In a classroom in the High School of Spells, Itachi and Gojo Satoru led Otoku Yuta to stand in front of the door.

At this moment, Gojo Satoru stretched out his right hand and put it on Otoku's shoulder, and said to him with a smile.

"Since you have come to the high school, then we will take you to meet the other students."


Inside the classroom.

Satoru Gojo came to the podium and shouted in a very high tone, "Next, I have a new classmate!!

"Everyone's in good spirits!!"

There was silence in the classroom....

The other three people under the podium did not respond to Satoru Gojo, and sat on the stool with a nonchalant face, only Nanako and Mimiko gave Satoru Gojo a little reaction.

"Let's be happy,"

said Gojo Satoru who felt helpless and said Maki Zenin, who was sitting on a stool with Jiro's legs crossed.

"I heard that he is a very arrogant person, so I don't want to create an atmosphere for that kind of person."


Curly Thorn, the dog sitting next to him, agreed.

There is also a stupid giant panda sandwiched between Nanako and Mimiko, who is silent at all.

Satoru Gojo looked at the attitudes of the five students under the podium, sighed, and then turned to the door and said.

"Forget it."

"Okay, come in~

" Otoku Yuta outside the door couldn't help but shake his body: "I feel that the air is cold..."

"If you hold back, you won't be able to make friends."

"Don't worry, they're a good bunch of kids."

"Hmmm! I know!

Otogu took a deep breath, plucked up the courage to push open the door and slowly walked in.

"I'm going to ignore it to the end."

Seeing the door being pushed open, Maki Zenin knew that it was the new classmate who was coming in, and said silently in his heart.

However, as soon as one foot of Otoku Yuta stepped into the door, the four people in the classroom suddenly felt an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

Otoku Yuta walked to the podium step by step, and every step he took seemed to be stepping on the chest of four people and one bear, making people breathless, and a monster with a distorted appearance followed closely behind Otoku, opening its mouth to demonstrate to everyone in the audience.

The terrifying spell caused the pupils of everyone under the podium to constrict, as if they were not facing a human, but a super-high spell.

"I'm Otoku, please..."Before

he finished speaking, a sharp naginata suddenly appeared next to his face, and the naginata pierced deeply into the blackboard behind Otoku.

The sudden attack made Otoku worry too startled, and he thought uneasily in his heart.

"Am I doing something wrong?"

Zenin Maki, who was holding the handle of the knife in front of him, said sharply.

"You're cursed, this is the place to learn curses, not the cursed ones should be."

The panda on the left has a serious expression at the moment, and his hands are already wearing the bear-patterned fist gloves and assuming a fighting posture.

Dog Curly Thorn pulled down his scarf with his right hand, staring at Otogu Yuta, as if as long as he made any other moves, he would start the technique as soon as possible.

Nanako also appeared in her hand at the same time and pointed it at Otoku, and Mimiko reached out to hold a piece of the rope.

"I... I know, Itachi-sensei told me on the way here.

"Ahh Satoru Gojo interjected as he stood aside and said with an embarrassed expression.

"I almost forgot, but now I remember."

Zenin Maki looked at Gojo Satoru with a disgusted face, and they didn't even want to complain.

After Satoru Gojo finished speaking, he seemed to have something in his mind, and reminded everyone.

"Ah, you'd better get away from Bone-san now!"


Gojo Satoru's words aroused everyone's doubts, and then the four of them found that their huge hands were slowly stretched out from the blackboard, and their right hands were holding Zenin Maki's naginata and snatching it away.

"You're not allowed..."

"Bullying Worry!!"

The four of them and one bear had already raised their vigilance when their hands appeared, quickly moved away from Otoku, retreated to the podium, and looked at the sudden appearance of the spell spirit in disbelief.

Otoku was afraid that Rika would hurt his classmates, and shouted loudly, "Stop! Rika! They have no ill intentions! The

spell spirit, which Otoku Yuta called Rika, did not stop, and it seemed that he still regarded the few people in front of him as enemies.

Is this the incense of the special spell spirit prayer book?

Itachi, who senses that something is wrong, just wants to stop it, but sees Satoru standing still unmoved.

After all, Satoru is the person in charge of this incident, so he should know what is going on with this spell, and he can also feel that the prayer book Rika is already collecting his strength, and he just wants to teach a few people in front of him.

It would be nice to let them suffer a little.


After a fat beating, several people stood under the podium with disgraced faces.

At this time, Gojo Satoru also stood up and explained to everyone Otoku, Yuta and Rika Prayermoto.

The two have had a good relationship since childhood, and they agreed to get married in the future, but one day, an accident took away the life of Rika in the prayer book....

"That's it, he's cursed by his favorite Rika."

After explaining the incident, Gojo Satoru's mood rose again: "He's Otoku Yuta!" Thank you for your kind attention!

"If you attack Yuta, Rika's curse may or may not be activated."

"All in all, everyone should be careful~"

Gojo Satoru looked at the audience and didn't react, turned his head and said to Otoku.

"They're still in the rebellious period, and I'll introduce them next."

"First of all, the spell envoy, Zen Temple Maki, uses a special spell that can purify the curse."

Zenin Maki clenched the naginata knife in his hand at this time and said nothing.

Gojo Satoru looked at Dog Roll Thorn: "Spell Master, Dog Roll Thorn, he speaks straight about the taste of rice balls, you have to work hard to communicate." "


Dog Curly Thorn raised his left hand and silently said hello.

"And then there's the panda."

The panda then said, "I'm a panda, please take care of me."

Otogu Worry complained in his heart: "The explanation I want to hear the most is not but..."

"There are also the two sisters, the yellow-haired one is Nanako, and the black-haired one is Mimiko."

"Please take care of ×2" "

Well, there will be as many as six people in the first year, and then in the afternoon, there will be a spell practice, divided into three groups."

"Thorn and Panda in a group, Nanako and Mimiko in a group."

"Maki and Yuta are in a group."

When Satoru Gojo said that they were in pairs, Otoku Yuta could clearly feel that the Zenin Maki next to him was disgusted with him.

"Am I still hated..."


Seeing that everyone had already left the classroom, Itachi looked out the door and whispered to Satoru Gojo.

"Satoru, do you think it's not Rika who cursed Otoku, but Otoku who cursed Rika."

"Huh? It's an interesting idea, it's very likely.

"After all, love is the most twisted curse."


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