Morgan Le Fay's stomach vibrated more violently, his belly undulating like a wave. The pain made her face pale, the hair on her forehead was wet with sweat, and she exhaled uncontrollably in pain.

"They look like they are swimming inside." Emily grabbed Fleur's arm next to her fiercely, staring at her mother's belly for a moment.

The smell of blood in the room made Furong very uncomfortable. She frowned and touched her flat abdomen with her hand - Luna was also subconsciously touching her bulging abdomen, her raised eyes and the paler Ellen facing each other. Take a look.

This kind of scene is nothing for people like Daisy and Lun who have witnessed the birth of their younger siblings several times. The siblings waved their magic wands and worked with the house elves to restore the wet house clean and tidy.

"Furong, were you not there when your sister was born? Really timid, what's so terrible about it, childbirth won't cause any harm to the wizard." Daisy asked the nurse to clean up the delivery equipment that she would need later by waving her magic wand. Xin sanitized again, and asked with satisfaction when he caught a glimpse of Furong's appearance at this time?

"Daisy, I'm in awe of life." Fleur folded her arms and said unwillingly.

Emily also widened her eyes and muttered, "It would be good if the wizard was like a seahorse, and the male seahorse is responsible for the baby."

After a while, Morgan Le Fay suddenly let out a long scream, the fire in the fireplace blazed, and the tongue of the fire even burst out of the fireplace. The portrait of Helga hung by the bed was spinning violently, the chandelier on the ceiling of the room fell with a loud bang, and the fragments fell everywhere.

"Strong hard, Morgan Le Fay, apply some more force, I have already seen the small head." The therapist Straw lifted the thin quilt blocking Morgan Le Fay's leg and cheered Morgan Le Fay after looking at it. .

Morgan Le Fay lifted his upper body abruptly and screamed again, his face almost distorted with a heart-piercing voice. The portrait next to the bed rotates faster, and it even seems to be turned into countless pieces rotating under the impact of this magical power. The door slammed open, the TV in the bedroom suddenly lit up, and then there was a sizzle of electric current, the screen was full of snowflakes, and white smoke came out of the body.

Helena returned to the ghost state and walked across the bed, walked to the center and covered Morgan Le Fay's hand with her hand, overlapping her hand, allowing her coldness to relieve the pain of the opponent. Seeing the painful expression on Morgan Le Fay’s face, the ghost bit her lip and looked guiltily at Luna sitting on the chair. She began to think that she has experienced so many times, she has had a lot of fertility experience. Grandma still has to suffer such pain. When my mother gave birth to herself for the first time, the pain she suffered was unimaginable...

Emily and Fleur caught a glimpse of Morgan Le Fay's legs, and saw the red blood pouring out, and they both screamed in horror.

This time, the little girl raised her hand in horror and blocked her eyes with her two small hands, which is nothing like acting. Furong's teeth clenched, and she half-downed her head and closed her eyes and did not dare to look anymore. She subconsciously hid behind Emily, using her sister-in-law to block in front of her, her body curled up and her face tight. Buried tightly in Emily's head.

There was a burst of black smoke out of thin air in the room. Albert had just returned from Gringotts. This was what caught his eyes. He was startled, and then the smell of blood in his nose made him look at his mother. The dazzling blood made him look at his mother. In fact, he has seen his heart pounding faster after seeing it several times.

Owen, who was holding his hand, noticed Albert's entry. He looked at Lennunnu's mouth and turned his attention back to Morgan Le Fay.

Lenn, who was constantly cleaning the house, immediately understood that he passed Alberta over: "How did the group of goblins in Gringotts react after receiving the Ministry's decision? Did you accept it when you came back so soon?"

"They protested at first, but after I used the method my father gave me to declare the pros and cons and persuasion, they finally decided to cooperate." Albert, who returned to the house, didn't have any thoughts about official affairs, and just explained briefly. A few words, "This is the first one?"

"You didn't miss it." Lun nodded, and then pointed to Fleur and Emily who were a little indecent next to him, and then began to work on the plot.

Albert Nodded, and walked towards his wife and sister with a bit of amusement. He covered Emily's eyes with one hand to help her block her tightly, and put the other hand around Fleur’s shoulder. Let his wife lean on himself instead.

"Don't be afraid of Furong, Emily." Albert lowered his head to comfort him, and then whispered to Furong, "My dear, I'm back..." Then he would find that it was nothing if he faced him again. "Then he found out with some amusement that his sister, who was used as a shield by his wife, was finally a little childish, "Emily? You won’t be afraid after you watch it a few more times... By the way, why don’t you go to Ellen or Penello? "

After asking, Albert raised his head curiously and looked at the girl’s usual two backers, only to smile at the discovery-Penello, the **** and murderous female Auror who was used to seeing it, stared motionlessly at this time. Looking from the other side of the bed, he was still swaying slightly; and his brother Alan was obviously more timid, he had completely turned his back to the side, and his expression looked dazed.

After not much time, the rain on the ceiling stopped completely, the flame in the fireplace was instantly extinguished, and the magical restlessness was calmed down. Morgan Le Fay on the bed stopped struggling, lying on the bed softly.

After a few **** slaps, the room sounded loudly crying, and the family members cheered. Emily finally returned to normal. She was so happy that she broke free from Furong’s arms and cheered: "I am no longer The smallest one!"

"The red little guy is as ugly as Emily when she first came out." Daisy moved the child upside down skillfully and looked a little careless. She didn't care about the blood on her hands and looked at the happy Emily commented. "But don't look so ugly now, you will become cute when you grow up."

This seemingly careless move suddenly annoyed Morgan Le Fay, who had just regained her sanity. She directly slapped Daisy with her hand like Daisy pumped a child and yelled, "Be careful, and then like to throw Alan. I won't forgive you if your new sister fell."

"If I hadn't exercised Ellen, he might have died the time he broke his head when he was a child..." Daisy muttered, her movements became honest, and she gently handed her new sister to the nurse.

"What an energetic little guy." The majesty looked at the little baby with a gentleness that seemed to be inconsistent on her face at this time, and cooperated with Straw to cut her umbilical cord by himself, and then Owen proficiently Wrap the little guy with the bag next to him.

Then this little guy began to be watched by everyone. After he had finished cleaning the room, Infinite Ground began to clean up the blood on the child and the fetal membranes with magic.

"Oh no, I missed it... I'm sorry Morgan Le Fay! I came back too late!" Hermione came in annoyedly, and trot in through the door.

"You missed the most important process." Seeing Hermione's happy expression, Penello, who couldn't see her face, whispered palely, but she was also a little pleased that Hermione was late. This makes Miss Know-it-all seem to take the course too seriously.

"What?" Hermione listened to Penello's provocative tone and asked casually, and continued to focus on the newborn. Seeing the little guy in Owen's arms, she exclaimed with excitement. "Look at how powerful these little hands and feet are, what a cute little guy."

Morgan Le Fay heard the exchange between Penello and Hermione, and she said weakly: "It's okay Hermione, I asked Maggie to notify you later."

"It's okay, Penello, there's one in my mother's belly." Daisy had noticed the reaction of her family, especially those who had never experienced it before. She looked at Hermione who had just arrived and the pale Fleur. There was some mischievous thoughts, "But this time it should be smoother than before."

As soon as the voice fell, Morgan Lefayy suddenly convulsed as if receiving a signal, and she groaned again, which suddenly made the atmosphere in the room tense again.

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