"Wow, all I can say about this wave is that the design of V5 is so good that BLG was fooled on the bottom lane!"

"It's true that most people can't imagine that they can play like this. We haven't seen such a routine for a long time."

"This wave is very hurtful for the puppy. Within the next 20 minutes, I feel like this Jinx can only grow."


Unlike the crazy comments on the barrage, the two official commentators still need to pay more attention to their speeches.

In addition, the two of them really don't hate Uzi.

I have seen it all the way, and now I can see that it is not easy to continue playing games on the court.

Many people are now calling "God" or "Uzi", but the two of them are still used to calling "Puppy".

To be honest, this wave of BLG bottom lane has indeed cracked.

Their laning combination will only become more and more difficult to fight against Poke style Verus as they level up.

To say that the only thing left to do is continue to grow is actually putting it more nicely.

Judging from Chen Ke's usual style, it's hard to say whether Jinx can be developed to the point where he can play in a group.

If a few more incidents happen, this development time will be extended indefinitely.

Maybe the game is over and it hasn't developed well yet.

There were bursts of cheers at the scene. Apparently the fans did not expect that Chen Ke would gain an advantage so early after coming up.

Of course, if you really want to talk about it, this wave is mainly due to King Ning.

His sudden move not only helped the bottom lane gain a huge advantage at the beginning, but also improved the effect of the program.

Caught at the second level, I haven’t seen this in a long time.

King Ning turned around and left after the fight. He wasted a lot of time in the bottom lane this time, and now he is far behind in the jungle.

It can only be said that fortunately the opposite jungler is a pig girl. This hero is too weak in the early stage, giving King Ning room to play like this.

If we change to a stronger jungler, even if King Ning squats for so long to catch him at level 1, he will still lose a lot in the jungle.

Weiwei played a pig girl in front of him. It would be good if he could clear the wild smoothly, and he didn't think about invasion.

In addition, V5 has absolute lane control on the bottom lane, so he doesn't dare to move around casually.

In this way, after King Ning finishes this wave, his own jungle area will not be affected, and he will be able to catch up with the number of jungle clearings quickly.

The most comfortable person was of course Chen Ke. After Chen Ke got the first blood, he quickly looked at the red temperature.

Sure enough, this first blood had a big impact. He was given a big blow at the beginning, and it was difficult to maintain a calm mind.

What's more, when facing Chen Ke, there is a lot of psychological pressure.

If it was really easy, the game wouldn't have entered a red-temperature state before it even started.

Now after being caught, Uzi's temperature value has become 93.

This increase was 3 points, which made Chen Ke couldn't help but smile again.

After all, you have to be a professional.

For other professional players, if they want to reach 93 points, they may not be able to do it in a high-pressure game.

When we arrived at Uzi, not long after the game started, we reached a height that others might find difficult to reach in their lifetime.

It was Chen Ke who was rude before, but now Chen Ke is willing to change his mind and call him a god.

Chen Ke was not in a hurry to go back and worked together with Wink to push the troops forward.

What's more interesting is that when the camera was on Chen Ke, Chen Ke started to lick his hands.

Uzi also subconsciously put his hand to his mouth, but the resurrection time was too fast at the second level, and he didn't eat for long.

In just two seconds, it was captured by the director.

There was a wonderful synchronization with Chen Ke, which made fans feel a bit outrageous.

After Chen Ke finished pushing the army line, he went home and cried like a goddess.

Tears of the Goddess didn't help his laning strength in the early stage, but if he didn't buy this thing early, the magic slice would be very slow to take shape.

Even without equipment, Chen Ke can easily suppress him in normal laning.

There was no intensity at the beginning because King Ning was coming to catch him and Chen Ke couldn't push the line through.

Now that both sides have returned from home to online, BLG's bottom lane finally feels the pressure from Chen Ke.

There was nothing wrong with Wink in the whole process. The main reason was that after Wink disappeared, it was really difficult to encounter people when the opponent was relatively far back.

Chen Ke can defeat two opponents by himself.

When there is a comet on him, basically after Jinx takes two of Chen Ke's skills, his health will be very uncomfortable.

Basically, every time Chen Ke charges up and uses a skill, the camera will go directly to the bottom lane.

While moving wildly, he is constantly accumulating strength.

You will find that Chen Ke doesn't seem to be looking for any angle. No matter how the opponent moves, he can easily fly over and hit the target.

Chen Ke's skills are definitely on one side, but if you look closely you will find out.

Walking on the opposite side seems to be just twisting the body, and walking for a long time is equivalent to not moving at all.

The bottom lane is suppressed, which is expected, the hero combination is here.

If you want to use a late-stage AD and a Tahm Kench to defeat the opponent in the laning, to be honest, the opponent needs to be different in strength from you.

Even with the same strength, they can't beat each other, let alone the champion bottom lane opponent.

It's just that no one expected that they could be pressed to the point where they couldn't breathe.

It's too difficult. Now even the last touch under the tower will be interfered by Chen Ke's craziness.

A closer look at the last hits revealed that Chen Ke had already suppressed nearly twenty of them, and now he was not even at level six.

Now that I think about it, I really blame King Ning for arresting him.

If it hadn't been for that wave of arrests by Ning Wang, it wouldn't have been so miserable at all.

Let’s take a look at what Weiwei is doing when he plays a pig girl. He is not as good at playing Wei as you are.

The bottom lane on the opposite side is so compressed, why can't you come over and catch a wave?

No wonder he has always been a substitute for King Ning in V5. There is indeed a reason.

Chen Ke never expected that Weiwei would be the biggest victim in public opinion so far in the game.

For the bottom lane of BLG, it would be good to ensure that nothing happens in the lane.

As for Tapi and his own last-hitting, etc., I really can’t care about that much.

It’s not like Weiwei’s Pig Girl has never been here before, but when she came, she found that it had no effect.

The duo in the bottom lane have no means of retaining players, unless the opponent is directly pushed up by Tahm.

When Pig Girl doesn't have her ultimate move, she really doesn't have a chance. At most, she can just help relieve a wave of pressure on the bottom lane.

But this relief is only temporary.

The jungler cannot stay in the bottom lane all the time. Once he leaves the bottom lane, he will remain the same, and there is no fundamental change.

In order to protect his blood volume and avoid accidents, Uzi should go home more frequently.

If you are forced to go home every time, you are bound to lose something.

When a wave of soldiers entered the tower just now, all of Uzi's remaining health was returned. This was something Chen Ke didn't expect.

In the past, I would never have imagined that I would give up so many troops and choose to go back.

Those who play AD will probably feel that I will eat this wave of soldiers even if I die.

Leaking so many knives and not even smelling experience, what's the difference between killing me?

Uzi could simply give up and not give Chen Ke any chance to make a move.

I have to say that he has really matured this time around!

At level 5, Uzi's last hit was already close to thirty knives behind.

Being so far behind at this point in time is a bit exaggerated to be honest.

Being caught in the first wave hurt a lot, but it didn't have such a big impact.

Last hit is a very important data during the laning phase. When you are not killed in the laning phase, everyone will naturally stare at these things.

Now that he was so far behind in last strike, he was immediately arrested by the barrage.

"This pair of lines is so thin, isn't it too good?"

"When the virtual god meets the true god, his true identity is revealed."

"Godzilla won't brag now?"

"There is no shame in not being able to beat the champion AD, after all, others can't beat him either."

"To be honest, I'm not as good as my brother. Even if I keep losing when I fight Chen Ke, I've never been beaten by so many knives."

"Nonsense, my brother has Kaisha skin. What kind of skin does he have?"

"If you want to mention your age, let me remind you that Chen Ke is one year older than him."

"The people who were spraying randomly on the barrage may have automatically ignored how the second-level jungler came to catch him."

"The champion AD is so awesome, why is he still swinging at the second level?"

"Originally, the hero I took was stronger in the early laning, but in the end, he came over, and I just hit a little last hit to take the lead and still brag about it. I really don't know what to brag about."


The game is great to watch, and the barrage is equally exciting.

Today is a real treat for the fans.

After Uzi's last hit was ridiculed, Godzilla naturally wouldn't give in.

Various taunts were made to Chen Ke for shaking people, as if this game does not allow junglers to catch people.

Godzilla cursed and realized something was wrong.

Because Chen Ke started to shake people again, and this time V5 was moved by the middle and junglers together.

You like to scold, right? The more you scold passers-by, the more people you scold.

"Here we go, V5's standard midfielder goes to the bottom lane with a four-pack and two."

Miller loudly said: "This was their most proficient tactic last year, and many teams suffered losses."

"They are really familiar with this trick, and they caught it very well at this time."

Wawa also nodded and said: "When you have not reached level 6 in the bottom lane, and Tahm Kench doesn't have a big move, go to the middle and jungle together. To be honest, no one can keep this Jinx."

"Look at BLG's bottom lane alertness. Their midfielder and jungler can't keep up with V5's mobility in terms of mobility."


In this game, Toothpaste played Yanque, the enchantress facing FOFO.

Both heroes have relatively high proficiency.

Enchantress is indeed a very flexible hero, but FOFO is not in good shape recently.

A mid laner whose personal ability is not considered top-notch, Toothpaste is very experienced.

I'll take you around for a while in the early stage, and once you get into my rhythm, I'll be able to suddenly change my tune.

Once the rock bird levels up and gains a little bit of magic power, its clearing speed will definitely be faster than that of the Enchantress.

FOFO didn't dare to play too aggressively, because King Ning took the lead in the middle.

In the midfield of Wei + Rock Bird, once Wei locks the head, Rock Bird's rock burst will definitely hit.

Bring it back and hit a set to match Wei's subsequent damage. No matter how flexible the enchantress is, she may not be able to run away.

When FOFO was a little timid, the right to route in the middle suddenly became clear.

Prince Ning made the first move. After clearing the middle path of Toothpaste, he simply turned on the big gun and flew over.

BLG's bottom lane also realized something was wrong, and when it wanted to retreat, it was still a step too late.

Toothpaste's ultimate move is very good, and the wall curtain directly blocks the road behind BLG.

"Wow, this wave didn't leave just now, and now I can't leave even if I want to."

Miller couldn't help but said: "There is no teleportation here at BLG, so no one can come and help."

"I can't help. I think Weiwei should go to Pioneer and stop the loss later."


King Ning made a special circle and came out of the lower half of the jungle on the opposite side.

After the two players from the bottom lane of BLG saw the position of V5 in the middle and jungle, they also knew that there was no need to retreat.

In itself, Toothpaste's ultimate move, blocking the road, is nothing. Jinx can cross the wall with a flash, and Tahm Kench can just use W.

But after seeing Wei emerging from behind, he knew that there was no point in retreating, so he might as well go back to the tower and struggle.

Ning Wang directly Qed his ultimate move, so he didn't need to save his Q skill. He knew that as long as his ultimate move was locked, subsequent teammates could easily deal with it.

Jinx gave a clamp, but this thing couldn't interrupt Vi's ultimate move.

Liu Qingsong was already trying his best to interfere with the toothpaste, trying to prevent the toothpaste from connecting to the rock protrusion.

But it doesn't make much sense. Wink can also keep up with the control.

Uzi still has a flash on his hand, and this flash has lasted from the beginning to now.

When I was attacked by King Ning at Level 2, I didn’t use this flash because I knew I would die if I used flash.

It’s very uncomfortable for a hero like Jinx not to flash, so it’s better to save it for the next wave.

But after thinking about it this time, it still remains the same whether I use flash or not.

When Wei was in a headlock, with V5 people in front and behind him, where could he dodge?

Other people's flashes are important, why do I feel like my flashes are useless?

Tahm used his W skill to knock Toothpaste away, which really prevented Toothpaste from connecting to the skill immediately.

However, after Wink gained control, he cooperated with Chen Ke's output and still took the head.

When facing a Varus, the health volume cannot be full.

Even if King Ning's ultimate move was used, even without Q, Uzi's health was reduced to one-third with one punch.

Wink didn't even give me a ignition to follow him, because he was afraid that this ignition would steal someone's head.

He is a female tank, so it is useless to kill him. It would definitely be more suitable for him to be given to King Ning or Chen Ke.

King Ning was carrying the tower here. He landed his ultimate move and punched E and then pulled him out. He had no intention of killing anyone.

Chen Ke was not polite and went up to EAWQ to easily kill him.

The first thing Chen Ke does after taking a head is to look at the red temperature value.

It rose another 2 points and is now at 95 points.

Getting closer~


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