Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1362: ?? The magical properties of the number 7

Morgan Le Fayy’s second painful and forbearing moan lasted no longer than the first time. The **** smell of the room filled the room. The bed had been distorted and distorted by Morgan Le Fayy’s struggles. When Hermione When I saw the baby's head slowly squeezing out, I only felt terrified, and the joy of being reborn before was gone.

Fleur suddenly took away Albert's arm with his hand, and hurriedly broke free from his embrace, and said anxiously and quietly: "We can't hug anymore, Albert, we must try our best to avoid this situation...otherwise in case... It's likely to be pregnant... I'm not ready yet."

Hermione stood there in a daze, like an old tree struck by thunder. She finally knew what Penello meant. She had never felt so difficult for time, and Penello next to Hermione couldn't take care of ridicule. Hermione, no doubt, both of them saw the production site for the first time—to be precise, Penello was the second time.

Although the female Auror experienced blood and blood in the battle, she had always been hurting others. She did not put those pains into her body again, and now she realized that she might have to face this kind of pain in the future, and she felt a little frustrated. Suddenly, she felt her shoulders sink, she turned her head, but saw that it was Hermione, her face was pale, and her shoulders seemed to be trembling slightly.

Hermione also suddenly noticed that they were too close to each other. The two immediately separated. Hermione walked directly to the other side. Penello patted herself on the shoulder that had just touched Penello, pursed her lips and raised her chin. , The fear of the pain of childbirth is alleviated by the disgust of each other.

This time Daisy and the therapist cooperated more closely. After the mother gave birth to a series of procedures such as cutting the umbilical cord, removing the fetal membranes, and wrapping the cup, Owen held his newly born daughter in one hand. Guys, coaxed to the little guy with contented faces.

Lun, who had done another round of cleaning alone, couldn’t help but smile. She had said that she would never have children and had enough younger siblings. Daisy was very impatient. At this time, she saw These two little fleshy and red things were very happy on the contrary.

The other Harris juniors didn’t have much rejection at this time. Only Emily, who was originally a little happy, found that everyone’s attention was on the younger sisters. Some of them felt that worry would take away others. The love for her.

Straw and the others have cleaned up all the medical supplies. She smiled and said: "Congratulations to Minister Harris. This must be a pair of magical little witches. The magic is very strong... The next thing is Dai West handles better than us... I have to go to the temple to pray and thank Ravenclaw for the blessing of today so that we can have such a smooth production, so I will leave first."

This devout believer made the Harris do not know how to reply for a while, and Luna, who withdrew her eyes from the blood stain, also buckled the messy curly hair on her head with her hands, looking a little dazed by her side.

Before Straw realized that Harris’ reaction was a little strange, Owen, who had recovered, quickly handed the child to Lun, solemnly shook hands with the wizards, and said sincerely: "Thank you so much, today Thanks to the presence of a few people, we can guarantee the smooth production of Morgan Le Fayshun, and I will send it to you..." He turned to look at Lun, "In a few days, arrange an inspection time for me to the hospital."

After Owen personally sent the therapist to the fireplace, and then handed the packed boxes to the female nurses, they watched them return to the St. Mungo Magical and Injury Hospital using the Floo powder fireplace, while others temporarily took Morgan Le Fay Floating in the air, Narcissa and Maggie quickly made the beds and restored the delivery room to a more comfortable look, so that Morgan Le Fay could recuperate more refreshedly.

"Owen, what do you name them? How should we call them? You can't always call them." Under the effect of the postpartum stamina potion, Morgan Le Fay even appeared to be even worse than before. Energetic, she noticed that Owen, who had just sat back, was surprised and somewhat upset and asked, "Don't you tell me that you haven't started to choose for so long?"

"My dear, of course I chose, mainly because you know that I am a little too solemn on this... let me think about it." Owen explained, and then took out a book of "Named Prophet" written by the named Prophet from his bag. ", started to turn to the first page habitually, seemingly intending to start searching.

"Oh, that's enough! There are already enough names starting with the letter A in the house." Daisy patted her forehead and looked a little confused, "This time it's a daughter, not a son!"

"Daisy told me that if it weren't for my mother, I would be Ashley." Emily said unhappily. "My Emily was originally a variant of the Latin name Aemilius...and also the beginning of A..."

"It's better to call Bridget and Caroline." Albert suggested enthusiastically, waving his arms excitedly, "Bridget (Bridget) stands for strength and strength. Caroline () stands for bravery, vigor and strength, In this way they will grow up very healthily."

"My dear! Hurry up and get your name magic power!" Furong thought of two young girls like Emily that she had imagined, with muscular knots all over her body, and her goose bumps suddenly rose and she trembled. , Slammed Albert a few times, "Do you mean that when they grow up, they both have big heads and big muscles?" Seeing Albert kept silent, she thought for a while and said, "If you want the letter A Yes, how about a little French style? How about Anais? It has the meaning of charm and elegance, which makes this name especially attractive... In addition, it can be a Celine? The name is so beautiful, CECE can also be a cute nickname..."

Daisy retorted almost immediately after Furong’s voice: "Furong, my sisters are English and not French! It might as well take a name in the style of our hometown, although I don’t like German pronunciation..."

"Actually, Bridget is okay. There is a name on the chocolate frog card. Bridget Winlock was a famous arithmetic fortune-teller in the 13th century. She was the first to discover the number seven. A person with magical attributes, but you know, she is a little confused and has a bad memory." As Gryffindor, Hermione got rid of the fear of having a baby earlier than Ravenclaupenello, "One day, During breakfast, Winlock wrote her famous theory—the magical properties of the number seven. She felt that she wrote this theory in invisible ink on the back of an envelope. On the same day, she gave it to her cousin. Wrote a letter. After the letter was sent, she suddenly realized that the envelope seemed to have her theory written on it... Wenlock immediately grabbed a broom and managed to catch up with the owl who was delivering the letter. However, the owl refused to send the letter. Delivered to someone other than the recipient. After being bitten and scratched several times by the owl, Winlock had to fly with the owl to his cousin's house in the village of John O'Groats, six hundred miles away... What happened? So...oh, yes, she learned from her cousin..."

"Wait! Hermione, we are naming the child now instead of letting you teach us." Penello watched unhappily as the wizard next to her interrupted Hermione to remind her that she was fascinated, and then she was kind of pleased Looking at Hufflepuff in the portrait, who didn’t participate in the discussion but looked at everyone kindly, "Speaking of which, Bridget is a student who graduated from Hufflepuff College... I had an idiot Ravenclaw class when I was studying. Long because I was a little jealous, I even said that Bridget Winlock was a student of our college... As a result, Hufflepuff's Gabriel Truman, who was only in the third grade at the time, asked for a duel and was beaten... Oh, don't worry. Helga, Professor Sprout did not keep Truman locked up for a week, but only gave him a warning and gave him a box of coconut sorbet..."

"After finally getting the envelope from her cousin, Winlock used the Revealing Charm on it. However, she found that it was just a cake recipe. After returning to Dingworth, Winlock found out her calculations. It was actually scribbled on a sugar packet, and it was lying on its own kitchen table. This theory made Brigitte Winlock a famous arithmetic fortune-teller, and in the coming centuries It has always been well known.” Lun, who had heard a bit of enthusiasm, saw that the story had no end. He was a little uncomfortable and showed a cheerful expression after the end of the story. Then he came back to his senses and pointed to the yawning Ai. Mili explained, "The story has a beginning and an end. After Emily, the history of magic may consider this matter... and I think it's appropriate to call this the youngest sister, she is the seventh child..."

At this time, Allen calmed down from the fear of having children. He saw that Hermione took the lead, and even the nerd Ron and Penello, who was actually a Ravenclaw student, were taken away from his thoughts. He started to fall into the awkwardness of popular science, so he tried to bring the topic back: "Although Hogwarts is sorted by the first letter of the form, if the last name all starts with H, then the ranking depends on the first letter. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com with the name at the back allows the sisters to have more opportunities to observe what others do to avoid mistakes."

Seeing that his younger brother gave the steps to the stairs, Lun quickly echoed: "Compared to celebrities, how about I turn down the family tree and name them after their ancestors?"

"Lun, the style of your name is too new..." Daisy was yawned by their popular science. She rolled her eyes, "I have to let my sisters stay away from you in the future, I'll teach …"

"For Helga's sake, please stop and don't embarrass me..." Morgan Le Fayy was a little unhappy, but in order to take care of her son's decentness, she aimed her finger at Owen, "My dear, blame it. You, this is what you should have thought of long ago!"

"How about one of them is called friday?" Luna's hazy eyes turned, because she was also frightened by the birth of a child, her cheeks were also less bloody. At this time, everyone was puzzled. She added, "Friday today."

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