After Chen Ke finished his show, he waved his hand slightly while the troops were advancing.

It's still a little uncomfortable to play games with your hands crossed.

But a game doesn't last long, so it doesn't have much impact. Just don't keep this position for a long time.

Chen Ke's current blood volume is average, but he is not in a hurry to return to the city.

The opponent's midfielder and jungler are all dead, and no one can pose a threat to Chen Ke for the time being.

When King Ning comes over, take this opportunity to release the vanguard to push some tapioca.

The health of the tower in the middle of T1 is quite healthy, and it has only lost one layer of tower skin so far.

The main reason is that Chen Ke is a short-handed hero. It is indeed difficult to push the tower during the laning period. Feike has been guarding under the tower.

It is impossible to use the vanguard to directly push the defense tower.

However, the two people working together can make the defense tower crumbling.

With Chen Ke's advantage in the middle, it is estimated that it will only take three minutes to knock down this first tower in the middle.

After dividing the economy of the three-story tapas with King Ning, Chen Ke saw that the clockwork was about to come over, so he directly pulled back and returned to the city.

While going back to replenish equipment, Chen Ke took a look at the situation on the field.

After the middle and jungle wave in T1 was counterattacked just now, the rhythm is now completely messed up.

Both the upper and lower roads also had problems invariably.

The top lane was fine, but he was caught by King Ning and Chen Ke just now. In fact, the last-hitting advantage was still there.

Moreover, two layers of the tower skin were worn away, but the suppression force was not as exaggerated as before.

The bottom lane looks a bit uncomfortable, mainly due to Lenata's wandering.

Little Lu Bu was alone on the line and was accidentally knocked out.

Tapi was even eaten back, and it seemed that the entire T1 team was now in chaos.

Fortunately, T1 has the soul of Feike. Even if something big happens, Feike will find it difficult to play in the middle lane, but he still comforts his teammates to stabilize the morale of the army.

In fact, Feike was the one who felt the most uncomfortable when faced with such a fat Yongen.

Anyone who likes to play Yongen knows that when Yongen develops to this point, this game is basically over.

T1 also knows that there is no way to fight V5 now.

With Yongen's level of development, now paired with a pig girl, it would be no problem for the two of them to casually beat three or four of them.

To exaggerate a bit, two versus five is possible.

Continuously fighting the opponent in a chaotic state will only increase the disadvantage. That is the rhythm that V5 is best at.

At the moment, there is no better way for T1. It is still the usual set of equipment to avoid combat and develop.

All they could count on in this round was Gwen.

The two people in the middle and jungle can at most act as tool men.

The main output task can only be given to Gwen. There is a saying for this hero in team play. It just so happens that the best developed T1 in this round is Zeus.

It's just that there is bad news for them. The pace of Dragon Soul in this game is too fast.

V5 got the first little dragon at the dragon minute, and T1 couldn't compete for the next little dragon.

But they couldn't let go of the fourth little dragon, they had to come and fight for it.

At that point in time, Gwen's equipment was most likely not ready yet.

Gwen, who only relies on last hits, can't develop that fast even if his teammates allocate resources to him.

When T1 deliberately avoids fighting, Chen Ke and the others can only look for opportunities occasionally.

Although they are not as fierce as they played in the early stage, their rhythm has always been normal.

First, the first tower in the middle lane was knocked down, and then Chen Ke used the second vanguard to take down the second tower in the opposite bottom lane.

Occasionally, they caught one or two mistakes from the opponent, and at the 20-minute mark, V5 also gained a good economic advantage.

"Aren't you ready to take this little dragon from T1?"

"Looking like this, I'm going to release it immediately. Wei will go directly to the upper half of the area to farm."

"Wow, this dragon soul is released, isn't it too decisive?"

"Although this is the Wind Dragon Soul, and if you let it go, there won't be much of a problem, but the V5 lineup is quite comfortable getting the Wind Dragon Soul."

"I can only say that T1 also knows better. This Yongen has a three-piece suit. He really can't beat him when he comes here."


Around 22 minutes into the game, the fourth dragon was refreshed.

When everyone thought that this little dragon would almost end the game, T1 actually gave it to him again.

They didn't even take a look at it, and they didn't even take a look at it in advance. They knew that this little dragon and the others must have no idea.

If we change to Dragon Soul, it won’t work if T1 doesn’t come, but Wind Dragon Soul is really fine.

You can accept it if you really let it go, and it won't make them feel too uncomfortable.

Normally, even if you know that the little dragon is difficult to catch, you still have to use the big dragon to pull it back so that you don't dare to hit the little dragon casually.

To be honest, the T1 lineup, with heroes like Gwen and Varus, is really fast at beating Baron.

But T1 did nothing, didn't even bother to waste that time.

In a disadvantageous game, you go back and forth with the opponent. If both sides are wasting their time and not developing, the opponent will definitely be happy to see this situation.

Moreover, the V5 lineup has a strong ability to start a team, especially with Bard around. If you try to pull the Baron, you will easily get yourself involved. T1 simply does nothing, which is the safest way.

At this point in time, as soon as a team battle breaks out, it is no longer a matter of losing a small dragon. There is a high probability that the big dragon will also belong to others.

T1 also took advantage of this opportunity to develop crazily, and Zeus even pushed down the second tower on the top lane, giving itself a big boost of economy.

When Pheasant's sword demons saw that something was wrong, they all teleported up, but Zeus forced them back.

Capturing the second tower at the cost of a sprint is very profitable no matter how you look at it.

"Hey, Zeus has eaten the second tower this time, so his development is still quite good, and his equipment can keep up."

"This equipment is much better than that of Sword Demon. Shinichi beats him now that Sword Demon can't fight him."

"T1's intentions are too obvious now. I feel that V5 will not let them continue to develop. We must find a way to fight them."


The senior colonel has already given his opinion.

He felt that with V5's temper, it would be impossible for T1 to continue to delay until the time when the ancient dragon refreshed.

Now that the baron is here, V5 can use the baron to force the team at any time.

This is indeed the case. After Chen Ke and the others got the dragon soul, they went back to rest.

After coming out, the troop lines were very good, so we simply gathered in Dalong Pit and started to attack.

The lineup of V5 is very fast with Yongen playing the dragon.

And there was Kalista's spear-drawing kill, which put a lot of pressure on T1.

They had to come over quickly, and they couldn't even fight for punishment.

The damage caused by drawing the spear in conjunction with Punishment must be above 1300. As long as there are no mistakes in coordination, Punishment has no chance of winning.


The people from T1 have just arrived, and they have a blue field of view all the way.

Chen Ke and the others had no intention of fighting to the end, they just went for the person on the opposite side.

Seeing that the distance was almost there, Bud raised his hand and threw it out with a big move.

A brilliant arc of light caught Nosuke on the T1 side and forced him to use Clockwork Flash. This ultimate move can be said to be very effective.

For a moment, the colonel shouted excitedly: "Bud is very good at growing up. Pay attention to getting up, this is a good opportunity!"

Both Nosuke and Nosuke have been retained, and it is impossible for the remaining three players in T1 to sell their teammates.

As long as there are fewer people, the dragon is equivalent to giving up to the opponent.

Ning Wang and Wink all pressed up. When the effect of Bard's ultimate move ended, Pig Girl's ultimate move and Bard's Q skill were all launched.

Wink's position is quite aggressive, but with Kalista's ultimate, there's no need to worry if the position goes deeper.

King Ning's ultimate move was released at a very good time. He directly pressed up and hit Wei, making Big O unable to even flash.

Fortunately, after he blocked this ultimate move, Lenata was able to flash out immediately, avoiding Bard's Q skill that could have been used in a row.

Then Lenata used a backhand big move, and the team battle was about to break out.

Chen Ke was not in a hurry to enter the field. The opponent had too many AOE skills and various controls during the team fight.

Therefore, the timing of entering the field needs to be grasped carefully. You cannot just rush in as soon as you see your teammates controlling someone.

The two ultimate moves of Clockwork and Lenata divide the positions of everyone in V5 very well.

When the team battle really got underway, everyone discovered that T1 was not as vulnerable as they thought, and was still quite capable of fighting.

Especially Gwen of Zeus, everyone could see that she was sweating.

Gwen's three-stage ultimate move dealt a lot of damage. If Chen Ke hadn't used Q3 to blow up and interrupt the E skill, he would have been able to get two more.

If the equipment had been better, or if Gwen had not been sharpened much before, no one dared to think what would happen in this wave of team battles.

Of course, the main reason was that my brother was pulled by Clockwork's ultimate move, and then Wei locked up directly, which meant that he didn't do any damage.

It was Chen Ke's Yongen who performed steadily as always, helping the team destroy the opponent.

After this wave of fighting, the result of the game gradually became clear. After Chen Ke and the others defeated the big dragon, they could advance all the way.

Taking advantage of this big dragon buff, Chen Ke and the others did not directly push down the opponent, but only broke through two high ground.

Immediately after the ancient dragon is refreshed, the two sides are bound to have a team battle.

This ancient dragon must not punish the opponent. Even if you get the ancient dragon, even if you are far behind, there is a high probability that you can come back.

Chen Ke and the others have the advantage of having two lines of super soldiers. They just need to wait for time with the opponent slowly. When the super soldiers rush to the high ground, the situation will be very favorable for V5.

T1 can either send people back to guard, or quickly start a group fight.

After a while, the super soldiers can demolish both incisor towers for you.

But V5 now has a big lead, and they don't bother to waste time and just start the team battle.

This wave of team battles will be much easier to fight. Although Gwen is still trying his best and dealing high damage, he cannot withstand the higher damage on V5's side.

"Beautiful. Chen Ke's Yongen is really silky smooth. He looks like he's enjoying himself moving back and forth."

"In this way, there should be no need to fight the ancient dragon. It can be directly teleported to the opposite high ground to end the game in one wave."

"Let us congratulate V5, Xianchi won the first game of the semi-finals with points."


After the game ended, the commentators were too lazy to discuss the MVP.

Just vote directly for Chen Ke and that's it. Chen Ke's voice was too loud in this round.

It feels like I just debuted in G2 and was killing all by myself.

After voting for MVP, the post-game data panel also came out.

"Oh, Zeus and Gwen dealt so much damage, he really tried his best this time."

No one was too surprised by Chen Ke's high damage, because it was a reasonable thing.

On the contrary, it was Gwen who dealt the damage. He was already very close to Chen Ke, which seemed a bit exaggerated.

During the team battle, he dealt a lot of damage to Pig Girl. In addition, his ultimate AOE was good, so the damage was relatively high.

If you put this kind of performance in a disadvantageous game, you can safely not take the blame if you lose the game.

The colonel also bluntly said at this time: "I think we should try a different top laner next time."

"It's obvious that Pheasant is a little uncomfortable in the line with Zeus. You can let YSKM come up and give it a try."

"Of course, the dough battle after Pheasant was okay. Whether or not to change players on the road still depends on the decision of the V5 coaching staff."


After the colonel finished speaking, he added a few words to save some face for Pheasant.

After all, we won the game, so starting a group like this seemed a bit inappropriate.

However, the barrages are rare and there is nothing wrong with them.

Pheasant's laning was indeed crushed in this game. Coupled with Zeus's performance in the team battle, there is no problem with the gap in the top lane.

Although he won the game, if he continues like this in the next game, Chen Ke will be exhausted to death.

If YSKM comes up, it may not be any better than Pheasant, but in everyone's impression, YSKM is more daring to operate.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Everyone returned to the lounge, and Chen Ke was treated like an emperor as soon as he sat down.

Aning directly brought the water over and massaged Chen Ke's shoulders and neck.

Mai Zijian quickly entered the state, dragging the mouse to play back the video and let everyone review it.

The focus is still on the laning issue between the top and bottom lanes. Being caught once in the bottom lane at the beginning was a bit inappropriate and almost caused a big accident.

I talk a lot about the top lane, but it’s just that the lane isn’t good enough.

In fact, it was expected that he couldn't beat the laning alone. The main reason was that it was a bit scary to play in a group behind Zeus, so he asked Mai Zijian to focus on the top lane.

He also knows that he cannot beat the opponent on the road, but he must use this method to alert the players and they must pay more attention in the next game.

"By the way, do you want to make a substitution for the next game?"

After Mai Zijian finished speaking, he glanced at Chen Ke.

He has no plans to change the top laner position. When playing T1, Mai Zijian prefers to use Pheasant.

The reason why he asked this was to know if Chen Ke had any thoughts of changing to the bottom lane.

Chen Ke suddenly had a thought in his mind and had a bold idea.

In this World Championship, Zeus is indeed too outstanding in the top lane, and all top laners are no match for him.

Since I can't beat them, I'll do it myself.

Chen Ke simply said: "Let's change the top laner, I'll go on the road and have some fun."

After hearing the first half of the sentence, Pheasant felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that Chen Ke was very disappointed with his performance.

But after hearing the second half of the sentence, everyone looked at Chen Ke in unison.

It turned out that Chen Ke wanted to go on the road himself, so Pheasant felt much better.

Wink seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly showed an indescribable smile: "Tell me, do you miss Hong Wen?"


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