast a magnifying spell and fixed him on the grass.

Andomida cooperated with her husband and picked some dessert drinks on the table that was moved under the parasol. It seems to know that many people stayed more to create an auditorium to watch the excitement.

As the three magical Animagus now known in the world, Hermione also stayed to watch the transformation process of her friends, and even Penello worried that the child's Molly enthusiasm requested to stay.

After a busy day, Harry and the three of them finally landed on the round table that Lupin used before. Molly gave each of them a big hug. Her face was pale and her expression was a little nervous. People are nagging: "How do you guys feel? If we are not sure we can postpone ..."

"Molly! You would scare them like this, Arthur took his wife to comfort her," "Let's go and replenish a few earplugs and Muggle expulsion spells to see if there are any omissions ... don't forget Strictly speaking, Harry cannot use their magic wand during the holidays. Although Minister Harris knows the situation ... so many adult wizards will not be detected, but if a Ted Muggle neighbor breaks in If it does, it will still be a little troublesome. "

Molly nodded, and the obedient and her husband left the high platform and started to try to check for leaks and fill vacancies.

Sirius, as their coach of Animagus, at this time, his expression also became very serious. At the end, he gave them some ideas, and the people who were left also began to walk toward the shadow under the huge umbrella. It was found that Dumbledore had already sat inside and ate dessert.

This made Allen on the side understand how much the other party's shipment was so amazing in the cave at that time-the old man's curse in his hand was better, and he seemed to have a better appetite.

"Children, are you ready for the Animagus transformation? If any of you feel bad, please tell me now, do n’t worry, do n’t hesitate, make sure your status is at the best moment." Sirius He also completed the final instruction and began to make a final inquiry to the three Harry standing in front of him.

Harry said firmly, "I'm ready."

"Of course." Although Ron was nervous, he was also very excited, which made the freckles on his face more obvious.

Ginny nodded confidently, and her red curly hair bounced a few times.

"You must make up your mind during the transformation, do not hesitate, and feel your Animagus form clearly and intently in your mind ... You are all brave Gryffindors, be fearless. Remember once the transformation begins It cannot be interrupted, otherwise it will easily lead to unpredictable consequences, and even become a permanent orc, and will never return to humans ... "Sirius asked," So who of you will come first? "

"I'll come first!" Harry answered bravely before Sirius finished the question.

Ginny stared at her boyfriend, unable to help throwing her long red curly hair behind her.

And a reminder of Sirius in Ron's mind kept wandering about the image he wanted to transform. After Harry answered, he reflected what Sirius asked.

Sirius was satisfied with his godson's performance. He used his wand as an umbrella, and then turned to the stage and shouted: "Hermione, please let your thunderbird out."

It is said that Hermione quickly opened its lion head pockets under the stage and released the pet Thunderbird Cotton, but what everyone expected was that the image of Thunderbird was completely different from what they had in the past.

Corton's gorgeous feathers are indeed very bright, and the color is indeed bright and beautiful, but the original majestic face and torso are almost fat into a ball, and the roots of the six wings look fat and round-the scene is instantly lively.

"Ahaha!" Penelope directly haha ​​size, began to ridicule Hermione, "Hermione you must have been too anxious to raise it? Did you cast an expansion spell on Cotton?"

"Poof! Cough ..." Daisy drinking Coke accidentally choked herself, and Tonks, who was also laughing, quickly patted her junior for help.

And Emily took the opportunity to start giggling at Hermione ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Isn't Hermione feeding her sweets because Thunderbird has no teeth? "

"Uh ... Hermione is really good at fattening pets ..." Sirius thought of Crookshanks, who were going to become a ball, and then echoed, "You are good at feeding anything into a ball ..."

"It's not me! I don't even know! It's already so fat!" Hermione's expression also became stunned, and her face suddenly turned red. She looked at her Thunderbird and defended herself. Busy, let Dobby feed it! Dobby must have fed it too much ... not me! "

"Cough ..." Dumbledore lowered the sweets in his hand involuntarily. He coughed a few words and said, "Miss Granger, I can understand this. I know a lot of people's physiques are fattening physiques ... but now What ’s important is not Corton ’s shape, as long as it can fly to the sky to create a storm, it is considered a successful mission ... "

Then, at the order of Hermione, Cottonton tried to spread its wings in the eyes that everyone expected-but although in the eyes of everyone disappointed, it perfectly showed the fact that it had lost the ability to fly birds, its wings because of fat The oil barrier cannot even unfold completely.

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