In the afternoon, Itachi's wood clone took the other two groups to practice the removal of spell spirits, and the main body was to take Zenin Maki and Otoku Yuta with Gojo Satoru.


Otoku, who was following the group, looked at the empty buildings around him.

"It's just an ordinary elementary school."

Satoru Gojo spoke in front of him and said, "There is an ordinary elementary school where students are missing in the school. "

Missing ?!!"

Otoku was shocked, and Itachi picked up Satoru's words and explained to Otoku.

"In places like this, spell spirits are born, and the disappearance of students here is probably caused by naturally formed spell spirits."

"Has the child been abducted by the Cursed Spirit?" Hearing Itachi's words, Otogu was a little dazed.

"That's right, there are two of them at the moment."

Maki Zenin, who was carrying a long red bag, picked up Itachi's words and said: "This kind of place that will cause many people to remember is prone to curses, schools, hospitals, whenever people are recalled, negative emotions will arise, and more and more negative emotions will be generated, and spells will be born like this time."

"That's right, get rid of the spell spirit, rescue the students, and recover the body if it's dead."

Satoru Gojo stretched out his right hand and prepared to put down [the tent]

born from darkness, darker than black.

Filth and filth are all purified.


A stain like ink suddenly appeared in the air, and Otoku looked up, and the ink-like stain slowly spread around, enveloping the school.

Otogu Yuta was surprised: "It's getting dark?!! "

Take it easy, this is [the tent], this barrier can keep you invisible to the outside world, and it can also draw out spells."

Satoru Gojo smiled and walked towards the door, speaking in a brisk tone.

"This barrier is easy to lift from the closed beta, so that's it, don't die."

As soon as the words fell, the black [tent] had completely covered the school, and Gojo Satoru could no longer be seen.

"Dead? Itachi-sensei!

Otogu Yuta looked a little flustered at the moment, and hurriedly looked at the Itachi who was still beside him.

"Even if the spell spirit is weak, you still have to be careful."

After Itachi finished speaking, he used the Flying Thunder God technique to come to Satoru Gojo, who was outside the [tent].

"Let's take a look at Otoku."

Itachi and Satoru Gojo were leaning on the car, paying attention to the situation inside the [tent].

"Well, if they're in danger, I'll take action."

On the way here, Itachi has quietly imprinted the Flying Thunder God Seal on Otoku's uniform, and if the situation is not right, Itachi can save them in an instant.


The Otogu Yuta in the [tent] seemed to want to say something, but the Zen temple Maki on the side had already taken out a nagina knife in his backpack and put on a posture, after all, the use of Youyun was not yet proficient, and it was better to use a handy spell to remove the curse.

"Transfer students, don't look around, the spell spirit has appeared."


After being reminded, Otoku Yuta turned around to see that three tall one-eyed spell spirits had appeared on the originally empty road at this moment.

They were in the same shape, and then, as if they were going crazy, they tore open the stitches in the openings on their bodies, and the hoarse voices reached their ears.

"In... Come?

As their thick tongues hung down from the openings in their bodies, the three spell spirits sped up towards them as if they were going crazy, and the swing of their bodies threw saliva everywhere on their tongues.

"Over... It's coming.

Otoku Yuta looked at the Zenin Maki who was holding a weapon next to him and was extremely calm.

"How... How... How, what to do?!

"Don't shout."

Zenin Maki clenched the naginata knife in his hand, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

The next moment, Zenin Maki quickly rushed forward, and with the strong flesh brought by the heaven and the spell, Zenin Maki came to the three spell spirits in an instant.

Zenin Maki jumped into the air with both feet, twisted his body, and drove the naginata knife in his hand to slash at the spell spirit accurately, and between a breath and a breath, the three spell spirits had been cut off.

"It's amazing, it's solved with one knife."

Otoku's eyes were full of longing, if he could be so strong, would he be able to protect others and make friends?

"Alright, let's go quickly."

Zenin Maki looked back at Otoku, who was stunned in place, and said.

"Huh? Where to go? "

Of course it's going in."

After that, Zenin Maki didn't care whether Otoku Yuta followed or not, and walked into the building by himself with the naginata.

Otoku Yuta stood in place, turning his head to look at the empty and somewhat eerie building, and couldn't help but be a little scared, but he still ran quickly and followed behind Zenin Maki.

Itachi, who was outside the court, took in the performance of Maki Zenin in his eyes and said to Satoru Gojo.

"Maki's strength should have reached level two, not level four."

"After all, Maki was born in a Zen family, and that family likes the technique the most, and in a situation like Maki, that family must be disgusted to death."


"ta, ta, ta-"

In the empty and silent corridor, the two of them could clearly hear their footsteps, and several small spell spirits had appeared in the surrounding classrooms one after another, and Otogu looked left and right uneasily, and a few drops of cold sweat couldn't help but flow out of his face.

"Zen Academy, aren't you afraid?"

"Don't call me by my last name." Zenin Maki walked in front and said with an unhappy face.

"Hold... Sorry, but something is coming out of the area.

Zenin Maki didn't pay much attention to the Otoku Yuta behind him, looking at the spell spirits that appeared in the surrounding classrooms, thinking in his head.

There are spells all around, but why not attack us? Is it because of this guy?

Zenin Maki glanced at Otoku Yuta, seeing that he still looked cowering, and he was angry.

"Hey! What level are you?

Otogu was puzzled: "Huh? English? "

There are four classes of sorcerers."

Seeing that Otoku Yuta still looked confused, Zenin Maki was even more helpless and said loudly.

"Show me your student ID, that blindfolded bastard or Itachi teacher should have given it to you."

Otoku reached into his pocket, took out his student ID card from it, and carefully handed it to Maki Zenin.

“pa!" With a bang, Zen Yuan Maki took it directly and looked down at Otogu Yuta's student ID.

"After all, if you don't have a foundation, it should be level four... Super?! "

Zen Academy-san!"

"Zen Academy!"

"Isn't the special grade higher than the first grade? Isn't this really a joke? "

Zen Academy's !!"

Otoku's loud shout finally brought Zenin Maki back to his senses, and then turned to look at the place that Otoku Yuta was pointing at.

A huge spell spirit appeared in the corridor, and the size of the spell spirit was so large that it directly squeezed the water in the corridor.

However, in the next moment, the body of the spell spirit continued to expand, and as the body of the spell spirit continued to expand, the ceiling and the corridor could not support it, and it collapsed with a bang, and even the windows of the building were shattered by the strong tremor.

, Zenin Maki and Otoku Yuta were thrown directly into the air by the impact of this spell spirit, and the two looked at the spell spirit sitting on the building with their mouths wide open, the mouth of the spell spirit was covered with sharp fangs, and they were sitting quietly in place, waiting for them to fall into their mouths

Because there was nothing in the air that could change the landing point, the two could only be forced to enter the mouth of the spell spirit, and Zenin Maki's leg was still scratched by its fangs when it fell into the mouth of the spell spirit.


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