Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1360: ??Suspend business

"Thank you, but it's okay. Alan and Emily were willing to come out for a long time..." Albert frowned and hesitated for a while. Out of a sense of responsibility, he still rejected John Barça’s kindness, "Wait here to finish. I will trouble you when I go back."

"No problem, you don't care about the things after the team is closed, and go to your business first." John Barça shook his short curly hair and showed a clear smile. Albert's answer proved what he had just done. Presumably, "Let's speed up the progress... Go in and announce it directly."

The Ministry of Magic and his entourage walked into the bronze gate mightily.

The president Nagnock, who had been waiting a long time ago, also hurriedly greeted the senior leaders. More ordinary fairies temporarily stopped their work, some angrily glaring at the intruders in their eyes. The relationship between the fairies and wizards has gotten worse in just a few days.

"Director Harris, Director of Barcelona..." Nagnock's expression at this time is not as peaceful and polite as the previous days, "Our compensation to Diagon Alley should have been paid, and the Ministry of Magic today has Gringotts again. Are you surrounded?"

"I'm in a hurry, so let's just say it." Albert was a little impatient with the fake politeness of some gentlemen who came first. "You and I all know what's on the news today."

"President Nagnock, we are not here to explain to you." John Barça stood calmly in front of Nagnock. Now it is different from the situation where Lun was turned away by Gringotts. The verbal tone of his voice was more aggressive than ever, "We are here to inform and implement the Ministry of Magic's decision."

"I would like to hear more..." Nagnock's short hand was folded behind him.

"First, the Ministry of Magic will enter Gringotts and his internal tunnels to further investigate the mysterious man's appearance in Gringotts and the attack on Diagon Alley by the fire dragon of your bank." Barcelona said naturally.

All the fairies remained silent, and the Gringotts were terribly repressed.

"Second, the fairies and security guards that have appeared in the surveillance, the Ministry of Magic took them back to assist in the investigation one by one." John Barça waved his hand and stood straight with his chin open and said loudly.

In an instant, Gringotts was restless, and the goblins who had appeared in the surveillance video angrily argued.

"My people told me that Mr. Griphook seemed to be away?" Albert asked.

If the anger in the eyes of the fairies turns into substance, the heat contained in them can almost burn them to death.

"I'll go back and explain with you, but they just fulfilled their duties and shouldn't be taken away because of this." Nagnok loosened his necktie, his slender fingers entangled, "Pull ring because of the previous The fire dragon incident in Gringotts was sent abroad to report on my duties."

"I understand." Albert Fei nodded and reminded, "If you can contact him, please let him know this news. If you don't report to the Ministry of Magic after the deadline, the Ministry will further hold him accountable."

"These are trivial things." John Barça unrolled a roll of parchment, which was what he had just told, and the badge of the Ministry of Magic was shining. "Finally, Gringotts will suspend business during the investigation. Until the Ministry of Magic's investigation is completed, the business can be resumed. Please cooperate and support."

This last blow made Gringotts suddenly unable to suppress the angry goblins waving their slender arms, protesting constantly, they rushed to behind Nagnock, the voices of protest converged into a wave.

"Mr. Barça, your so-called evidence is Gringotts surveillance that was illegally obtained? If Voldemort doesn't scare him to death, it means that we are in contact?" Nagnock's beard was furious. , Tried his best to refute, "There is no precedent and related penalties. Does the Ministry of Magic have any legal basis for these measures against Gringotts? Do you know how many noble families among our clients?"

"Of course, our Ministry of Magic will not harm the interests of others. The wizards who have a vault in Gringotts can enter their vault and take out their belongings with the company of our Ministry of Magic Auror." Barcelona said lightly, "but This is only limited to withdrawing business. If you want to save, you have to wait until the Ministry of Magic's investigation is completed and Gringotts can resume business."

"We reminded you fairies before..." Albert put a hand on his arm in an icy tone, "If Bellatrix is ​​your client, you are obliged to keep her secret and the Ministry of Magic understandable. And it clearly reminded Voldemort that he is not in this list. He does not kill people. It does not explain anything, but before you goblins know that the Dark Lord appeared and may be related to the previous fire dragon out of control case, Gringotts did not have any warnings or notifications of magic. The behavior of the Ministry, this kind of thing suspected of concealing for the Dark Lord, we must strictly investigate to the end."

Nagnock felt like he was caught in a set of traps, and his heart trembled: Gringotts was directly intervened by the wizarding government in the name of investigation, which left a powerful wizard who could directly enter the scandal freely with ancient magic. The pavilion is even more embarrassing. In addition to being no longer the safest place, its reputation for protecting customer privacy will plummet. Moreover, sitting in the Gringa pavilion protects the Dark Lord, there is no doubt about the Dark Lord and the previous fire dragon incident. It will anger most wizards. You must know that many people are protesting outside. Third, and most importantly, the Ministry of Magic must suspend the daily operations of Gringotts. It is not allowed to deposit and withdraw money and must cooperate with surveillance... Those pure-blood families that Gringotts still rely on in the United Kingdom are expected to abandon their traditions and habits sooner or later in the face of this situation... Even after the unexpected time of the Ministry of Magic's investigation is completed, Gringotts will lose the last. Emboldened.

Nagnock squeezed his palms tightly with his fingers, looked straight at John Barça without flinching, and insisted: "I am willing to go back with you, and even the fairies that appear in the surveillance can go back with you for investigation, and I will still Call Griphook back, but Gringotts business should not be monitored by the Ministry of Magic. You have no legal basis to support this."

The elves also agreed and expressed their willingness to accept the Ministry of Magic's investigation like the governor, but they resolutely protested the Ministry of Magic's investigation and monitoring of Gringotts, threatening otherwise even if they would shed blood and sacrifice for this...

"I seem to hear someone talking about the fairy rebellion?" Albert let go of his hand holding the impression of perception, UU reading www.uukanshu. com just received the news that his mother told him not to worry about going home, but felt a little guilty, "I think if you really plan to do this, it will make us a little easier for each other."

"Several goblin rebellions have hurt the grievances of some wizards, but in the end they all ended in failure. You also lost the right to use magic wands... And now I think the British Ministry of Magic at this time, any period in the history of the Ministry of Magic It’s not strong at this time..." Although John Barça made a soothing gesture, he brought a threatening analysis in his mouth, "And this time it’s your fault first... President Nagnock, so as a peacemaker. Lovers, I advise you, it’s better to obey the Ministry’s decision..."

"As a matter of fact, let alone whether the Ministry of Magic will accept your proposal, if it really does follow your wishes, my people will now be taken back by me." Albert is a serious but fair Auror. At this time, there was also a little anger on his face. He pointed out the door without annoyance, "I don't think we have our protection, waiting for the wizards who were forced to come to the UK to accept our asylum because of the mistakes of Gringotts abroad. Guys, the consequences of their anger that they want to vent are much greater than the loss of your suspension of business, isn’t it?"

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