Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1364: ? 3 position 1 body

Soon, Albert Daisy and the others disliked taking care of her sister and were clumsy. Allen and Emily drove away.

Returned to Luna’s bedroom and gave her a meal. Alan’s hand just touched Luna’s calf and started to do massage work for Narcissa. His eyes fell on Luna’s swollen belly, and his throat suddenly choked. Living.

Allen substituted into the other person's mind, thinking about the countless days and nights, although unable to detect the other's thoughts, he said with certainty: "You asked Helga to tell everyone that."

"It doesn't matter if you don't see what you think, isn't it?" Luna chewed on the chicken legs and did not raise her head, but her trance voice softened a lot. "

"When Emily was born, I was too young, there was no such thing in my memory..." Allen's hand on Luna's calf was held by her with a hand soaked in creamy chicken sauce. On her bulging belly, Alan worried, "I knew it would be so painful, so we'll talk about it later...you are too petite now."

"It was true that I didn't suffer anything. It was the first time I saw..." Luna's hazy eyes circled on Allen's cheeks, noting that Allen's gaze was looking down her lower body. After seeing it, she also curled up in a chair with a little cringe. Although it was not as relaxed as Helga said, it was still true that Royna had a big skeleton...Thinking of the pain Morgan Le Fay had just suffered, she also Froze.

"How about your form?" Allen started rubbing Luna's calf again, and found that it was covered with creamy chicken sauce and cleaned it up again.

Luna’s misty eyes lit up suddenly, and then faded again. She fell on the couch crookedly, her fingers hooking the golden cup, shaking on her fingertips, "Then you have to explain to your parents, those two eyes mist It's their granddaughter and grandson...I can't guarantee that they are still human."

"Then I'll think about it..." Alan pressed his fingertips slightly, rubbing Luna's calf rhythmically, his brain was always thinking about possible ways to replace Luna's pregnancy, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Luna, let's do it. Take them out first, put them in the container to grow up, so you won’t be so painful.” Saying this, Allen further explained after looking at the other’s confused expression, “In the Muggle world, those Muggles who cannot conceive naturally will go to the hospital and conceive through IVF technology...Although they will still be placed in the belly at the end, we are different. We have magic. Remember the brain pools from mysterious affairs in my office?... Combine these two technologies..."

"I thought about something similar. If there is another child, it's okay..." Luna nodded, and directly pressed Allen's head to her stomach, letting him feel the powerful fetal movement, "Now It's late, the connection is deep enough..."

Feeling the life of his child in his stomach, Allen's father's side began to rise: "Speaking of which, I am really not a qualified father."

"I'm not a qualified mother, and I didn't even accompany Helena to lose her breath." Luna stroked the hair on Alan's head on her belly with one hand, and filled her golden cup with magic with the other. Coke, raised his head and drank a big sip, after a full hiccup, he said, "But now I have the supernatural power that can definitely change the reality. It's okay to speed up the pregnancy progress a little bit..."

Allen didn’t get up, put his hands around the other person, his heart was not much easier: speeding up the progress was not very helpful to alleviating the pain, the production process was essential-and the study of God’s knowledge allowed him to ask without asking. Know, let alone the Muggle anesthetic, even the anesthetic in the potion is useless for Luna now.

Unexpectedly for a while, Allen sighed and changed the subject so that his voice was squeezed out of the urn between his lips and Luna's belly: "Now there are two more little guys in the house... Father thought early next month. A celebration is to be held to announce this to the public... Do you want to come or hide your stomach with illusions to participate?... Uh, I don’t think you need to hide it... You should also declare to others that you have it too? Your current scope of activities is basically Only in the temple and home, not going to other places, it would be too hard to hide."

"Luna is pregnant, but Royna's identity cannot be revealed yet, because now I still need others to believe in me." Luna finished speaking, and began to focus on eating again, "Except for the color ball fish, let Naxi tomorrow Sa is ready to order pudding."

In the past few years, it seems that the two newly added members of the Harris family have been blessed by Ravenclaw, the goddess of magic and knowledge. In nearly a month, the magic world of all countries is surprisingly No major incident occurred. After Gringotts in the United Kingdom was suspended by the Ministry of Magic, the goblins surprisingly did not carry out the protests or even rebellions as ordinary people imagined. On the contrary, they appeared to be too obedient-even the thorns in the goblin. Ring Du returned to England a few days after disappearing and accepted the Ministry of Magic's guilt and was sentenced to seven months in prison.

At the beginning of the month, the weather came as scheduled for the celebration of the two little Harris twins.

Harris Castle on the island in the heart of the lake is grandly dressed up. It no longer uses the Black Lake to isolate outsiders as usual today, but uses boats to shuttle guests back and forth, whether it is in the sky or on the water.

However, due to the reception capacity of the venue, even if the layout temporarily adds a clever non-marking expansion curse, it is still a drop in the bucket for the population of the entire city, so the surrounding area of ​​the black lake and even the black lake itself are also arranged by the protective umbrella. Some carnival-like celebrations are used to entertain those floating city dwellers and tourists who do not have much personal relationship with the Harris family.

In addition to taking a cruise to see the island in the lake, if tourists are not afraid of getting dressed up and getting wet, they can even spend money on the shore to buy a barrel of wine for the giant squid in the black lake, and it will roll your teeth and claws. In the tentacles, take you in the water and race with the fish people who are also participating in the celebration.

Along the way, you can see full of pink roses, clusters of lilies, exuberant sage, and colorful freesias. Inside and outside the castle, in addition to the armed forces of the red umbrella department of the umbrella company, huge fire dragons hovered in the sky, driving some dementors who were attracted by the cheerful emotions of the black lake and couldn't help but want to approach.

Except for Lynch, those death knights who represent death are not arranged in this celebration of life today-but after a long time of learning to adapt to the life of modern society, these Viking berserkers have changed some. Pirate habits, because of the holiday allows them to play in the carnival by the Black Lake.

At this time, the lake island itself, the main reception venue, has many garlands woven with cornflowers. These tops are arranged in corymbs or panicles. The blue flowers with oval involucres are this kind of flowers. The most precious subspecies of the species.

Entering from the entrance of the castle, two rows of guiding oak trees have been temporarily planted on both sides of the winding red carpet. These big trees with a height of more than 30 meters are not transformed by magic but real guys transplanted by magic. They have This "king of the forest" is known as the sacred tree by the Celtic wizards in ancient England. Its acorn is called the sacred fruit, and the meaning of the name Druid is itself Means "know the oak tree". These "knowing oak trees" belonged to the earliest wizards in British society and generally served as local priests, teachers and judges.

More importantly, oak trees are also regarded as national trees in Germany, and they are arranged on the scene to express a fusion of the Harris family from Germany and Britain itself.

In contrast to the somewhat reckless and crude carnival, the guests at Harris Castle on the Lake Island have somewhat pretentious identities. These well-dressed gentlemen and women enter the castle with invitations.

The wizards all look a little bit the same, but the witches can reflect their fashion through those pointed hats with colorful floral arrangements.

And because the date happens to be on Sunday, the students of the three Hogwarts schools are invited to visit Lake Island with their families, even those in the fifth and seventh grades who are about to face the .Ls and. Students can get temporary relaxation.

Unlike students and general guests who basically wear their own casual clothes to show their personal character and financial resources, the Hogwarts professors almost uniformly chose to wear the teacher's uniform representing Hogwarts and their own new staff.

Flitwick and Sprout were obviously satisfied with the drinks with snails and the pastries apparently from Hufflepuff’s own recipe during the celebration, and Snape, who had deliberately moved away from other colleagues, had a stern face. After seeing some small vases with lilies on the table, he also said softly.

Among the other non-dean employees, apart from the original dumb cannon, Filch, who is now constantly waving his wand to clean up his spotless uniform, and Mrs. Pince, the librarian who is holding the Hogwarts janitor, are somewhat attractive. Except for his eyes, the other faculty and staff obviously have no plans to show off—except for the most conspicuous Professor Sybil Trelawney.

This witch who teaches divination lessons from grades one to five does not wear a hat. uukanshu.com is wearing a colorful headscarf as always, but the weird crystals, flowers and feathers have become more ornamental. She also put a pot of incense on her belt, which will surround The disgust around her head will make her whole face seem full of mystery at any time.

As the little star host of the TV station’s popular divination and prediction show, as soon as she entered the manor, she was surrounded by a group of gorgeous little witches, all wanting to ask her to help divination about those immature love results.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips in dissatisfaction. She felt that Sybil's dressing was really detrimental to the majesty of the professors. The dean of Gryffindor who had some chicken thieves rolled his eyes and greeted him calmly. On the one hand, the people of the Ravenclaw Temple, who wore dark blue-based ancient robes with bronze trims, asked them to help separate the group of little witches so that she could catch this somewhat hippy colleague. Go in-the temple side, as always, has taken on the role of reception work on Harris's side, expressing to the world the trinity of the Harris family-floating city-Ravenclaw Temple.

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