While Chen Ke was chatting and laughing with his brother, the director screen was transferred to JD.com.

Because JD.com has to select someone for the last counter position.

It can be seen from the camera that everyone on JD.com is discussing, but the two people in the bottom lane are obviously not in that good mood.

Wherever Chen Ke went, he was filled with pressure and couldn't relax at all.

Especially when V5 comes up with such a combination in the bottom lane, you can imagine what kind of pressure it can bring to the line.

"Let's see what jungle heroes JD.com will prepare for Kanavi in ​​this fifth move."

"Is it possible that it is a secret weapon?"

"If it is a secret weapon, I think Alps is possible in this round. Kanavi likes this hero very much."


Putting the jungler on the fifth floor to choose is difficult to see in this version, and normal teams will not play like this.

So if you select people on the fifth floor, everyone will naturally speculate whether this is some kind of black technology.

Among the five people like JD.com, only Kanavi can come up with some strange heroes.

In addition to the hero pool and personal ability, another important reason is tactical status.

Kanavi's tactical status in JD.com is too high, and he can play some strange things.

But if other people play, Redmi is not allowed.

Hongmi is a person who will require players to strictly follow his own set of things.

When talking about strange junglers, the first thing that everyone thinks of is the Alps.

This hero is not considered a new hero. It is rarely seen in games. The main reason is that it is too uncertain to use it.

Apart from Kanavi, there don’t seem to be many players who are keen on this hero.

Kanavi likes this thing very much, but the effect is only average when used in competitions.

Even so, Jingdong still didn't give up. It would take it out from time to time. Sometimes it also likes to take it in key games. I guess it is really effective in training games.

JD.com has adopted the stance of selecting junglers on the fifth floor, and there are indeed not many good junglers outside now. Everyone will definitely think this way.

"Huh? Death song?!"

Jingdong’s fifth floor did come up with something new, but no one could have imagined this hero.

We haven’t even seen him in a game for a long time.

This thing has long since become extinct in the jungle.

Taking out this kind of thing at once, it can be seen that Jingdong is really going to make a surprise move, and it is probably difficult to play normally.

Chen Ke was also stunned. In his impression, the hero Death Song did not seem to be in Kanavi's hero pool.

But it can be taken out now, which proves that it must have been practiced in training matches, and the effect may be okay.

But since no one plays this kind of thing in the game, it means there must be something wrong with it.

Just like the Xerath auxiliary in Chen Ke's hands, no one knows how to play it.

Chen Ke was selected because he was confident in his own skills. Why the opponent was so confident? Chen Ke really didn't know.

Therefore, Chen Ke was not worried at all. He even felt that it would be quite easy for him to handle the death song from the other side.

Only the brother on the side looked slightly unnatural.

Because in last year's World Championship, the Vietnamese team captured them using Death Song jungle.

That game was one of the most unforgettable games in his life. How could he forget it in just six months?

As soon as I saw Death Song, bad memories immediately came flooding back.

Fortunately, my brother didn't show any obvious signs, and since the game was about to start, no one paid attention to him.

After JD.com took out Death Song, it immediately grabbed the spotlight.

The commentator also spent a lot of time analyzing Death Song's choice.

In short, there is no obvious advantage, but if you can bring out this kind of hero in key games, it is still worthy of recognition.

However, at the beginning of the game, the attention of the director and the audience was mainly focused on the bottom lane.

Jingdong’s jungler brought out Death Song, which was a small surprise in this round, but the real highlight was the bottom lane matchup.

With four players on the bottom lane and three world champions, this pairing can be said to be quite interesting.

Coupled with the combination chosen by Chen Ke and his brother in this round, many people wanted to see how the two of them put pressure on Ruler Emperor.

Just after going online, Jinx of Ruler Emperor was a little timid and didn't even think about grabbing the line at level one.

If he uses two skills later, he won't be able to grab this line, so he might as well be honest now.

For this kind of double poke bottom lane combination, it is inevitable to withstand pressure in the early stage.

Chen Ke was not idle either. After the three melee soldiers fell, the Q skill in Chen Ke's hand began to charge up.

Conduct positioning training directly on Chichi.

Chen Ke moved forward while accumulating strength. He was very detailed and tried to stand behind the minions so as not to give Tahm the chance to use his Q skill to hit him.

The two people on Jingdong's lower lane were subconsciously moving.

Chen Ke's skill seems to be aimed at King Chi, but everyone knows that when playing Poke heroes to use skills, a more useful tactic is to attack in the east and attack in the west.

We've just started laning, so it's not impossible to consume Tahm's health.


However, Chen Ke still went towards Chi Emperor, who didn't move much.

Obviously he wanted to turn around and move around to avoid Chen Ke's Q skill, but unfortunately he was still hit by Chen Ke.

The moment Xerath's Q skill hit, a comet followed and hit him.

Although he was dodged by Chi Di's movement, Xerath's Q skill damage was fully absorbed.

If the first skill hits the line, there will definitely be psychological pressure.

It is likely to affect the ruler's subsequent positioning and hiding skills.

My brother didn't move at all, and his position was quite forward, but he still focused on last-hitting.

After the two of them successfully grabbed the second level, that's when the torture really began for JD.com's bottom lane.

After Chi Di was a little careless and was hit by Varus's E skill [Evil Arrow Rain], which slowed him down and affected his movement, Chen Ke's skills would follow suit.

Xerath's Q skill may still be twisted by his movement. Of course, Chen Ke cannot hit every skill.

But the hit rate of the W skill will be much higher, and it can basically hit as long as the distance is enough.

Moreover, the attack range of the skill is similar to Varus' E skill.

Emperor Chi had not finished eating two waves of soldiers before he was tortured to death.

The two players on the opposite side of the lane need to charge up their Q skills. Once they start to charge up, Chi Di will have to be nervous and think about his position, and even have to judge the opponent's psychology when releasing this skill.

Just after the two Q skills passed, the opposite E skill and W skill came again, and these two skills were more difficult to move to avoid.

They are all the kind with deceleration. If you eat one, there is a high chance that the second one will follow.

When it was difficult to maintain his blood volume, Chi Di didn't have too much energy to think about last-hitting.

"Ouch, the pressure down the road is really too heavy."

"Jinx and Tam really can't fight if they encounter this kind of thing."

"But at this time, Kanavi is unable to come down to help. The two of JD.com's bottom lane can only hope for their own good."


When Chen Ke's skill hit rate was ridiculous, Chi Di was sent home early.

The hit rate of my brother's skills is also pretty good. With the two of them taking turns, no hero can withstand it.

In order to prevent King Ning from jumping over the tower, he did not dare to stay under the defensive tower when he still had one third of his health left.

Chen Ke and his brother also polished off the first layer of the tart skin on the opposite side at four minutes.

If this pace continues, JD.com’s bottom lane will become increasingly unbeatable during the laning phase.

In this case, the jungler needs to exert his strength.

But in this game, JD.com chose a dead song jungler. This hero still needs to focus on brushing in the early stage. It would be good if he can take good care of his own development.

It’s impossible to think about arresting people to help teammates.

That's why Chen Ke felt that it would be good for the opponent to use such a hero as a jungler. At least their risk of being caught would be much smaller.

Knowing that it's hard for your jungler to mess with me, I naturally have to be crazy when I'm laning.

Tahm Kench doesn't dare to attack with W yet. If the jungler and other teammates don't come, even if he is supported by one, it will still be difficult to fight in 2V2.

Although the bottom lane is under great pressure, JD.com’s bottom lane has never died.

I have to say that the matchup of King Chi is still solid.

Chen Ke's E skill only hit him once, but since he had Purification on him, it wasn't a big problem.

In this game, both Varus' ultimate move and Xerath's E skill were controlled. Even with Tahm Kench around, Ruler still brought a purification for stability.

After King Ning's big tree reached level six, he deliberately wanted to climb over the tower in the bottom lane, but Jingdong's bottom lane still sensed danger in advance and retreated early.

Although no one died, the first tower on the lower road was really crumbling.

Soon after the Pioneer refreshed, Jingdong simply let it go, leaving Chi Di alone in the bottom lane to make up for some development.

For Emperor Chi, it was just a breath of relief, but it wasn't much better.

After Chen Ke and his brother came to the bottom lane again, they still used the same suppression. They pushed down the first tower in the bottom lane early without the need for a vanguard.

Kanavi is determined to join the left hand in the bottom lane to pack a wave. After all, the V5 bottom lane is two heroes with no displacement.

But Chen Ke was a bit ungrateful. While they were still on the road, he opened fire in advance and disabled Jinx.

If JD Nakano doesn't find a chance in this wave, there will be no way to defend the bottom lane and the first tower.

This game seems to be a lively battle in the bottom lane, but in fact the economic gap between the two sides is not large.

What V5 is ahead of is the first-blood tower in the bottom lane and the more than 20 CS that his brother is leading.

However, the two players from JD.com and jungler are both leading in last-ditch attacks, so overall it’s not bad.

The rhythm really picks up when Chen Ke turns good with his second ultimate move.

King Ning caught Kanavi in ​​the jungle, and Dashu simply turned on the Death Song when he saw it.

Kanavi has no flash, and there is no good way to deal with the big tree's ultimate move.

Just relying on the damage done by King Ning alone, it would be difficult to kill this dead song in a short time.

But Chen Ke can provide fire support remotely.

Three consecutive bombardments made up for the damage, and at the same time he got the first-blood head.

This wave of Kanavi's deaths had a greater impact. King Ning came to the middle to release the vanguard, and gathered his teammates to knock down the first tower in the middle.

After the first tower in the middle fell, it was actually a bit uncomfortable for Jingdong. The first one to bear the brunt was that the development of Chidi was affected to a certain extent.

But for JD.com, they can accept the current situation. What they want is to delay the process.

In the later stage, they have Jinx and Death Song, and their teamfighting ability is definitely very powerful.

For them, it's acceptable as long as it lasts.

As for V5, I feel that the rhythm is good, everything is going according to plan, and it will be good to slowly master the resources.

They will definitely force the team, and it is impossible for JD to drag the game to the later stages, because Xiaolong's pace is relatively fast in this game.

Chen Ke and the others have such a huge lane advantage in the bottom lane. King Ning will definitely control Xiaolong early.

A little over 20 minutes later, the fourth dragon was refreshed.

Jingdong had to come over and prepare for the first serious team battle between the two teams in this game.

Before the team battle started, Kanavi found a hidden position and sang directly on the spot.

In the game, Death Song's ultimate move is mostly used first in team battles to suppress the opponent's health.

It is rare to expect to use the ultimate move later to harvest.

When all five people can take advantage of the ultimate move, this wave of AOE damage is quite sufficient.

Obviously, JD.com also knows that it can’t fight with V5 and must take action directly.

In addition to the disgusting pokes of the two players in the bottom lane of V5, the tree son of the big tree is also a bit uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, the moment Kanavi first activated his ultimate move, Chen Ke also activated it at the same time.

Where is Death Song at this time, Chen Ke actually has no vision.

But the position where Kanavi passed by just now was captured by a prosthetic eye of V5.

Chen Ke could probably guess where he was and responded directly.

At this time, Chen Ke was already a Zewupao player. If he could guess the correct position with the first shot, the rest would be easy.

It takes three seconds to guide Death Song's ultimate move. These three seconds are enough for Chen Ke to complete the pouring of firepower.

The magic cannon in his hand kept falling, and one shot after another very quickly.

On the one hand, Chen Ke is well equipped now, but mainly if Zerath's ultimate move hits the same target, one shot will hurt more than the other.


Fortunately, Kanavi's big move was the first to strike. When the chant of the big move ended, Chen Ke's fifth shot was about to land, so he simply dodged it with a flash.

If it hadn't been for this flash, he would have been sniped by Chen Ke from a distance.

"Wow, what kind of harm does this Zerath do?!"

"With Death Song's current blood volume, I feel like Jingdong can't beat him."

"How about letting it go? It's a wind dragon soul anyway."


Death Song is a hero who is not afraid of death, nor can he be afraid of death.

If you are afraid of death even if you play the game of death, it will be difficult to fully unleash the power of this hero.

But this does not mean that you can die casually. When playing in a group, you have to die in a crowd to be powerful.

Right now, Kanavi's health level is no different from that of a dead person.

It is estimated that Chen Ke or his brother can kill him with just one skill before he gets close.

At this point in time, it is really difficult to win a team battle if there are only a few people.

Knowing that losing this wave of team battles meant that the Baron was gone, JD.com finally had a steady hand, allowing V5 to get the Wind Dragon Soul without pressure.

But V5 won't give too much breathing space. After getting the Wind Dragon Soul, he didn't hold back for too long before moving on the big dragon.

The good news for JD.com is that the ultimate move of Death Song has been reversed.

Kanavi learned to be smart this time. Before finding a position to activate the weapon, he also knew how to scan the surrounding field of view to ensure that the previous plot would not happen again.

Chen Ke really didn't see Kanavi's position this time. Without a rough range, it would be really difficult for him to guess.

So when Death Song was turned up, Chen Ke simply turned it up and aimed at Jinx.

It is naturally more difficult to blast Jinx at full power than to blast Death Song. After all, when Death Song is turned up, you really can't move at all.

However, Emperor Chi could not resist Chen Ke's ultimate move, and his blood volume dropped sharply in an instant.

Missing was so frightened that he simply used his ultimate move to eat Jinx into his stomach. Tahm used his ultimate move before the team battle started, and Jinx would be easier to handle in the subsequent team battle.

After the Baron team finished, V5 easily won the game.

Chen Ke, this Xerath, has too strong a presence with his ultimate move before a team battle.

I feel that this is the ideal role of JD.com’s Death Song.

Use a big move before the team fight starts to reduce the opponent's ability to fight.

As soon as the game was over, my brother was too lazy to look at the output panel.

He knew that his output in this game was definitely not as high as Chen Ke's. Not to mention Chen Ke's damage was at least close to 10,000 just with his ultimate move.

When Chen Ke used his ultimate move to deal damage, he could only watch.

It's shorter than others, which is really something I can only envy.

Chen Ke didn't mention this at all, it was just a simple bet.

It's interesting when you make a bet, it doesn't matter what the outcome is.

After this round, everyone knew that JD.com had no chance at all.

As soon as Chen Ke went to the bottom lane, they became even more difficult to resist.

After the game enters the break, the live broadcast will also have a few minutes of advertising.

After the commercial ends, everyone can see some real-time footage from the lounges on both sides.

What is surprising is that when the camera was shown to Jingdong, Chichi was actually taking oxygen.

His face was a little rosy, and he seemed to calm down a little after taking a few slow puffs.

When the audience saw this scene, they just found it interesting.

Unexpectedly, Chi Di, who defeated LPL this year, was beaten to the point of inhaling oxygen when he met Chen Ke for the first time in LPL.

I've encountered them in the World Championship before, but it seems like they haven't reached this level yet.

It seems that Chen Ke in the auxiliary position does put more pressure on people than the AD position.

Fans found it quite interesting, and many people made fun of it online.

Many people have started to repost the screenshot of Emperor Chi taking oxygen.

Only the senior colonel felt really distressed after seeing this scene.

He didn't feel too much when JD.com lost because he could think of it in advance.

But seeing King Chi being beaten until he was breathing oxygen was even more uncomfortable than killing him.


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