The Vagado School of Magic on the Moon Mountain in Uganda, the magnificent building outlined in the mist on the side of the "Equatorial Snow Mountain" with the scorching equatorial sun, looks like it is floating in mid-air.

At this time, in the Moon Mountain, in a huge brown spire thatched hut in Ouagado, which has a history of at least a thousand years, emerald green vine plants drilled out of the ground, and the intertwined branches grew into the shape of tables and chairs, undulating in the room. For example, waves and circles are distributed in a U-shape. The most central rostrum is composed of a large tree stump and carefully planted vines. It is far higher than other plant tables and chairs. Upon attack, these vines will turn into a barrier to closely guard the speakers on the podium.

The members of the International Federation of Wizards gathered here. Despite the hot weather and the large number of people in the room, the thatch of this hut is made of magic plants, which can adjust the temperature and make the room cool and comfortable. It also prevents the stench of the beautiful-looking hoopoe on the roof. outside.

At this time, it was the meeting site of the International Wizarding Federation. At this time, the seats were full of representatives of wizards from various countries. Their hands of different skin colors were raised high in the venue, and the sleeves of wizard robes of different colors were swaying in the air. Even wizards in some countries even raised their hands in agreement.

Among them, there were only scattered representatives who did not raise their hands, and some even folded their arms, frowning and staring at the somewhat one-sided situation in front of them.

A lot older than Babajid Akinbad when he first became the president, he stood on the most central rostrum with a radiant expression at this time, embroidered with green Kanga with golden patterns. From his chest to his toes, his eyes flicked across the rows of hands: "Now it seems that the result is very clear, then..."

"You have all been bought!" Bulgarian Minister of Magic Obalonsk interrupted Babajid with an angrily yelling, his bald head exploded with veins, "I object, it's not fair!"

"Excuse me..." The representative of the German Ministry of Magic, Heinrich Tellmann, stood up from his seat rubbly, restraining his anger, and his old-fashioned tone sounded, "Everyone, the president elected so hastily can truly represent the international community. The Wizarding Association? Forgotten Britain is still on the sanctions list of many countries here. Don’t forget that the previous sufferings and dangers are brought to us by the wizards of this country. How can such a country lead the world? Wizarding Union?"

The representative of the United States made no sound with a sullen face. The representative who came this time was not Leonard, whom Allen and the others were familiar with, but a middle-aged wizard with some hair. He is Ai Gilbert Fontana, like the Graves family where his boss, Stiff Fuchs III, was born, a direct descendant of the first twelve Aurors in the United States, Seddard Fontana, was expected to be in Ten or twenty years later, he took over as the principal of the Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after he retired. He gave up his education career after listening to the speech of Rigid Fox III and began to enter politics, trying to change the American magical world. Is greater.

And because they advocate opposing British hegemony, their factions have recently become quite popular among ordinary wizards in the American magic world that have become somewhat nationalistic, so they have replaced the conservatives and become the representatives of this time.

At this time, in addition to the seats where the delegates sit, the guards standing in the outer circle of the delegates obviously have some opinions about the meeting, and Ian also came here as a member of the guards.

Ian's somewhat stubborn golden short was found to have grown a lot, his forehead almost covered half of his eyes, and his thin body had become much stronger. During Allen’s experience in the United States, the two of them experienced some things together, and they fought again. The occasional letters and gifts each other on holidays are considered to be friends. Of course, they are no longer rivals. .

"It's all a bunch of bastards, just like flies... I forget how to bully people if I lose a bit of flesh and bones..." A taller and bigger American wizard beside Ian swore his fists, "forget about it so soon." The invaders occupy so many colonies."

Ian didn’t agree. He leaned his arms against the wall with his brows frowning. Now his companion resents Alan’s election as president. He is dissatisfied with this situation as an American wizard, but his relationship with Alan is like this. The contradictions and conflicts caused by the two identities made him very embarrassed.

"Please calm down!" Akinbad pressed his hands and raised the volume to quiet the scene. He retorted in a tough tone, "The result was that most countries raised their hands through formal procedures at the conference. Selected, there is no irregularity in the whole process... If you are dissatisfied with this result and do not want it to appear, you should say your propositions before and just now for the members of the member states to judge... And I personally think that if you can let There is nothing wrong with happily cooperating between countries and contributing to the peace of the magical world. It can even be said that this further proves the advantage of President Harris as the president... This matter itself is also just and righteous, there is nothing wrong with it. Contrary and obscure, it should be regarded as a reason standard for considering the selection of the president."

Akinbad didn’t feel distressed at all that he was about to lose the position of the guild leader. After sitting in this position, he found that this was different from what he originally thought. He is not the greatest white wizard in the world. This position is for him. Said it was as uncomfortable as fire.

What's more, Vagado School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has also been promised by Harris that it can help rise into a floating city, and the other party also said that in addition to business matters, it will also deepen the academic exchanges between the two magic schools, such as helping in transfiguration. The students completed the final part of transforming into animagus like cheetahs and elephants...

With such a huge interest, Akinbad at this time resigns and returns to the country to face no longer the blame of his own wizards. Of course, he has to use the last point of the president’s authority to please Allen Jean when he has not yet handed over power. The transaction was successfully completed.

"You guys, given that there was only one president of the previous federation, it was incapable of being able to handle the increasing number of meetings..." Ai Gilbert Fontane debuted, his voice was low and full of scholar-like temperament, "We American advisers think , The federation should abandon long-standing practices and establish a more complete system so that other countries can participate more in the affairs of the conference...for example, imitating the Muggles’ United Nations, setting up some permanent members to deal with international affairs together...this can help us The Federation brings a more democratic and free impact."

The words of the American representative caused a brief commotion, but it still seemed unworthy under the temptation of Floating City and Energy Nuclear-even Fontana who proposed this proposal knew the result. In fact Before they came, they had understood that the British proposal would make it impossible for many countries to reject it. They came to the scene more to show their attitude, and to speak out these propositions. Fortunately, they would have a reason to do so in the future Confess.

"Thank you for your suggestion, Professor Fontane. The reform of the system does not start with a single sentence. UU Reading and waiting for President Harris to take office, you can elaborate on your own Our theme is presidential election and handover. We don’t discuss irrelevant topics.” Babajid said strongly, he slowed down, pressing his hands on the rostrum to show his shame, “I didn’t have any outstanding performance during my reign. The limited ability has made the international magic world chaotic, and I have not fulfilled my duty well..."

The current president of the Federation took the initiative to admit that his work was inadequate. This kind of voluntary retreat calmed the venue and made the complaints and accusations of Thalman and the Bulgarians a little difficult to speak.

"My successor is different. His knowledge and strength, as well as his contributions to the maintenance of secrecy laws and the fight against the Dark Lord, are obvious to all. He has shown outstanding leadership in the construction of Hogwarts School and Floating City. Hope International Under the leadership of Principal Harris, the Wizarding Association can become more prosperous and play a greater role in protecting the magical world, maintaining world peace, and resolving regional conflicts." Akinbad extended his hand to Allen’s direction. "Principal Harris, I am sorry to hand over such a complicated and difficult situation to you. Please accept my sincere apologies and blessings, and I hope you will succeed in your future work."

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