Narcissa became the busiest person in the family at this time. After confirming with Morgan Le Fay that she would give birth at home, she quickly consulted Daisy's precautions, plus her own experience instructing Kreacher to start the arrangement. , Ensure the light and the temperature in the room, clean the room quickly, prepare a few clean sheets with the smell of the sun, clean large towels, and clean pants for the parturient.

Newborn items, such as blankets, clothes, diapers, etc., potions that can be used to disinfect and clean, clean basins, potions prepared by Daisy, etc., are all placed in order on the table she temporarily moved over. on……

Like many families of pure-blood wizards, in ancient times, the mistress of the family would generally receive the services of a senior family therapist at home instead of going to a treatment hospital that mainly used bloodletting treatment and potions, so except for Kreacher Besides being driven away from unrelated men like Lynch and Tom Riddle, Morgan Le Fay didn’t mean to evade his relatives, and Harris basically stood around Morgan Le Fay not far away to encourage her—— Only Narcissa was influenced by the Malfoy family and took into account Luna’s physical condition. Not far from the bed, she deliberately set aside a space and made a single sofa so that Luna could stay comfortably. In the room, in order to ensure that the goddess can use divine power to help her mother-in-law when necessary.

Except for Albert and Josephine and Hermione, who hadn't arrived in time because of the Ministry of Magic's work and the Hogwarts course, the Harris had all rushed back.

According to Daisy's account, Penello had brought back the therapist Melem Straw from the St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and a somewhat majestic nurse.

As soon as Melim Straw entered the door, apart from a gentle smile at the beginning of her former colleague Morgan Le Fay, she immediately began to exchange information with Daisy, who was carrying drugs and treatment tools. The nurse opened the box directly after seeing the professional equipment in the room, and came to get familiar with the location of these tools and medicines to avoid waiting to be rushed.

This seems to be a mother-like therapist, apart from being a little too gullible, because several long-lived patients who had been cared for before have recovered and made her famous. Although it was more because of the relationship between the goddess Ravenclaw, Melham herself became a loyal follower of the goddess-although she came in and saw Luna lying on the sofa and did not recognize her. It is the goddess she believes in. She is just a little dissatisfied with the bulging belly of the little girl who looks like a little witch. This makes her look at Hogwar disapprovingly from time to time while talking with Daisy. The headmaster of the city.

But the therapists hadn’t finished talking. Suddenly, Morgan Lefayy’s expression was a bit sullen. Owen, who had always cared about his wife, immediately felt this. He felt his wife’s grip on his hand more and more and turned back and yelled. Said: "Morgan Le Fay is about to give birth, Ms. Straw, Daisy, come and have a look?"

"I was pregnant with two this time... the contractions were a bit severe..." Morgan Le Fayy had a cold sweat on her head, and the pain in her stomach became stronger and stronger. She also lost the indifferentness she had before, and had to hold the sheets tightly. At the same time, the nurse helped her to retract the bimonthly, and at the same time gave her instructions to breathe deeply in rhythm.

The Harriss dispersed a little, and stepped aside to look at the mother worriedly. Ron began to use his magic wand to gently strengthen the air flow in the room to prevent his mother from being deprived of oxygen due to the crowd.

Morgan LeFayy grabbed the sheets and said to the therapist beside him: "Melem, this time it's true."

"You'll be fine with Morgana." Seeing that his former colleague was still calm, Straw bent over and stretched out his arm to lift off the burqa on her lower body, and checked her condition with a magic wand. "It's already open. It’s 10 centimeters away, and the fetal position is all right. You will give birth smoothly."

"Come on, mother!"

"This is the natural beauty of life..."

"I hope you can say that later, Furong."

"Daisy...and, everyone, please keep quiet..." The nurse was obviously familiar with Daisy. She was a little dissatisfied and warned Daisy, the former therapist of St. Mungo’s Hospital and her family, and then continued to have Rhythmically help Morgan Le Fay to find the state of breathing, "huh...heh...huh..."

This made the Harriss who were afraid to talk around couldn't help but follow the therapist's palm up and down, followed by deep breathing, and Penello's neck stretched back and forth following the therapist's gestures.

"Hehehe..." Despite the pain, but seeing the scene of his family members, Morgan Le Fay, who maintains a dignified wife, laughed straightforwardly with a little dignity.

Then, with a bang, the magic power of the expectant mother was a little out of control, and it suddenly rained in the room, which instantly poured the wizards in the room into soup chickens, dripping dripping from their hair. Come-but the well-informed therapists apparently predicted this situation in advance. Daisy has quickly cast a spell to hover her wand on top of her mother's head, turning the tip of its wand into a force. Field umbrellas.

"Daisy, your ability to cast spells is much better than when you were in the hospital!" Melim Straw said happily and somewhat regretfully, "It seems that your decision to leave the hospital is indeed correct."

"I knew there were so many things in the Ministry of Magic, I won't leave." Daisy also missed her previous days as a therapist. She was taken care of by Straw gently during her internship. What else did she want to say? Suddenly he waved his finger.

Daisy's wandless command made the protection range of the dangling magic wand umbrella a little larger-to resist another wave of gusts caused by the loss of magical power.

"Sorry, I can't help it." Morgan Le Fay said apologetically. She turned her head and said to her daughter, "Daisy, my amniotic fluid seems to be broken?"

"It's okay, I'll make you more comfortable now." Straw directed Morgan Le Fay to float up and put a clean water cushion under her. "Speaking of, Morgana, you this time The noises are much larger than you were before. Is it because you have become more powerful? Or does it mean that the talents of these two girls in your stomach are unusual?"

Diagon Alley, above the Gulin Pavilion, large and small fire dragons spread their wings around the towering white building, woven a huge net to firmly surround the Gulin Pavilion, and the shadow envelopes the Gulin Pavilion. That posture seemed to prevent another fire dragon from running out of the Gringotts.

Outside Gringotts, there are immigrant wizards who are obviously not native to Britain. They raised banners around Gringotts and shouted slogans to punish Gringotts. These protesters departed from all over the floating city and gathered outside the Gringa to express their opposition to Gringa’s sheltering of mysterious people and Death Eaters.

However, the Aurors had surrounded Gringotts, which prevented the fairies from coming out, and the protesting wizards were unable to break in and express their protest.

Albert, the director of the New Auror Office, and his father’s staff, John Barça, were standing in front of the bronze gate of the towering white building in Gringotts. UU Reading

A steady Albert's breath at this time was obviously a little impetuous. He looked at the lobby inside impatiently, rubbing his hands anxiously to see that the Auror and the batters were completing their encirclement.

As Irving’s staff, John Barça stroked his carefully trimmed short curly hair: "Albert? These fairies should not be strong enough to make you look like this..."

"Uh, sorry John, it's not about the fairies... it's okay, it's okay." Albert responded, as the leader of the action and the example of the Aurors made it impossible for him to make his mother have to produce this kind of private affairs, in this kind of action. Time to show it to others.

"Oh, that's good..." Mr. Barça replied, then squinted his eyes and his mind turned quickly, and quickly gave him some speculations based on his knowledge of the Harris family, so he asked thoughtfully: "Alber Especially, do you want to go home first? Now that we have the advantage of fairness and force, these fairies can't make any splashes, so I'll just be here."

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