Harry Potter’s School of Invincibility

Chapter 789: A savior who loves even gods

() Upon seeing this, the therapist at the St. Mungo ’s Magical Injury Hospital who was looking after this group of patients came forward in surprise and diagnosed the wizard. After a little wand test, he immediately concluded that this was definitely not a magic band The effect came when everyone's eyelids were low. The cursed acne scars that had troubled the patient disappeared little by little, and the patient really recovered.

The scene was quiet for a while, and the outbreak of discussion soon became louder. The reporters swarmed up and pointed the microphones at the lucky man who was favored by Ravenclaw.

"What just happened to you?"

"Sir, did you really see Ms. Ravenclaw herself?"

"Ms. Royna Ravenclaw is really alive ?!"


The wizard who had just recovered was clearly still in a state of excitement. He was unable to organize his language smoothly, happily describing his feelings and thanking Ms. Ravenclaw constantly for unclear words.

"Melim! Melim Straw!"

At this time, a therapist running downstairs yelled to rescue the wizard from the bombarded questions of reporters. The keen reporter immediately pointed the microphone and the camera at the camera and just panted. Therapist.

"Miracle, it's really a miracle, just in this ward below," the therapist opened his eyes and pointed downstairs. "Melime, a permanent patient in San Mungo you are in charge of has suddenly recovered."

"Oh Merlin, oh no, Ravenclaw, thank you for your kindness." The mother-like therapist's hand with a garland of gold and silver ties on his head tightened his shirt and immediately fell under the shrine again. Prayer prayerfully.

When she stood up, she pushed away the reporter who was in front of her and the camera machine that was constantly shooting at her. "Sorry, I must go downstairs now to see my poor Lawrence."

"The other person you pray for recovery is Lawrence? The Lawrence in Janus Sitch's ward ?! It's impossible, I'll go with you!" Herbert Spring also chased up, he and Meilian Mr. Straw is also an attending therapist working at the St. Mungo ’s Magical Injury Hospital, but he is also a consulting columnist in charge of health issues in the Daily Prophet-Spring has based on reader Howland Kubiguang In the letter's description of the symptoms, he accurately judged that he was suffering from a mild form of dragon pox.

The reporters gave way, but then immediately followed her closely and poured downstairs like a tide. But soon they all came back again, and Lawrence, who had just recovered, went upstairs under the leadership of other therapists and met Melim directly.

"Thank you, Meren, Ravenclaw just told me that the reason why I was able to get rid of the lasting spell damage and restore my mind was because you insisted on praying religiously here every day." Lawrence, who was still wearing a sick suit, hugged her benefactor Melim in tears.

"Thanks to the benevolent Ravenclaw you can be cured." Melim, who cares for all the sicknesses like mothers and children, kindly touched the head of her caretaker for many years, "I will continue! Pray for other patients. , O, poor Longbottom couple ... the child of Neville might want him to come by himself ... "

"It turned out to be true ..." As a well-known therapist, Herbert Spring, who is called a professor by the "Prophet Daily", felt that his three views were subverted. Know that he has always been right. The beliefs that Muggles would only be needed in the wizard's hospital had been very disgusting to engage in these feudal superstitions, and the scene in front of him at this time left him stunned.

Lawrence is a patient called ‘St. Mungo ’s Permanent Patient’. The Janus Sic ward in which such patients are located is a closed ward in the Magical Injury Unit on the fifth floor of the St. Mungo ’s Magical Injury Hospital. Its doors are usually locked to prevent patients inside from wandering around-the brains of patients in this ward have been permanently injured by curses, such as being cursed to think that they are a teapot or being bored for a long time Victim mad after suffering.

Excited photojournalists who knew the big news captured the moving pictures of this scene faithfully. They returned to the shrine, and Lawrence knelt down in front of the shrine, telling his gratitude, Melimus Trau was full of joy, and he knelt beside Lawrence, thanking him piously.

"I'm right, our persistence has made this great thing-Ms. Ravenclaw has given them health again, and I can live up to Ravenclaw's grace and spread her wisdom and kindness." Kai Tears burst into tears in excitement. She did n’t know how many times she told the experience and how much tongue she had to make to believe her words. She also had to face the doubts of the wizard and even her classmates and friends. Now the facts are in front of her. Yes, she did n’t lie or exaggerate the facts. Ravenclaw ’s miracles reappeared. Seeing these fierce wizards in front of her, Katie developed a sense of pride in fulfilling the mission for God.

"Professor Harris, let's continue to pray." Katie sent an invitation to Allen. When people questioned her, it was Professor Harris who invested in the construction of the shrine to have today. Otherwise, he would like to promote La The miracle of Wenclaw is not yet known how long it will take.

Allen did not hesitate, and crossed his hands and bowed his head to stand next to Katie and prayed to the statue of Ravenclaw. This made Katie who was already kneeling on the ground swallowed back if he wanted to continue to persuade Pray.

After Katie's voice sounded, everyone's eyes on the Ravenclaw shrine became hotter, and those who prayed were more religious, desperately praying that Ravenclaw's next favored object was himself. Those witches who did not participate in the prayers at the beginning and just watched also dropped their doubts and joined the prayer team. Even those journalists who did not have any diseases, forgot to accuse them, set up the cameras in their hands and couldn't help but join them-although in fact they didn't even think about what they wanted to pray.

As if the noise was just the illusion of everyone, the corridor on the fifth floor was very quiet at this time. If there were people who prayed for utilitarian purposes at the beginning, they prayed quietly as the moonlight splashed on them. The longer the time, the more calm all people are, and they sink their hearts to pray religiously under the shrine.

At this time, the vision burst, and all the moonlight gathered on Alan, as if covering him with a hazy halo. Everyone stopped praying and looked at Allen, especially the ruddy witch, and looked at Allen's eyes very cold. Everyone knows that this sudden change is not accidental. Ravenclaw must have made the choice. The young savior shrouded in moonlight is the third lucky ...

Suddenly, the moonlight shook without warning, and the hearts of the onlookers shook with it, but before they thought of anything else, the moonlight was fixed on Allen again.

The shrine emits a faint blue light, and a phoenix with crimson feathers appears on Ravenclaw's shoulder in the shrine.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the sudden appearance of the phoenix. Isn't the Ravenclaw College logo an eagle? How could a phoenix appear on Ravenclaw's shoulder? I thought a little bit of dexterity that the moonlight had just converged on Alan, and the magic world was unknown to everyone, and Animagus of Alan Harris was a magical creature, exactly a phoenix. The Phoenix that appeared on Ravenclaw's shoulder came for Alan Harris?

Just as there was speculation floating under the hearts of the people, Phoenix spread its wings and flew towards Allen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and landed on his shoulder. The Phoenix rubbed Alan's cheek intimately and gently pecked Alan's finger against it.

"It looks very close to Alan Harris!"

"Merlin's beard! He got a phoenix!"

"Mr. Allen Harris is from Ravenclaw College itself, and it is understandable to get Ms. Ravenclaw's preference!"

"In addition to the Phoenix mascot of the Mottola Macaws, only Dumbledore is known to use Phoenix as a pet, and now Mr. Alan Harris is added. This is Ms. Ravenclaw ’s sure!"

Regardless of guessing, this phoenix is ​​related to Ravenclaw. The wizards present at the envy of Allen were so envious that many of them secretly regretted that they had n’t come to the shrine earlier to pray.

The sturdy wizard with rosy cheeks shone with cold eyes. He prayed in front of this shrine every day since Christmas holiday. Alan Harris snatched the last spot for the first time during the holiday. He could not control himself. The envy and jealousy of his voice lowered his voice coldly: "Savior that even the gods prefer ..."

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