He angrily yelled at his brother on the spot, does this commentator no longer want to do it?

Chapter 515 The opponent only has five people, and we have three!

"Damn it, why do you feel a little excited for no reason?"

"To be honest, I thought this was the finals."

"I guess the barrage is now saying that you two are not human beings."

"Fight hard. If you lose this round, you can expect to be charged."

"Don't panic, I'll catch him at the second level later."


During the last moment of waiting for the game to load, everyone was still chatting after the wheat tips were gone.

He said he was nervous, but his tone didn't sound like it. Instead, it was mostly a joke.

Only my brother's tone was really a little worried, but just a little bit.

Obviously, it was the first time for my brother to do such a big job, so he was a little nervous. He had never done anything like this before.

Chen Ke glanced at his brother and reminded: "You walked down the lower road with Brother Cong before, where are you now?"

Memories of the past suddenly flooded into my mind.

My brother was just about to say that they played VG in that game, and their opponent was not strong.

But think about it carefully, is the PSG they faced in this game very strong?

The reason why my brother is a little unconfident, or not used to it, is mainly because the hero Cuishen involves his knowledge blind spot.

I can play, but not much.

For professional players, just being able to play is not enough.

I see that many players can kill the heroes they choose in ranked games, but they still dare not choose them in the game.

My brother's hero pool is relatively deep among AD players, but Cuishen is too unpopular.

Who the hell is a serious AD doing this?

There is another more important reason. Chen Ke and his brother have tried this combination in training matches before.

Everything that can be taken out in the game has actually been tried in the training game, otherwise my brother would not be able to say that he can barely play the hero Cuishen.

When the two of them were practicing, Chen Ke originally wanted to play Cuishen.

However, my brother felt that he really couldn't play the hero Nuo Shou, so he might as well practice his skills.

Chen Ke was also quite casual, so he naturally started playing Nuoshou.

Then the two of them were beaten in the training match. This is also rare for the two of them to be beaten by others in the training match.

This kind of combination, which has the most pictures and fun, is more difficult than imagined when used in a game and still wants to be effective.

This year Chen Ke insisted on playing, so of course his brother couldn't refuse.

If he hadn't played in a training match before, my brother wouldn't be a little worried.

Fortunately, this time the opponent was of average strength, and the teammates were quite relaxed.

King Ning was shouting that it was captured at the second level. Everyone knew that this version did not support the gameplay of capturing at the second level, but the atmosphere had been aroused.

The main reason why Chen Ke insists on playing this lineup is to work hard, but he can't just think about being abused.

Chen Ke often doesn't treat his opponents as human beings, but he has never overturned.

The combination of Nuoshou and Cuishen didn't work well before, and the reason wasn't just that this combination didn't work.

At that time, Chen Ke really watched short videos and played with his brother in a training match on a whim.

In fact, there was really no preparation at that time. Chen Ke was not very good at playing Nuo Shou. He had never played this kind of hero before.

Nuoshou seems to be a quality inspector on the road, but in Chen Ke's eyes, he can be regarded as a stupid hero.

After the blow that day, I felt bad when I saw my brother being beaten violently.

Chen Ke secretly practiced Bo Nuo hand hard.

Of course, Chen Ke's hard training is just playing three or four ranked games. There is no way to practice heroes so fast.

Chen Ke's promise now is completely different from before.

In the final analysis, the performance of Nuo Shou is more important for this dunk duo in the bottom lane.

At the same time, the V5 lineup can be regarded as having a certain degree of insurance.

The upper, middle and jungle fields seem to be quite capable, and they have the ability to carry the game.

If their bot lane combination is really ineffective, they can just keep playing with the little creamy cannon behind them.

Nowadays, small guns in the mid lane are very popular. If you have the protection of the Green God behind you, it will be even more powerful.

Even if there is a slight disadvantage in the bottom lane, Chen Ke does not believe that PSG's midfielder and top midfielder can defeat his teammates.

If you really don't perform well in the middle and jungle, then you lose and there is nothing to say.

As long as he comes back hard in the next round, it won't be a slap in the face.

You can get slapped in the face if you win one game against me, so what should I count if I win so many games?

However, for the sake of safety, Chen Ke still added a layer of insurance for himself.

I saw his hands crossed on the table, and the two hands were exchanged.

The long-lost left hand operates the mouse and the right hand operates the keyboard.

Don't tell me, the last time I played this way was against PSG.

Since then, Chen Ke rarely played like this because his arms were sore after a long time.

And if you use it once or twice, it will look fresh to everyone. If you use it more times, it won’t feel like you are showing off, but it will make people feel that there is something wrong with you.

Chen Ke really wasn't trying to ridicule his opponent today. There was nothing worthy of ridicule for this kind of opponent.

The main reason is that after triggering the [Golden Left Hand] talent, your attributes can be slightly improved.

The improvement is not big, but it can be said that he has become stronger.

The improvement of strength can make up for the shortcomings of this combination to a certain extent.

Chen Ke's movements were relatively low-key. He just changed his hands and made no movement at all.

But his brother was sitting next to him and saw Chen Ke's operation immediately.

Suddenly the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

There is already a lot of pressure to play this game, but you are still making it worse!

Forget it, Chen Ke can't say anything. At worst, he will ask King Ning to come two more times during the laning match.

"Oh, the two of them are interacting like crazy."

"Don't worry, these two skins look very similar. They both have basketball elements in them."


Just after entering the game, Chen Ke and his brother came to the wild area. Seeing that they were in a safe position, they began to interact, both of them dribbling.

Such an action is a no-brainer and will definitely attract the director’s attention.

Brother and Chen Ke got together and occupied the entire live broadcast screen, giving them a long shot.

King Ning was originally there, but after seeing his bottom lane duo shaking, he consciously stepped back a little.

His half step back was serious.

When the camera was turned to PSG, they didn't know that the V5 bottom lane duo was helping to clear the field.

When the two PSG players went online, they were very careful along the way.

I also deliberately took a detour, determined not to walk through the triangular grass.

If you want to take advantage of this strange combination in the opposite lane, the best way is to crouch in the grass when you go online at level one.

Once they squat, they have a chance. Once they get first blood, they have something to play with.

It is still a bit difficult to gain an advantage in normal laning.

These are all professional games, and PSG will definitely not give you this opportunity.

Chen Ke and his brother didn't even think about crouching, so they just went online after helping King Ning.

After Xiao Bing came to the line, Chen Ke felt a little uncomfortable for the time being.

It’s really difficult to move against Jinx at level one. Jinx is a hero who has a little long hands.

If you play with short hands and beat others with long hands, you must be prepared to be suppressed in the early stage.

The two PSG bottom laners are probably too careful.

The bottom lane formed by Chen Ke and his brother this year is so famous that if you encounter them in the normal bottom lane, you will tremble twice, not to mention that these two people in the PSG bottom lane are not famous at all.

If it weren't for MSI, it would be impossible for LPL viewers to know the IDs of these players.

In addition, seeing the combination selected by V5 in the bottom lane, the PSG bottom duo is under great pressure.

I have been giving myself psychological hints, never give the opponent a chance.

If you don't want to give him a chance, he's destined to not be too fierce.

As a result, the pressure on Chen Ke's front line was not too great, and he could even last a normal hit.

Occasionally being hit twice by Jinx's A isn't really a big problem, since he has a lot of shields on him.

But they just can't feel uncomfortable, they will definitely not get the line rights.

If you can still seize the line by choosing these two heroes at level one, it will be almost impossible unless the opponent Jinx is accidentally hit at the beginning.

PSG must successfully reach the second level in the bottom lane, but Chen Ke and the others still need to retreat slightly.

Perhaps they also realized that King Ning was moving towards the upper half, so the two PSG players in the bottom lane gradually began to increase their intensity.

Without having to worry about being caught for the time being, as their levels increase, they will definitely have to fight harder.

As soon as the military line crossed the river, Chen Ke knew that the opportunity had come.

My brother, Ivern, is also quite powerful. The moment he reached level three, the Q skill in his hand hit Tahm Kench.

To be honest, this skill is pretty good if it can hit. It would be unrealistic to have to hit Jinx.

On the opposite side, Jinx's position was quite cautious, and he seemed to be giving no chance.

Tahm Kench's position is slightly forward, probably because he has been fine until now and has relaxed a little, and wants to come up and use his salary to replenish his sword.

The elder brother hid in the grass he planted, causing the opponent's support to lose sight.

When this Q skill was thrown, Tahm Kench was just finishing his last hit, and it was too late to move.

With Tam's size, it's not easy to move around.

The greatest cooperation between Noshou and Ivern is here.

After Ivern's Q skill hits, in addition to temporarily imprisoning the enemy, it can also allow teammates to rush towards the imprisoned target.

Being approached by Nuoshou is a very scary thing.

After Chen Ke rushed up, he started sprinting.

AW put a slowdown on Tahm, and at the same time made a slight circle to avoid the clip thrown by Jinx to relieve his teammates.

At the same time, Chen Ke turned around again and twisted off Tam's tongue.

With the acceleration effect brought by sprinting, Chen Ke feels good in his position now.

Tahm was slowed down by his W skill, and the acceleration effect on Chen Ke was still continuing.

These two extra steps had no impact on Chen Ke's pursuit.

Others may find it a bit boring to deal with Tam, but for Noshou, this is nothing.

PSG's support is a bit greedy after all. He knows that he can't use W for the time being.

Because Chen Ke still has the E skill in his hand, as long as his W wants to leave, Chen Ke can interrupt him immediately with the ruthless iron hand.

This wave is doomed. If you want to survive, you must turn in the flash.

It would have been better if he had dodged earlier, and Chen Ke wouldn't have followed him to chase after him.

However, he was chased by Chen Ke for a few seconds and his blood volume dropped quickly before he flashed back.

When Chen Ke saw that Shan Xian was dating, he didn't follow her.

Even if he and Flash pull the person back, they still can't kill him.

Sprinting in exchange for a flash from the opposite side doesn't look bad.

It's just that Tahm's health has dropped to less than half health, and after the flash disappears, they will definitely not be able to suppress the line in this wave.

If you still dare to push the line across the river, Chen Ke can flash and open Tammu.

He and his brother didn't look at Jinx and only thought about killing Tam, which would have a great chance.

The wave just now became the turning point of the bottom lane.

Chen Ke and his brother officially took control of the line, and the line began to go smoothly.

This time point is earlier than everyone imagined.

Anyone who is familiar with the V5 play style knows that if Tahm's health does not go away, King Ning will come later.

After Ning Wang came to V5, his operation didn't look very impressive, and there were very few famous scenes.

But the rhythm is always there. It’s hard to say. It just needs to appear at the right place at the right time.

You know what I'm going to do. If I'm one step ahead of you every time, there's nothing you can do.

The opponent's support didn't go back just now, but now it's hard to go back.

Because the line of troops was pushed over by Chen Ke, if the hero Nuoshou used the Q skill, the line pushing speed would be relatively fast.

When Jinx's blood volume is still relatively healthy in this wave of troops, he must not give up.

However, Tahm Kench needs to be by his side to capture this wave of troops. If Jinx is the only one under the tower, it is conceivable that the two men on the opposite bottom lane will definitely take action.

Even if Jinx saves his life with a double move, the wave of troops under the tower cannot be eaten, so Tahm must not go back.

The entire PSG team was still a little less alert. Tam didn't even think about going back and didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

Within three seconds of the troops entering the tower, King Ning rushed over.

After level 4 Ning Wang charged up his Q skill for two seconds, he simply hit Tahm with a Q flash.

The goal is very clear, just kill Tahm Kench without flashing.

After being knocked unconscious by King Ning's punch, Tam had no room for maneuver at all.

He only has a W skill, and when both Ivern and Noshou have control and can give it, there is no way to use it.

King Ning carried the defense tower twice, allowing Chen Ke to get Tam's head.

Seeing Chen Ke's first blood, the audience burst into warm cheers.

What is the home court? This is the home court!

The worst thing for PSG is that with Tahm dead, Jinx seems to be in danger.

Although Jinx's health seemed to be close to full, he was facing three strong men.

The elder brother's Q skill is still useless, so in the second round, the elder brother will start carrying the tower first.

He is also quite skilled at this job. He was doing this exclusively at IG back then.

After Chen Ke triggered the blood rage, every time A hit Jinx, it felt a little unbearable.

In addition, King Ning's output is also quite high.

After my brother carried the defense tower twice, he quickly pulled it out.

The person carrying the tower became Chen Ke.

When Jinx still had a trace of blood, Chen Ke turned around and went out. With the defense tower constantly heating up, the damage was a bit painful now.

I'm not too obsessed with Jinx's head. If I can get first blood, I'm already well developed.

There is no problem in giving the head to King Ning, Wei is a hero who needs a head.

Who would have known that King Ning was also very particular, and even withdrew with Chen Ke without even making up for the flat A.

Jinx has a bleeding effect, and you will die even if you don't touch him, but the head will still go to Chen Ke.

"Double Kill!"

In this way, Chen Ke succeeded in a double kill, and the development of Nuoshou was a bit scary.

But soon PSG found an opportunity to catch a wave of Rambo on the top lane.

Rambo, the hero, is indeed a bit easy to catch.

Quesanti used his ultimate move to pass through the wall and bring him to the river. It was too far away from the defense tower and Pheasant couldn't save his life even if he flashed.

This wave of PSG's impact on the situation is not very big, at most it can stop the bleeding.

After the pheasant died once, the last hit seemed to be ten or so ahead, so just be careful not to get caught again.

PSG has obviously changed its thinking. After successfully catching Rambo once, it wants to continue to break through on the road.

Instead, they don’t pay much attention to the bottom lane.

The main reason is that you were double-killed by Nuo Shou in the bottom lane, and the jungler couldn't catch him. Once a hero like Nuo Shou has developed well, it won't be a big problem to hit you with one more person.

In close combat, this thing is too powerful.

However, the focus of the midfielder was not on the bottom lane, and PSG's bottom lane was uncomfortable. Under the urging of King Ning, the first tower in the bottom lane collapsed in about 10 minutes.

The pheasant has died twice in total at this point in time, which is still within the acceptable range so far.

Subsequently, he switched to the middle lane, and Chen Ke played very strongly.

The two warriors, Wei and Nuoshou, are eyeing you from both sides, with a little chrysanthemum rising up in the middle.

There is a vanguard behind Xiaoju, so there is no way to defend in this situation.

After winning the first tower in the middle, the game completely entered the rhythm of V5.

At this point in the competition, everyone knew they couldn't lose.

One or two of them started to let themselves go.

When the time came to 22 minutes, something happened on the field.

Little Cream's little cannon was caught by the opponent in the middle, and it died a bit undeservedly. He didn't even hand over the flash.

V5 fans, who had always been cheerful, couldn't help but feel their hearts sinking slightly after seeing Little Cream's death.

This wave is really a turning point.

Not to mention that Little Cream's head carries a bounty, but the dragon has been refreshed at this time, and it seems to be quite sensitive.

"The PSG people rushed directly to the dragon, and Quisanti also teleported!"

The colonel's voice sounded a little urgent, and it was obvious that the situation suddenly became tense.

I just heard the senior colonel say slightly exaggeratedly: "Does PSG really want to attack this dragon? You have to think about it!"

The leg brother calmed down a little and continued: "They will definitely fight this time. Quesanti has already turned T."

"The main thing is that Rambo doesn't have TP, so this wave will be very uncomfortable. Apparently the opponent has always remembered Rambo's TP time."

"With Rambo temporarily absent, V5 now only has three people. This is a wave of opportunities for PSG!"


Pheasant's Rambo didn't bring Ignite, so it didn't make much sense to play Quesanti with Ignite, so he still brought Teleport.

It's a good thing that he brought teleportation, otherwise his situation would be even worse after he was caught during the laning phase.

But Pheasant's teleportation was used not long ago, and it still takes at least half a minute to get better.

Obviously PSG knew about it at this time, so they played so decisively.

If the pheasants could come over immediately, they would definitely not fight.

Although they are missing a small cannon, V5 has a considerable economic lead, and they can fight four against five.

PSG just captured Little Cream and used the jungle monkey's ultimate move. The monkey's ultimate move has a relatively large impact on team battles.

But now Rambo can’t come right away!

Without Shangzhong, it would indeed be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for PSG.

Rambo and Xiaopao are the two output points. If these two are not there, they will not dare to touch the Baron in a five-on-three situation, so this game is really not going to be played.

Knowing that this was probably their only chance of the game, PSG was very decisive.

"Wait for me, wait for me, I'm rushing!"

Pheasant kept repeating in his voice, but Chen Ke shook his head and said: "It's too late, the other side hits the dragon very quickly, let's charge."

"It's better to wait a moment. How can three people fight against each other?"

"Why don't you let Prince Ning try to capture the dragon? If you can't capture it, you'll leave someone behind!"

Little Cream and Pheasant were both startled, feeling that Chen Ke's command was too bold.

Three hits on the belly and five on the face. How can this be done?

Chen Ke stared at the screen and said firmly: "It's not a big problem. There are only five people on the other side and three of us. Let's fight at will!"

Prince Ning and his brother must be much more courageous than Shang Zhong.

How could they think so much? If Chen Ke wanted to go, then that would be the end of it!

In addition, there were no eyes in the dragon pit at this time, and the three of them could only make out one real eye just now.

It disappeared within two seconds after being inserted into the dragon pit. Now that there is no vision of the dragon, I am still very anxious because I can't see the dragon's health.

In this case, instead of trying every possible means to detect the health of the baron, it is better to go directly to the opponent.

Take life and death lightly, and do it if you don't accept it.

King Ning pulled him to the front of the dragon pit and punched it directly in!


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