It's been three months since Otoku Yuta joined the High School of Spells.

Itachi, Satoru Gojo, and Natsuyojie were standing next to the training ground watching the two people in the field, and the rest of the first year were also paying attention to the movements in the field.

Otoku Yuta and Zenin Maki looked at each other with a knife, which was a comparison between "teacher and apprentice", and it was also used to test the results of Otoku's training in the past three months.

Zen temple Maki fierce force, the first to attack the bone Yuta.

Here it comes!

Otoku Yuta was vigilant in his heart, and his eyes looked seriously at Zenin Maki who rushed over, and he clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and slashed it hard.

In these three months of training, the things that Maki Zenin taught, Otoku Yuta had already memorized with his wounds, and the use of knives had formed muscle memory.

When to attack, when to defend, what to do now, the actions are all subconsciously done.


, dang, dang..." The crisp sound sounded in everyone's ears, and the first encounter between the two also surprised the three people outside the stadium slightly.

Otoku's progress can really be described as a rocket.

Seeing that his attack was perfectly blocked by Otoku, Zenin Maki couldn't help but think in surprise.

"Although I noticed that this guy's talent was very good, this is too good."

As soon as the body moved, the angle at which Zen Yuan Maki swung his sword, the speed was more tricky, faster, and more powerful than just now, and the physical fitness brought by the heaven and the spell made Yi Gu Worry a little unbearable.

Although the skills have been learned well, they are still far behind.


is even stronger!

Faced with the sudden feeling of oppression, although Otoku Yuta barely blocked the knife, he was still pressed by the powerful power of Zenin Maki and knelt on one knee on the ground.

"Didn't Teacher Xia You already teach you how to use mana? What, you don't use it now?

Hearing this, Otoku Yuta also decided not to keep it anymore, and after controlling the mana power in his body to cover the blade, he guided the spell spirit to flow towards the limbs and strengthen the body.

Otoku Yuta stood up slowly under the pressure of Zenin Maki.

"Be careful! Maki-san!

Otoku Yuta clenched the handle of the knife and lifted it hard, and the sudden burst of power made Zenin Maki not suppress it, and after stumbling two steps, he immediately stood up and looked at Otoku Yuta seriously.

Zenyuan Maki's face changed, and he finally became serious at this moment, and no longer underestimated the young man in front of him.


Zenin Maki threw the blade in his hand towards Otoku, and his legs were also quickly exerted, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Otoku.

Otoku had just picked up the blade that was flying towards him, but when he looked down, he found that Zenin Maki had come to him and squatted down.

"Looks like I'm going to win this time."

Zenin Maki smiled confidently, supported the ground with his left hand, and kicked at Otokuchi with his right foot.

Otogu Yuta didn't have time to react, so he was kicked out directly.

"Maki is still so violent~" Panda looked at the kicked Otoku Yuta, and couldn't help but say with some sympathy.

Dog Curly Thorn agreed: "Salmon! "

If Maki hears it, you'll be finished with the panda~" Nanako and Mimiko looked at the panda with a wicked smile and said.

However, unfortunately, Maki in the Zen Temple in the field had already heard the panda's voice, picked up the knife that had been picked up just now and walked towards the panda.

"Do you want to practice too?" Maki Zenin, whose forehead was bruised, said to Panda in a threatening tone.

The panda was so frightened that he quickly shook his head: "No, no, no, I'm a curse, so I don't need to practice." "

Humph!" After glancing at the panda, Maki Zenin didn't speak again.

Otoku, who had been kicked away just now, also stood up, rubbed the part that had been kicked just now, and felt that the pain had been slightly relieved

, and the ferret outside the field saw that the victory and defeat had been divided, and immediately walked over to everyone.

Xia Youjie beckoned to Yi Gu, who had just stood up: "Yi Gu, come here."

"Yes! Mr. Xia You!

After hearing Xia Youjie's words, Yigu Yutai immediately ran over and stood with the pandas.

"What's wrong, Brother Xia You." Nanako and Mimiko asked curiously.

"The exchange meeting with the Kyoto High School will start soon."

Everyone was a little puzzled: "Sister exchange meeting?

Satoru Gojo stepped forward and explained, "That's right! Tokyo and Kyoto hold this exchange meeting every year, and in short, you team up to destroy spell spirits, and whichever school destroys more will get more points, and the one with the most points will be the winner.

"Well, who won the last session?" Otogu asked curiously.

"It's us, and we've been winners since the three of us were students." Satoru Gojo smiled slightly, extremely confident.

Panda also interjected: "I don't think it's strange that the teachers keep winning. Dog

Curly Thorn nodded approvingly: "Salmon."

"So will our first-year students participate in this year?" Zenin Maki asked with some curiosity.

"Well~ I'm not sure, in the past, I used to participate in the second and third grades, although there were also first-year participants, so it depends on the situation then."

Satoru Gojo clasped his hands, thought for a while, and then answered Maki Zenin's question.

Zen Yuan Maki was slightly speechless: "Then what did you tell us about?" "

By the way~ We're here to find Oto-san~

" "Looking for me?" Otogu pointed at himself and asked with some confusion.

"That's right! It's a matter of your identity. "


Gojo Satoru looked at Otoku Yuta with a smile on his face: "Actually, three months ago, I investigated the background of you and Rika with Itachi, and it is certain that Rika is an ordinary person, but... Ordinary people can't be such a powerful spell spirit, so I focused on investigating your background.

Speaking of this, Satoru Gojo said happily with his hands to Otoku.

"It turned out that you are actually a descendant of Sugawara Michizane, and you can be regarded as my super distant relative!"

"Sugawara Michizane?" Otoku's face was puzzled.

"Hey, hey, you don't know? That's a great man from a thousand years ago, one of the three resentful spirits in Japan, and an extremely famous and powerful sorcerer in the spell world. Zenin

Maki and the others were a little surprised to hear the name Sugawara Michizane, and then they were a little speechless that Otoku Yuta didn't know who Sugawara Michizane was.

Itachi looked at Otoku: "In other words, the previous assumption is correct, it's not that Rika cursed you, but that you cursed Rika."

Otoku's expression was stunned, he didn't know what to say, and the Zen temple Maki who was standing next to him looked at Otoku's appearance, and they didn't know how to comfort him at the moment.

That's right, when Rika had an accident at that time, I refused Rika's death!

Otoku Yuta suddenly thought of something, looked at Itachi, and asked urgently.

"Itachi-sensei, in this way, do you know that there are other ways to lift the curse?"

Itachi nodded slightly and said, "That's right, but it may come at a cost.

"Any price!" Otoku Yuta looked at Itachi with a determined look in his eyes.

"Even death?"

"Even if it's death!"


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