Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 788: Merlin's headlift

() After a frosty afternoon, St. Mungo ’s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases is quiet. On this cold Christmas holiday, patients who can physically support returning home have chosen to go home for the holiday, so the hospital is more deserted than usual.

Nevertheless, the waiting room is still a festive atmosphere, bright crystal bubbles turned into gold and red, like a huge Christmas ball flashing. Holly is hung at each door, and a Christmas tree with a glittering gold star is placed on each floor. In addition to various gifts of various sizes, it is also covered with snow and ice.

The arrival of the representatives of the umbrella company broke the tranquility of the hospital, and wherever they went became a place where cheers and laughter sounded. They came to St. Mungo ’s Hospital for Magical Injuries tonight to distribute Christmas gifts, and they brought the gifts hanging on the Christmas tree.

The reporters of Harris Television carried long guns and short cannons and faithfully recorded the picture of their distribution of gifts. The members of the umbrella company scattered to visit, and even the therapists who stayed in their posts did not miss it.

Furong, dressed in a red dress, is busy as a host. They need to capture some lively and warm or interesting shots and interview at any time, and the umbrella company will go to St. Mungo ’s Hospital for Magical Injuries and Diseases. This news will appear tonight On the news program "The Witcher Today".

On the third floor of the Department of Biological Infection, Alan, who was arranged to visit patients like a star in the Muggle world, came to a twenties-year-old bald head with pale skin and freckles that was affected by fungal infections and caused her hair to disappear. In front of the witch, a beautiful burgundy fake prepared in advance was sent to the other party.

"Merlin's head-up pattern! Are you really Alan Harrison ?!" The witch happily wanted to hug Alan, but then remembered that her disease was contagious, and she quickly shrank away with embarrassment.

But Allen took the initiative to embrace the uneasy witch in the presence of everyone present, comforting her, and finally satisfying the other party's desire to sign on top of her bald head.

Unfortunately, the children who got dragon pox and lymphatic fungal infections saw the new savior. Allen embraced these sick children without any care. His sudden visit surprised these children. A blond boy wearing an English Quidditch national team's headscarf held Allen's hand, and the expression was about to cry.

His mother told Allen that he was a big fan of Allen, and Allen immediately applied illusion to him, turning his costume into his original appearance in the Quidditch World Cup. The disappeared child yelled in surprise and threw himself into Allen's arms. Allen gave him a golden thief with his signature as a Christmas gift.

Outside the reporter's encirclement, a sturdy, ruddy wizard wearing a black magic robe rolled up his upper lips and sarcastically said with a disdainful voice: "Make a show." His voice was barely audible in a laughter of laughter. Unwilling to look at the hypocritical scene in front of him again, he left quietly and walked towards the stairs.

As the chief executive of the umbrella, Hermione is mainly responsible for the area of ​​the first floor's utensil accident section and the second floor's biological injury section. These are only because of the crucible explosion, wand fire, broom collision, sting, stabbing and other injuries during the holiday. The little wizards played with the deliberately selected umbrella staff for hours and hours.

Even after checking the teeth of each child, Hermione personally played with them with children's false magic wand and experienced the childhood life of a child born of a pure blood wizard, and finally developed the twin brothers. The toys with low severity and sufficient safety, as well as the children's dental appliances taken from her parents' home, were given to them, and they personally taught how to use them-overall, this group of children who had to stay in hospital this holiday had a good time Very happy.

At the meal, this large group of people came to the tea room and shopping area on the sixth floor to make up for a light meal. Katie Bell, who came to participate in the night prayer, hurried over.

"Allen, it's a full moon tonight. Would you like to go to Ms. Ravenclaw's shrine to witness the miracles with us?" Katie invited Alan when she saw Alan, and the Harris family donated Ravenclaw The shrine, Katie thought Allen would be willing to go.

"Thank you for your invitation, Katie, I am very willing." Allen immediately agreed, and the invitation was in the middle of Allen's arms-if Katie did not happen to come, it would happen that there will be arrangements by Allen's father Owen. The "believers" came and invited Allen to participate.

At night, the hustle and bustle of San Mango restored to tranquility. In the newly built prayer room at the end of the fifth floor corridor, under the standing Ravenclaw shrine, except for Allen who was invited by Katie, praying prayerfully Wizards and reporters waiting for miracles are waiting quietly.

Although the wizards in the prayer room maintained sufficient respect on the surface, Allen's telepathic awareness was aware that the vast majority, including the umbrella's own employees, were skeptical of the so-called Ravenclaw miracle.

Allen even unexpectedly discovered that there was even a wizard among the witches who were praying in their own most pious ceremonies, even though he was a master of closed brain surgery, although his ruddy complexion made him look completely different from a sick man. Then Allen noticed a therapist wearing a filigree wreath on her head that looked very much like a mother. She was obviously praying for her patients.

"Who is that wizard?" Alan approached Katie next to him and asked quietly, pointing in the direction of the master of occluded brain, and asked softly.

"He came only during the Christmas holiday. He asked me a lot about Ravenclaw and the shrine. After that, he rarely communicated with people. He prayed in front of the shrine until late every day, and he was more pious than the average person." Kai Tie opened her eyes and replied in a low voice. She thought that if Ravenclaw could only choose three people, the wizard would probably be one of them.

Outside the window, everything became white after the ice and snow settled, and the moonlight broke through the black cloud's imprisonment, and sprinkled its bright light into the world. Through the window lattice of Saint Mungo, the moonlight shone on the shrine of Ravenclaw, making her carved face look extremely holy.

The devout prayers are still praying in their own forms. Katie Bell clenched her fists in both hands and knelt silently on the ground. Her lips kept moving, but there was no sound. Others put their forefinger and **** across their mouths and prayed for good luck to come.

Ravenclaw ’s shrine emits a faint blue light under the moonlight ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sceptical wizards who were present at the scene felt that their impatient emotions, which were more and more hidden, seemed to suddenly become Very calm.

And the wizards who were praying felt that the negative emotions such as pain and remorse in themselves seemed to be gradually calmed down by this light. One of the most devout wizards who almost lost their faces and made others see their faces felt the most obvious. , The curse that had entangled him for many years seemed to disappear, replaced by the trembling sensation that was as indescribable as Katie ’s encounter, this stimulating sensation burst from the depths of his soul, and spread quickly throughout his body, letting him 'S body shivered involuntarily.

The wizards around him clearly noticed the energy fluctuations different from the pure magical power emitted by him. Some reporters who were far enough away were awakened first, and they were busy shaking the camera in their lips and shaking as if they were silent. Self-talking witch.

The witch with his eyes closed, his black cheeks on his right cheek originally had big pits, and the black skin was recovering at a rate visible to the naked eye. When the witch stopped shaking and opened his eyes, he immediately stroked His cheeks, feeling the smooth skin under his hands, he quickly jumped up and looked at the window, using his wand to temporarily transform the transparent glass into a mirror-the voodoo curse that had troubled him by African wizards for many years, really disappeared. Without a trace, he jumped up and cheered ecstatically: "I got it right ... I'm healed ..."

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