Otoku Yuta looked at Itachi with a firm look in his eyes: "Even if I die, I will unravel Rika's curse!" "

It's all my fault, I made Sayaka look like that, and I hurt so many innocent people before..."

Itachi turned his head and glanced at Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie, and the two of them nodded to Itachi and said nothing more.

"Go to the center of the training ground, we might hurt later." Itachi finished speaking to Otoku, and then walked straight to the training ground.

Otoku raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and then followed in Itachi's footsteps.

"Hey! Are you really going to do that? The teachers have already said that they will probably die! Zenin Maki shouted at Otoku, and the pandas beside him also looked at Otoku Yuta worriedly.

"I've decided!"

"Death is the worst outcome, think about the good, think about the good~" Satoru Gojo waved his hand to Zenin Maki and them, signaling them to be calm.

"Don't worry, there's still a ferret." Xia Youjie stood aside and hugged his hands, and said with a relaxed face.

"But..." Zenin Maki wanted to say something, but saw that Otoku Yuta had already entered the training ground and stood opposite Itachi.

Inside the training ground.

Otoku closed his eyes and clutched the ring in his hand tightly, recalling the scene when he first saw Rika outside the ward, playing in the park together, going to school together, studying together...

"When they grow up, Rika and Yuta are going to get married."

"Good! Then we will be together forever and forever!

Otoku opened his eyes, his brows furrowed together, and his eyes looked at Itachi intently.

"Itachi-sensei, I'm ready!"

Itachi saw that Otoku Yuta was ready, and then slowly raised his right hand and formed the seal of opposites.


[Field Expansion: Izanagi!] The

field covered the surroundings at a breakneck speed, stretching to the crowd outside the training grounds, mansions standing in the darkness, each surrounded by a wall made of mana. The walls were carved with fan-like patterns, and the creepy wails and cries of ghosts filled the surrounding air, making people feel terrified.

"Is this the development of Itachi-sensei's field?" The

first grade outside the field was the first time to see the field, and it was still a field like this, so I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Hopefully, Itachi's realm will rewrite the worst punishment of the curse..." Xia Youjie looked at the two people in the field and muttered to himself.

"As long as the party who imposes the curse relinquishes the master-slave constraint, the cursed party can lift the curse after applying the punishment, although the cursed person may not choose to impose the punishment." Itachi looked at Otoku, explaining to him.

"Otogu-san, if you have already decided, summon Rika out."

"I see! Itachi-sensei!

Otoku Yuta heard Itachi's instructions, and he faced Itachi's field, closed his eyes, and focused on his mind. He took a deep breath, then followed Itachi's instructions and whispered.

"Come out, Rika."

Suddenly, the special resentment spirit Prayer Book Rika appeared out of thin air behind Otoku, and she seemed to know what Otoku's next was going to do, so she stayed quietly behind Otoku's and looked at him, motionless.

Otoku turned around and stretched out his hand to hug her, and Satoka naturally lowered her head, feeling the warmth of Otoku's palm.


"What's wrong?"

"Thank you for always protecting me, thank you for liking me..."

Yuta Otoku's voice trembled, and his eyes looked at Rika gently.

"I'm sorry, but I cursed you to become like this..."

"My future, mind and body are all for you, let's go together, from now on we will really be together forever."

"I love you, Rika."

Itachi stood aside and watched the scene quietly: "Do you want to use yourself as a sacrifice to lift the curse... Otoku-san..."Otoku

Yuta leaned his head forward and kissed Rika gently, Rika was stunned in place, but her body couldn't help but tremble, looking extremely excited.

Itachi's expression on the side instantly became serious, worried that she might run wild, and her scarlet eyes stared at Rika.

"I like you the most!!"

However, Rika didn't go berserk, and after saying goodbye to Otoku, his body turned into powder and dissipated in place, and Itachi was also relieved to see this, and immediately lifted the field.

It seems that Rika did not impose punishment.


Otoku watched in a daze as the body turned into powder, and there was a little girl standing in its place, which was exactly what Rika Qiben had been.

Otoku froze in place, his eyes shining with disbelief, as if he had seen a miracle. The hands were clenched tightly together, and the fingers kept shaking, as if suppressing the excitement in their hearts. His breathing quickened, with a sense of urgency that bordered on suffocation.

Then Otoku took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it, trying to calm his emotions. He didn't want the little girl in front of him to see his gaffe, but he knew that Rika must be able to feel his excitement, and he stood there quietly, his palms clenched, his eyes flashing with an inexplicable light, waiting for death to come.

Suddenly, an inopportune voice appeared.

"Congratulations, congratulations."

Gojo Satoru and Xia Youjie came over with applause, and Zen Academy Maki and the others saw that the teachers walked over, and they also hurriedly followed.

"Congratulations? In other words, Yuta has lifted the curse, right? Panda They were worried that Otoku Yuta would die, so they hurriedly asked Xia Youjie and Gojo Satoru.

"That's right, it's been lifted, and looking at her appearance, you can know that Rika Qiben didn't punish her classmates with Bone."

"Huh?" Yi Gu Worry Tai Chi was surprised, and some didn't react, and Qi Ben Lixiang also slowly walked towards Yi Gu Tai at this time.

Rika opened her hands, and when she saw this, she also squatted down and let Rika hug her.

Sayaka held it, rubbed her cheek lightly against Otoku's head, and said in a gentle tone.

"Yuta, thank you~

" "You have given me time to be by your side all the time, and in the past six years, I have been happier than when I was alive."

Rika held Otoku's arm tighter and hugged him tighter.

And Otogu was already crying in his arms: "However, it was I who turned you into that and hurt so many people, all of which are my fault."

Sayaka Satomoto let go of her arms, put her hands on Otoku's cheeks, wiped her tears, and looked at him tenderly.

"It's okay, Yuta, I'm happy."

Otoku Yuta raised his head and looked at her with reddish eyes, and the golden particles around the incense of the prayer book were already glowing, and it looked like it was about to disappear.

"Bye-bye, worry, take care of

yourself~" "Don't come to me too early~" Urika said with a smile.

"Hmm!" Yi Gu nodded heavily, and the tears that had just been wiped away came out again at this moment.


Rika dissipated in place with the surrounding golden particles and slowly floated into the air.

Otoku wiped away his tears, stood up, and looked up into the air, where dreamy foam appeared around and rose into the air, looking particularly beautiful.


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