He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 245: Fancy beating and brutal massacre, a tribute to the great TES! (Please support with mon

After seeing the ownership of the MVP, no one was surprised.

Wink's data is very luxurious.

If you only look at one statistic, there is nothing wrong with being the best player in the game.

But those who have actually watched the game know that Chen Ke plays the biggest role.

Wink himself thinks it's reasonable. If he was given the MVP, he would probably be scared.

Chen Ke won't think anything of it. He has too many MVPs and is the kind of leader in this MSI event.

If his teammates win the MVP, Chen Ke will definitely be happy.

It's just that for such controversial things, fans will shout loudly.

No one felt anything, but Toothpaste said: "Have you learned this robot Wink?"

"How about Wink also plays a robot in the next game, and you two can compare."

Prince Ning also joined in.

Everyone was just talking and laughing, and it was obvious that PSG had figured it out.

They still need to win one small game before they can win today's game.

But at this point, no one takes PSG seriously anymore.

Let's not talk about anything else. In the third game later, PSG's BP alone will give people a headache.

It can be seen from the last game that PSG on the blue side seems to be stretched.

They may not have considered the robot move, but the ban position is really not enough.

After the second game, what will happen to Draven and the robot?

Keep playing, let's go to the ban position.

If you get banned, other heroes that are difficult for you to deal with will definitely be released.

The commentators were too lazy to analyze it for them. Thinking about it gave BP a headache.

And to put it bluntly, it is not about BP. When the two teams are close in strength, BP plays a very important role.

Sometimes the lineup is just picked, and you can probably tell who will win.

When the gap in strength is very large, it doesn't matter how well BP does.

"In the third game, there were still no personnel changes on both sides, and PSG still actively chose the blue side."

Before the players returned to the stage, the commentators had already begun to announce the news.

Not surprisingly, PSG still chose the blue side.

Although they both lost, they would undoubtedly feel more uncomfortable if they went to the red side.

There are no substitutions, and both teams have relatively stable lineups.

It should be said that this is the case for most teams, and the substitute only occupies one spot.

It's equivalent to spending some money to support an idle person. This is also Riot's rule. Every team must have at least one substitute.

No matter how many substitutes you have, I won't care if you have a football team, but if you don't have any, it's against the rules.

PSG didn't make any substitutions at all in this MSI.

There have been some substitutions on V5's side, except for the two substitutes who came on the bench against PSG.

In the second round of the competition, Weiwei and PPgod were also given a chance.

Anyway, when playing against a team like PGG, you can easily win as a substitute.

You've already done the training, so there's no point in being a substitute in the third game. It's better to just win the game.

Everyone wants to get off work early today.

"When we saw PSG, they immediately banned Draven. Obviously we didn't want to see this hero anymore."

Although everyone feels that they have no hope, PSG's coaching staff is still dedicated.

Even at this point in the fight, he has not failed, and he is still carrying out BP in a serious manner.

I guess they themselves know that no matter how well BP does, it cannot change the final result.

But since you have received this salary, you must do your job well.

If they can't win the game, they still have responsibilities. At least they can say that they have a clear conscience.

Seeing that Draven was banned first, Zhao Junri couldn't help but said: "The super god Draven in the last game made PSG suffer a lot."

"When facing V5, this ban person is also very necessary."

The leg brother added at this time: "The main bottom lane can be played by two people. I guess PSG is also afraid. What if Chen Ke wants to deal with it later?"

Draven was dealt with, but the robot was not banned.

I guess PSG also felt that Chen Ke had played a robot and this game should not continue.

Playing two consecutive games of auxiliary is not very likely.

Without Draven, even if V5 takes out robots in the bottom lane, it won't be that scary.

There is no need to use another ban slot for this hero, it is a bit unworthy.

As before, V5's bottom lane is still selected in the second round, and the first round helps the midfielder select heroes.

On the fourth floor, Wink locked the female tank.

The robot was outside, and the coach asked Wink if he wanted to play with it.

Obviously, as guessed, it is enough to let Chen Ke assist for a while. Chen Ke obviously will not continue to assist in this game.

The last game proved that the robot hero is very useful.

There is another important factor. The one on the opposite side was numbed by the hook. It is estimated that this one will still have a shadow when seeing the robot.

Even if it's not Chen Ke who controls the robot in this game, letting Wink play can still put pressure on the opponent.

When you see a robot that can't help but think about the previous game, Wink can put pressure on him by just one stop.

But Wink felt that Chen Ke's robot was too perverted.

The robot was originally very confident, but after watching Chen Ke's performance, he is now somewhat unconfident.

Taking them out one after the other makes it easy for people to compare.

At that time, I found that the assistant's performance was not as good as the AD's temporary performance, which was a bit embarrassing.

If he doesn't want to play, no one will force him. Most of the time, female tanks are better than robots.

The robots are mostly used to provide psychological offensive to the opponent.

Moreover, the support on the opposite side is a Luo, so it is a good choice for the female tank to use it to fight Luo.

The only thing that makes people curious is what kind of hero Chen Ke is going to use this time.

After PSG finished selecting the fourth and fifth floors of the blue side, it was V5's turn.

"Let's see what combination V5 will choose in the bottom lane?"

"Jhin? This shouldn't be possible."

"It's been a while since I've seen this hero in a game."


When he still didn't know what to play, Wink flipped through the AD list and clicked on one at random.

Fortunately, Jhin is not a hero that the audience likes to see, so it doesn't make much noise when he is shown.

If Vayne were to show up, the effect would definitely be different.

Chen Ke didn't know what to play. At this stage of the game, he was somewhat bored.

When I first started to torture the opponent, it was a bit exciting.

Afterwards, it felt more and more boring, and the whole person seemed to have entered the state of a sage.

I don’t even want to fix my job anymore.

The coach is completely open-minded and lets Chen Ke do whatever he wants.

Chen Ke discussed with Wink and chose Samira.

Chen Ke has only played this hero once in his career so far, and that was not long after the LPL Spring Split started.

Several versions have passed, and many heroes are no longer what they were before.

Now it seems that this thing is a purely unpopular hero. The spring split has only been played for a month, and basically he has not been seen on the court since then.

It never came out even once on MSI.

He became a favorite at that time simply because his numerical value was a bit high, and his fist had already killed him.

It's not that intense anymore, but it's not to sewer level yet.

"Samira locked."

"I feel like V5, the bottom laner, still wants to fight you."

"There is no stable online development at all."


When everyone sees this hero, they don’t think there is anything strange.

No matter how strange it is with V5, they have seen it all before, but this time everyone is in their own position, which is considered the most normal.

Samira is a hero who is relatively easy to use as a spoiler.

If he really killed him, the pleasure of having several people on the opposite side evaporate in an instant would be even more satisfying than Draven, to be honest.

When it came to the game, it was not easy to beat the opponent's small cannon Gallo in the early stage.

The hero Samira is a bit weak in the front line, which is a big problem for him.

It doesn't matter if you are suppressed in the early stage, this can be expected a long time ago.

As long as Chen Ke can stabilize the last hit, it will be fine.

PSG's bot lane, it's good if they can push the lane this time. In view of the fact that every bottom lane will explode before, giving them an advantage in the lane, they still dare not make too radical moves.

The player Big Dog is indeed not aggressive in the lane.

After reaching level three, Chen Ke and the others regained control of the online initiative.

Wink's [Zenith Blade] hit the opponent's support for the first time.

This wave of accusations against Luo was a deliberate move by Wink.

Knowing that your cannon has a W, you can control it to offset it and jump away immediately.

I will take action against Luo.

After pointing it out, Chen Ke clicked on Luo on the opposite side, and instantly took a small step forward and started outputting.

The small artillery also outputs the female tank in the back, and the auxiliaries on both sides are beaten.

After the female tank opened W, it was much harder than Roco. After the blood exchange, the V5 bot lane was still more profitable.

At level four, King Ning's Morgana came in waves.

PSG's vision detected King Ning in advance, and Xiaopao and Luo quickly retreated.

They knew that if they wanted to take action, they had to let the female tank do it first.

If you remove it one step ahead of time, you won't give Wink any chance. Even if he flashes up, it will be difficult to open.

Prince Ning also knew that he had been discovered, but he still forced his way to the line.

Since you can't catch anyone, put pressure on the opponent point and let Chen Ke regain the line rights.


Now that he's here, Prince Ning will naturally not be polite and throws a Q in Xiao Pao's face.

The distance seems to be enough. Xiaopao's W was just handed over and used to pull back.

However, given the flying speed of Morgana's Q skill, it is quite difficult to hit the opponent so directly.

The big dog has already begun to move, and it seems that it has deflected the trajectory of [Dark Imprisonment].

What shocked Chen Ke was that even though Q didn't seem to pose a threat to Xiao Pao, Luo still insisted on E Xiao Pao.

Fortunately, he didn't come over. After pressing the E skill to move to Xiaopao, he took advantage of Morgana's Q skill.

This set of natural hand-to-hand skills followed by Q-movements reminded Chen Ke of an old friend.

No one expected that such a casual skill from Morgana could hit the opponent, but that didn't stop everyone from taking action.

After a moment of astonishment, everyone started to move.

In order not to give the opponent a chance to flash, Wink even forced E to flash forward to control.

The continuous control made Chen Ke very comfortable. Luo now only had half health.

Wink didn't even use the ignition on his body, and Chen Ke easily got the first blood.

Even if Xiaopao gets Q in this wave, it will be fine if he has Purification on him, it's just a summoner skill.

It would be a bad thing if Luo got it, so he could only stand there and let the female tank receive her skills.

I was afraid that Chen Ke's development would be too slow, so he sent one inexplicably, and the bottom lane matchup seemed to end prematurely again.

Next, before Samira reaches level 6, PSG can barely hold the line in the bottom lane.

At the very least, there's no problem with the small cannon's normal CS.

But after level six, V5 launched a crazy attack on the bottom lane.

Not to mention the jungle, the top lane and the middle lane also take turns.

After two consecutive waves, the bottom lane is directly threaded.

For the audience, this is nothing surprising. It happens every time and everyone is used to it.

No one expected PSG to be able to withstand it. Everyone just wanted to see Chen Ke's performance.

"Let us congratulate V5 for another big win in this round of BO5."

At 24 minutes and 18 seconds, V5 flattened the main fortress of the opposite base in one wave.

It doesn't look very fast, but in fact the process is extremely cruel.

And this is also the only clean sheet in today's three games.

They blocked the opponent again and Chen Ke also got five kills again.

The head-to-head ratio of 21-0 makes people feel very cruel.

So far, the story with PSG has come to an end.

I believe this will be an unforgettable MSI trip for both parties.

At this MSI, when V5 faced the team PSG, they showed audiences around the world what a fancy attack is.

I tried every means to kill you every time.

After finishing these three rounds today, the total game time was just over an hour.

The most important thing is the head ratio. According to statistics, PSG got a total of four heads in the three games.

V5 got 65 heads.

The head-to-head ratio of 65-4 set a new record.

In the history of MSI, no team has been so miserable in a BO5 game.

Moreover, one of the three games today was lost, plus the previous four small games.

In this MSI, PSG lost to V5 in a total of seven rounds.

It’s surprising that it’s not just the LPL, but it turns out that there’s also Meng Huo in the MSI.

After the game, a lot of people went to Cue, which had been on vacation for a while, and asked them to come out quickly and say goodbye to PSG.

Most of the people on the Internet still mock PSG.

No one would sympathize with them if they were beaten so badly. In the final analysis, it was still their fault.

This is also Chen Ke's consistent position. When someone is being disrespectful, just beat them down by force.

If you don't take it seriously, they will think you are easy to bully, and they will jump even harder when they find an opportunity later.

Hit her hard and hard, one at a time. If the beating really hurts, I'm sure it will cure the problem of being a bitch.

When he went to shake hands with the other party again, Chen Ke didn't even bother to look at these clowns.

Not even in the mood to ridicule.

Now Chen Ke only thinks about the finals.

There is only one final BO5 left before he can surpass his brother in honor and become the number one AD in domestic history!


PS: It’s too late today. I can only manage to write two chapters of more than 7,000 words. It’s probably dawn to write another chapter. I can’t bear it after running outside for a day. I owe a chapter and will make up for it tomorrow. Brothers, it’s the end of the month and you have monthly passes. Remember to support!

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