Chen Ke glanced at Wink inexplicably, but quickly understood.

After working on it for a long time, they thought they wanted to go up and show how to use red temperature.

In fact, Chen Ke really didn't have this idea, purely from the perspective of competition.

But after Wink's reminder, Chen Ke felt that it was not impossible.

I'll see if I get a chance later and I can show it off.

Seeing Chen Ke nodded, no one said anything, and the matter was quickly finalized.

Aning quickly went to the staff to report.

Fortunately, in this BO5 of the World Championship, the rest time after a round is slightly longer.

"Oh, we just got the news that the V5 team made substitutions in the second game."

"Cream player replaces Pheasant player."

After getting the news from the director, the commentators quickly told everyone about it.

V5 still has too many players this year, and Chen Ke’s position is uncertain.

Therefore, if you have seen this operation of substituting players after winning the game, you will not be surprised.

They all thought that Chen Ke had gone to the bottom lane, so Wink should have been replaced and Little Cream should have been replaced.

Who knew that the little butter came up, but what went down turned out to be pheasant.

Can Little Cream place an order?

This question was rejected the moment it came to mind. Everyone knew it was impossible.

Then it will be obvious who will go on the road, it will only be Chen Ke.

I heard the senior colonel say with a smile: "With this change, it seems that Chen Ke is going to hit the road."

"Could it be that we saw Zeus perform too well in the last game and we need to increase his intensity this time?"


While everyone was discussing, T1 also got the news.

There is nothing confusing about such a substitution. Even fans know that there is no reason why T1 people can't guess that Chen Ke is going to go on the road.

For a while, T1 started having an urgent discussion again, regretting that the time for rest was simply not enough.

It's good to know the opponent's intentions, but the problem is that in this kind of game, you don't have much time to take countermeasures.

This is also one of the advantages that Chen Ke brings to changing positions at will. It is really possible to catch the opponent off guard.

I believe T1 has already studied these two top laners in the V5 team thoroughly.

The upper road must be the place they want to focus on, because this road seems to be the easiest to break through.

But now that Chen Ke is on the scene, T1's previous research on the top lane is basically useless.

Even the prepared BP ideas must be changed quickly.

"After a game, the pheasant was beheaded?"

"It's not enough to kill him. It's obviously to protect him. I'm afraid he will be psychologically affected."

"My teammates came to help me in the last game but I still couldn't beat him. I really should take him down."

"After Brother 9 left the team, I realized that V5 is really not very good at top lane. If it encounters a powerful top laner, it will probably be held back."

"You don't think Brother 9 can beat the opponent's top laner, do you?"

"Actually, Pheasant is okay. He and Zeus each have their own advantages."

"Zeus has stronger laning, better operations, and a deeper hero pool, but Pheasant's teammates are stronger."


Fans are quite looking forward to Chen Ke going on the road.

The ecological environment of being on the road feels like the most extreme of competing.

And if you go on the road, it will indeed be more exciting to face Zeus.

Playing with Feike in the middle, Feike is still a little more steady and doesn't look so passionate.

So the barrage began to tease Pheasant. Obviously, it was impossible to expect good public opinion after being beaten like that.

Soon the second game started. After everyone came up, Chen Ke was still sitting in the mid lane.

Little Cream went to the top lane position and sat down.

Whichever player you replace will sit in that position when he comes up. You can't just sit there blindly, as that will look a bit messy.

But no one can control which way you want to go during the game.

In the second game, T1 had the right to choose the side and actively chose the blue side.

If you couldn't break the game on the red side in the previous game, you must try the blue side.

If you still choose the red side after losing, you will definitely be labeled as a bully.

"Yongen just pressed it and didn't give you a chance to choose."

"Especially in the top position, if T1 wants to take Sword Demon, they really can't release Yongen."

When banning people, the first thing T1 did was to ban Yongen, who Chen Ke had used to kill randomly in the previous game.

"Hey, in addition to Yongen, Rambo was also pressed. It can be seen that it is very targeted."

"After all, he is the owner of Rambo skin, so there is nothing wrong with respecting him."


If Chen Ke really wanted to play Rambo, thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has not shown his skin in this World Championship.

It just so happens that Rambo is still a popular hero in the top lane. If you can choose it, you must choose it.

However, it is really difficult to release the hero Rambo now.

If people see Chen Ke, they won't let him go anymore, which is quite reasonable.

Chen Ke had thought of this result in advance, so he had nothing to regret.

If he really wanted to win Hong Wen, he didn't have to be on the top lane. The most important thing in this game was to suppress Zeus.

After both sides banned three heroes, the T1 blue side directly grabbed the Sword Demon.

Looking at the BP in the two games, the ideas on both sides are similar.

When Sword Demon is released, grab Sword Demon. This hero's priority is still too high now.

And if he doesn't choose, T1 is really afraid that the sword demon will fall into Chen Ke's hands.

If Chen Ke got addicted to slashing in the last game and wants to use Sword Demon to slash again this round, you really have no choice.

Heroes like Yongen have been banned by them themselves, and there are no heroes outside who can beat Sword Demon.

The best way is to choose first. You can't dare to choose the hero first just because you are afraid of Chen Ke.

Chen Ke was not in a hurry after seeing the Sword Demon. He already had an idea in his mind, but he could leave the suspense until the end and let his teammates choose first.

This game on both sides seems to be a relatively abstract game in the bottom lane, with four shooters fighting each other in the bottom lane.

V5 directly locked up Varus and Hanbing on the first and second floors of the red square. Ice, the assistant, currently has a high priority.

Paired with Varus on the bottom lane, the intensity is very high.

In response, T1 directly chose skateboard shoes + policewoman to fight.

This pairing is indeed capable of fighting. Chen Ke and his brother have also chosen it before, but it looks more abstract.

In the second round of banning, T1 is still targeting the top lane.

Chen Ke suddenly hit the road, causing them strong uneasiness.

The suspense continues. V5 is on the fourth floor of the red square and first locks in Bobby's jungler for King Ning.

Then they went to the fourth and fifth floors of T1 to select people. After they were selected, everyone's eyes were focused on the red square and fifth floor.

"Here you go, Gunslinger!"

The moment the man's gun was revealed, cheers erupted from the scene.

Sure enough, Chen Ke did not disappoint everyone. There was indeed someone on the road who had never seen him before.

In this World Championship, no one has chosen the top lane male gun.

Fans know very well that V5 does not like to titillate, and they show it to mean they want to choose.

It was locked directly within three seconds, and the expressions on the faces of everyone at T1 were very exciting.

Fans who understand have already opened the barrage at this time and started to enjoy it.

Many people feel that keeping the barrage on affects watching the game, and even turning on the translucent mode is uncomfortable.

In addition, under normal circumstances, there are too many stinky barrages, and the strings are deliberately paced, and they cover everything.

When you see something exciting or a place to eat, just open the barrage and take a look.

Once the male guns are selected, you can imagine how lively the barrage will be.

"Fuck you, Liu Bei!"

"Guigui, do you have any opinions on how a man can fight a sword demon with a gun? I've never seen anyone play it before."

"Can this version also have a solo male gun?"

"The version doesn't matter much to Chen Ke, just look down and that's it."


After the lineup is selected, the game begins directly.

This time the director obviously seemed "unprofessional", and the shots basically focused on the road.

Others don't seem to have much need to watch, as long as there is no fight, they will not take the camera.

As soon as the minion arrived on the line, Zeus didn't show any fear and faced Chen Ke normally.

When the male gun was taken out to fight the Sword Demon, it was not as easy to fight as expected. The Sword Demon was fully capable of operating it.

The main thing here is the strength of the hero.

If a hero like Yone, who is obviously a counter, is not good at fighting the Sword Demon, he might be countered by the Sword Demon, not to mention the current male guns who are not very strong.

Once you are killed online, there will be nothing you can do against the Sword Demon next.

The reason why Chen Ke chose this way was because he wanted to give full play to his pulling ability.

When the male gunman is fighting the Sword Demon on the top lane, apart from the details of the laning, the main thing is to look at the pull.

After reaching the second level of the laning, Zeus felt that something was wrong. He was hit twice by Chen Ke in vain, but his Q skill sword edge did not touch Chen Ke at all.

After finishing two bullets, Chen Ke moved forward with an EQ skill and then fired another flat A, which looked quite elegant.

It is impossible to kill alone. Chen Ke only needs to ensure his own health while consuming the opponent's health.

Both sides have recovery methods. Sword Demon has the stabbing sword energy, while Chen Ke has quick steps.

It's just that Chen Ke's laning is too full, and Zeus hasn't encountered a top male gun in a long time, so he has little laning experience.

After holding on for more than three minutes, Zeus had to retreat under the defense tower.

When the top lane was approaching level six, junglers from both sides came to the top lane at the same time.

The two people met at the river, and there was no counter-crouching.

Chen Ke has the right to push the line and can quickly support him.

Ning Wang's Poppy happens to have a certain restrictive effect on Rui'er. Using the W skill will prevent Rui'er from jumping out.

After being dealt a set of damage by Chen Ke, Big O had no choice but to hand over Flash.

Originally, I wanted to come up and help the top laner catch a wave and clear the lane, but he flashed and was knocked out.

When Zeus saw this situation, he quickly cleared out the wave of soldiers in front of him and prepared to return to the city to replenish his health.

However, while he was counting down the seconds, Chen Ke forced his way across the line and threw a smoke bomb from a distance, successfully interrupting the return to the city.

It was quite uncomfortable to have this wave of return to the city interrupted.

Even with teleportation, the timing of this wave of return to the city is not suitable. If you pull back and count the seconds, you will definitely lose troops.

Zeus took a look at his health level. Before it was in danger, he continued to stay and planned to finish the wave of soldiers under the tower.

Mainly because Oner helped him find the opposite jungle position.

If Poppy's position couldn't be seen, Zeus would really not dare to stay this time.

Poppy directly flashed in and forced a wall-dong, and combined with the male gun that had just reached level 6, he would definitely die in this wave, and he couldn't even press the flash.

It's really suitable for Poppy to play under the defense tower, and he can easily push people into the wall.

Zeus felt that he was relatively safe without Poppy.

Chen Ke had reached level six after pushing the army line, and looked at Zeus with murderous intent.

If you want to kill alone, this wave is the best opportunity.


After walking into the defense tower, Chen Ke hit the defense tower with his first shot.

This behavior is a bit confusing to people. They thought that after Chen Ke pushed the line of soldiers in, he was going to torture the sword demon a little.

However, the male gunner is not that long and has only an attack range of 450 yards.

The Sword Demon can also use his Q skill to hit the target. It's impossible to prevent him from taking damage. It would be nice if he can increase his health.

But Chen Ke walked straight in and started A on the opposite defensive tower.

It really doesn't make much sense to go to A and attack the defense tower twice at this time.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ke's second shot actually hit Zeus.

Zeus originally didn't want to care about Chen Ke, and just wanted to clear the line of troops under the tower.

I never thought that Chen Ke would dare to attack him before he got to the defense tower. Wouldn't he definitely take damage from the defense tower?

Zeus's Q skill was still in his hand, and when Chen Ke couldn't figure out what to do, he didn't immediately use his Q skill to hit the target.

Seeing that Chen Ke drew hatred from the defense tower, Zeus directly QE hit him without thinking.

The distance between Sword Demon's Q1 and E skills is long enough, and it can definitely hit Chen Ke.

As long as he is knocked away by the Sword Demon's Q skill, Chen Ke will take another hit from the defense tower, and there is a high probability that he will have to dodge.

This is the case in top lane duels. Failure to handle one detail may put you at a disadvantage.


The moment the heavy sword in Zeus's hand came over to grab it, Chen Ke activated several skills in his hand without even thinking, including flash.

From the beginning, Chen Ke had no intention of skipping flash. In the words of my good brother, if the male gun has flash, it must be used.

A silky flash QE, avoiding the sword demon Q1 while also adjusting the angle of the Q skill.

The Q skill falls directly on the wall of the defense tower and bounces back quickly, directly taking full damage.

Using the bullets produced by his E skill, Chen Ke quickly connected with his ultimate move with another flat A shot.

It didn't give Zeus any room to react and just killed the person instantly, with just enough damage.

At the same time, Chen Ke used the recoil of his ultimate move to move back a step, allowing him to pull out the defense tower faster. It was not fatal to carry the tower twice.

"Wow, I got a solo kill on the road, what kind of damage is this?"

"So confident. Zeus didn't even react to this combo of moves."

"Zeus was fooled. He thought Chen Ke was giving him a chance. In fact, Chen Ke was just using him to make a nest."

"This male gun seems to have something to say."


The moment the first blood broke out, the camera showed the two players.

Chen Ke looked calm and unmoving, but Zeus was stunned.

He slightly misjudged the damage done to the male gun this time, and he didn't expect Chen Ke to be so smooth.

What's even more interesting is that the camera also cuts to several Korean female audience members.

At the beginning, Chen Ke had aggro on the defense tower, and when Zeus was about to go up, the Korean on-site commentator reacted quickly and yelled immediately, thinking that this was an opportunity.

Even the audience widened their eyes to see what Zeus would do.

As a result, he was manipulated by the opponent, and the expectations rising in his heart were instantly shattered.

Several girls looked gloomy and lowered their heads unconsciously.


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