Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1366: ?Resigned as president

"Amelia, you look very ruddy, which is really nice. Hi, Augusta, long time no see..." Dumbledore brought Lupin and the others over and enthusiastically beat Mrs. Longbottom and the others. Hello.

After a brief greeting, McMillan quickly gave way to Tonks, who had a big belly, and Amelia Bones began to prepare snacks and black tea for the pregnant woman before Mrs. Longbottom spoke.

Dumbledore, who was smiling, rejected the sugar packet that Algie handed over. He lowered the head of his staff, and then drew a long, slightly curved brown pipe from the head of the staff.

Then Dumbledore used the stem of the pipe to gently stir in a teacup with no extra sugar, but he did not take it back. Instead, he lifted the staff with his prosthetic leg and rubbed the tip of the staff directly. I rubbed the bowl of the pipe, and then a rainbow of smoke came out of it-each segment was intertwined with different colors, and the pipe was easily lit.

"Albus, when have you gotten into the habit of smoking? Smoking is not good for your health." Mrs. Longbottom raised her pointed nose, and the corners of her mouth curled downwards in disapproval. It turns black, making you cough so much that you have to drink cough drops..."

Dumbledore waited patiently for the old lady to finish counting, then lifted the pipe and put it in his mouth comfortably. Immediately, a colorful and changing smoke ring appeared from the pipe, and after wandering in the air for a few times, it disappeared: "Augusta, it seems that you don’t like shopping very much? The new one in the pipe commercial plaza. The new product of the candy store...the smoke that comes out is sweet. The smoke does not enter my lungs, but only my stomach... The concentrated sweetness is very palatable..."

"But Dumbledore..." Lupin said helplessly. "The therapist asked you to eat less sugar... You can bear it, but Mr. Grindelwald seems to be a little blessed recently..."

"So I didn't use sugar packets." Dumbledore explained with a smile-in fact, the few times he stirred with pipe sugar just now made his cup of tea sweeter than everyone in the room.

"So... Albus..." Amelia Burns adjusted her monocle. "We want to talk about the recent goblin and Harris..."

"They are very smart." Tonks pondered for a moment and sorted out his own words. "After two failed rebellions, they have a correct understanding of the power of wizards... Although I am on vacation, my colleagues Tell me, this time the fairies are very cooperative and obey the Ministry of Magic's judgment, Gringotts has not changed."

"Actually, I think Amelia and the others are not Gringotts in England." Dumbledore helped his crescent glasses.

"Yes, this is what we are worried about." The vulture hat on Mrs. Longbottom nodded downward. "I heard that some countries have seen the benefits of the British magic world taking control of the economy. Blind his eyes with his interests, he did not seriously consider the situation in his country, and seemed to have the meaning of wanting to follow suit."

Mr. McMillan’s feet were rhythmically pointing on the ground: “For powerful magical circles like the United States and France, you can still give it a try. Those Ministry of Magic that are weak and weak in their own strength and economy... If you just look at the benefits of jealous I have not considered my own strength, and blindly imitating the United Kingdom, I am afraid it will bring national turbulence.

"Albus, although we have become members of the review committee..." Amelia tilted her head and rubbed her wrinkled forehead, "but the world now makes me less and less able to understand..."

"Let's just point it." Mrs. Augusta Longbottom looked at Dumbledore for an instant, "Albus, now the Dark Lord itself and even the British magical world can no longer make noise... We have always been for justice and peace. The peace of the magical world is supporting you and your Order of the Phoenix, now can you give us some direction...Should we support Harris' actions against elves and other countries? What exactly they want to achieve..."

Lupin and Tonks looked at each other, and he wanted to understand the purpose of these pure blood.

Since Dumbledore had to leave Hogwarts and experienced the transfer of Harry, there has been no contradiction between Dumbledore and Harris recently, and he is basically in a semi-retired state of leisure... Now because of the relationship between Grindelwald, and Harris are getting closer again. These pure bloods lack intelligence because they are not regarded as true allies by Harris-and although they are traditional pure bloods, they have always been more just. And traditions, so I want to make sure of Harris’ plans to avoid that his family won’t get involved in things that go too far, and this does not prevent them from wanting to profit for their family in a reasonable position.

"To be honest, I have always disagreed with Harris...mainly some of Alan Harris's ideas, but after retiring, I observed and determined that the right path is not just one." Dumbledore With a thin hand grasping the staff, he slid it on the ground and took another mouthful of the smoke candy from the pipe. "I am too conservative and have no confidence to be like Ellen. That's because I am old... his style and I’m different. I thought he was wrong, but now it seems that he hasn’t made any mistakes...so this may be my mistake, he is very young, this is something I don’t have anymore...maybe this is the reason...all in all, now in the UK The situation in the magical world... is something I didn’t expect in my best ideas before.” He put down his pipe and said seriously, “So if you want to ask my own opinion, I certainly support Harris and support them. Let wizards take control of their own economic lifeline... As long as this process does not cause such great turbulence in the magical world, it will not be paid for by many sacrifices. I will definitely support... This is what we wizards need, isn't it?"

"I think you've heard... Now there are some other countries..." Amelia saw Dumbledore express her attitude more solemnly, "The Bones family has indeed benefited from the cooperation with the Muggle government with the help of the Ministry of Magic. , But Albus, you know our worries..."

Mrs. Longbottom stared at Dumbledore with her mouth pursed. She somewhat understood Dumbledore’s thoughts. He saw an opportunity to fulfill his long-cherished wish in the deal between Harris’s Ministry of Magic and the Muggle government—except Apart from solving the Dark Lord, Dumbledore's greatest wish is probably to allow wizards in the wizarding world to get more fair treatment.

"To be honest, the Ministry of Magic gave those precious and rare magics to the little wizards of mixed blood and Muggle origins, and now they turn Muggles into wizards..." Algie Longbottom scratched his head and said loudly. He grumbled roughly, "It's like magic is worthless..."

"Algie!" Mrs. Longbottom scolded him immediately.

"You can feel it when you stay near the temple, right?" Tonks shook his gorgeous purple hair, tilted his head to the right and looked confused, "So should everyone focus on supporting Ravenck? On the issue of fighting against the gods of death? I mean, at least you should not trouble them even if you don't do anything, right?"

"Actually, there are not too many Muggles converted each year, isn't it?... I heard that this kind of ceremony consumes divine power... After all, it changes reality..." I think everyone feels about the problems in life, so I don’t need to say more. Let me talk about my own feelings... Now many werewolves are willing to go to the registration office to register. The Ministry of Magic is really helping us live in the magical world. In addition to those new drugs...the number of infections each year is almost negligible. After we are out of this world, I think that we may disappear completely. The Ministry of Magic controlled by Harris has indeed benefited the magical world."

"This is what makes me really happy. Compared to what I originally imagined, the Harris family is actually more selfless than everyone thought. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Dumbledore touched his own. Long beard, and said lightly, "They do have selfish intentions, but who among us can really do it? Harris really intends to help other countries establish their own wizarding bank...not to put their own Harris wizarding bank Open to other countries to become a new monopoly, but intends to help the Ministry of Magic of other countries to establish their own banks..."

"In my business with Muggles, I didn't use the advantages of magic to squeeze and harsh Muggles, but wanted to achieve a win-win situation." Tonks, the mixed blood, agreed, "Magic the Muggles. After the transformation, our quality of life is much better than it was a few years ago, right?"

The purebloods are a little silent, because they conflict with traditional ideas, and their conservative attitude towards these things makes them always a little awkward and uneasy even in the eyes of outsiders as Harris' allies.

"In addition, I do have another news that I can tell you to let you know..." Dumbledore smiled slightly: "The president of the International Wizarding Federation, Mr. Babajid Akinbad, recently plans to resign as president. ."

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