Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 1374: ?Peacekeeping Forces

Allen stood up and stepped onto the most central rostrum. Applause from the audience was thunderous. For most wizards, after experiencing the chaos for two years, they themselves recognized that the International Federation of Wizards had a strong In charge of the wizard, I understand that wizards like Dumbledore and Allen, even if they don’t do anything during their reign, can rely on their own prestige to maintain international peace in the magical world, so that everyone is always in the rules. .

And a president like Babajid Akinbad is nothing in peacetime. As long as there are some dynamics in the magical world, it is inevitable that the entire international community will be smothered.

"Congratulations Principal Harris!"

In order to reveal the sense of existence, some representatives stood up and congratulated. This success attracted Allen's attention and nodded his thanks. The spirited imitating congratulations directly changed the name.

"I wish the chairman every success in his future work."

These compliments and congratulations continued to be heard in the venue, and when standing up was not enough to show specialness, some representatives made a relationship by saying that they wanted to award Allen-they undoubtedly wanted to use this method To ensure that one's own country owns the floating city earlier than other countries.

"These flatterers, I guess they have heard the news that Alan Harris will get a lot of awards before, knowing that he likes honors...so now they shamelessly use their home country awards to flatter Harris. Bah! "The American colleague next to Ian said sourly when he saw this situation.

Ian held his arms, and his eyes that were not covered by his forehead coldly swept across the representatives of the countries. Now the wizards seem to feel that mere spiritual awards are not enough, and some even directly declare that they want peace. Harris reached a new trade contract and took the initiative to provide the UK with raw materials...

And recalling that this group of people not long ago, together with the United States, condemned the righteous expressions of the British. This made the young American Auror only feel that their current fiery expressions, naked and undisguised, pleased it. The ugliness was overwhelming and disgusting.

Then, a voice that made them, American wizards sound a bit harsh, sounded abruptly in the venue.

"President Harris, our country's previous policies and attitudes towards the United Kingdom were completely misled by Germany and Bulgaria, and fueled by the United States... I suggest that several of our countries should in turn impose anti-economic sanctions on the United States..."

Compared with the Bulgarians who were angry at hearing the words and wanted to scold them, the echoes that appeared made the representatives of Germany and the United States instantly sweat.

"You actually want to impose sanctions on us in turn? It's hateful! As a wizard of the United States, I must fight this shameless act to the end." Ian's colleagues were full of anger. "Our sanctions were justified before. It was them. Britain has violated the rules itself!"

The new president on the stage who had not actually completed the handover of the official documents quickly stopped the topic, but the line only said that it is not suitable to say this today and did not reject the possibility, and then began to bless his country representatives. Negotiate.

"This is really too much!" Ian squeezed the magic wand in his hand and responded for the first time. He breathed a little bit, and stared angrily at the country representative. He was entangled with the words of his friends who opposed Allen in the country, but now, after being threatened and lured by the use of his own strength to get the chairmanship, the United Kingdom wants to retaliate further...

When this election was doomed before it was held, the election was over. Except for Allen who stayed as the principal of Hogwarts, and it is said that there was some mutual exchange of knowledge, the representatives of the countries almost all had a tacit understanding and refused to be the host. Vagado's hospitality stayed and returned to his country-whether he raised his hand or did not raise his hand in today's election.

Three days later, in Leonard’s small beret-like cottage in the United States, Ian leaned on the sofa with the magic wand used as a TV remote control in his hand, but focused on cleaning up. Luggage’s sister Jessica.

Compared with the time when Allen felt American a few years ago, although her size has not changed much, her figure is undoubtedly more plumper. She looked at the clock in the room with Ada's eyes, and speeded up the pace of packing things. Her long blonde hair was tied into a tall ponytail, and as her movements swayed behind her, two emerald green butterfly studs also trembled on her ears, making Jessica with fair cheeks look More playful.

On the table in the room are scattered newspapers and publications of different media. The most conspicuous pictures are the representatives of those countries. The waving arms and the excited look make them look a little hideous, and the contents of these newspapers have big headlines. The above is written to criticize Britain's use of profit to induce countries to vote, and to mock these countries that have betrayed their previous positions.

There are also some spread out newspapers. Those who are not fairies wear scarlet uniforms, pull up huge banners, and protest aggressively in front of their country’s magic department, with hairy fingers poking at the camera to protest this. The sudden attack threatened to take further action. The United States expressed deep concern about the resolution of the Federation that caused turbulence in the situation.

Jessica, who is about to finish packing, has already begun to put some local American snacks in her suitcase. Her study abroad trip in the floating city is about to begin. Apart from some lack of confidence in British food, she is very concerned about the new life of studying abroad. look forward to.

At this time, on the TV Ian was watching, the direction of the program being broadcast was completely opposite to that of the local American newspaper.

Fleur Delacour, the gorgeous hostess of British Harris Television, dressed in a blue suit and annoyed to announce some orders issued after Allen became the president of the International Wizarding Federation: The International Wizarding Federation will meet afterwards. Support the transaction between the magic government and Muggles...The magic world of all countries will establish friendly trade exchanges, form a network of trade relations, and further strengthen cooperation...

Ian waved his magic wand impatiently, and a French-speaking female anchor appeared on TV, but her remarks and emotional attitude were no different from those in Britain.

In fact, even the local newspapers and magazines in the United States did not resist the Federation’s decision to support the local magical government and the Muggle government to secretly start a cooperative trade. Ian understands that this is the gold and raw materials that the United Kingdom previously earned, enough to make all wizards forget the risk of this kind of behavior to the confidentiality law-if it were not for the United States to be controlled by the goblins, the economy and the degree of cooperation are high. In other magical countries, those fairy protests will not appear in the newspapers in front of American wizards.

This caused the young Auror to take a heavy breath, waved his wand vigorously, and changed several channels in a row, but the anchors of these countries were enthusiastically reporting the newest Harris. The various developments of the president made him clearly realize that, with the exception of a few anti-Harris countries such as Germany, there is no such thing as a neutral country in the wizarding world.

With a snap, the wand was thrown aside by Ian, but there was still a voice broadcast on the TV: As multiple threats intensified around the world, the umbrella company in the United Kingdom and reached agreements with some countries will be trained and funded by the umbrella company. Elite Aurors selected by various countries form a special peacekeeping force that crosses borders.

This elite team that has not actually formed will be stationed in the floating city that has been the newest headquarters of the International Wizarding Federation. According to the description, its role will be to prevent some illegal acts that violate the security of the wizarding world and prevent some parts of it. Conflict expands, UU reading www.uukanshu.com may prevent the conflict from recurring, and has the obligation to help wizards and civilians who are victims of war, and leave the conflict area after creating conditions for the final political settlement of the conflict.

If it were not for the president of the federation who did not have the power to independently issue operational orders to this force, Ian would almost think that this was because the British wanted to use the elites of other countries to form an army of its own. However, although there is no clear statement about who used to help countries with insufficient force against the dark wizards, everyone can see that the establishment of this force is aimed at the elves who are protesting, at least it is currently aimed at them.

Judging from the information currently revealed in the agreement, it means that protests by those elves are allowed and they can express their demands through normal protests. However, once there are violations of the law and excessive behavior, they will suffer these peacekeeping forces as peacekeeping. The fatal blow of reason.

Jessica, who had obviously heard the TV show, glanced at her irritable brother and wanted to say something, and finally picked up her wand and turned it back to British TV. Ian glanced at her and pursed his lips. He knew what his sister meant, just as she knew what her younger brother meant.

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