And not only that, look at the reddened eyes of these fish, and the appearance of rushing towards the archaeological team members frantically.

It's a rhythm that wants to eat a few people from the archaeological team!

At this time, although the leading archaeological team members were also frightened, he was the captain of the team after all, and he quickly reacted.

At that moment, he did not hesitate at all, and hurriedly made a gesture to let everyone swim quickly to the shore.

Some people did not hesitate at all, directly pulled out special waterproof guns, and began to shoot frantically at the fish, trying to scare them away.

But for some reason, the fire and bullets did not scare off these fish, but made them even more crazy!

They simply can't swim to shore before the fish arrive!

The archaeological team immediately fell into a huge panic.

Death has also enveloped everyone, and there is no escape.

Despite all their might, they swam towards the shore.

But how can a human swim as fast as a fish in the water?

After a while

, although there were gunmen shooting wildly around the periphery, this group of strange fish still rushed up,

and soon came to the front of everyone.

When the fish came to the front, the guns in the hands of the gunners were clearly no longer working.

can only wield the butt of the gun, engage in hand-to-hand combat with these strange fish, and smash through one strange fish after another.

But suddenly, a fish took advantage of the gunner's inattention and bit him in the waist and abdomen.

The crimson blood penetrated the wetsuit, staining the entire body of water red.

In an

instant, all the strange fish were stunned, and then they all couldn't stop going crazy!!

The water is boiling!

It seemed that the blood attracted them, or the blood made them crazy, and at this moment, these strange fish all turned their eyes to the injured archaeological team members!

In just an instant, the injured team member was surrounded by strange fish!

The spiky fangs pierced through the wetsuits, piercing the skin of the team members and tearing the flesh off the bodyguards.

The crimson blood, mixed with the pale brain, muddied the waters.

Looking at this scene, the pupils of everyone in the archaeological team instantly dilated, and their eyes seemed to be about to pop out, extremely frightened.

However, only a few seconds later, an even more terrifying scene appeared before everyone's eyes.

When the fish left, the gunners who had just been surrounded turned out to be...

There is only one white skeleton left!!

In an instant, everyone froze!


Their breathing seemed to stop at this moment, and a trace of coolness climbed up the spine crazily, instantly making people's scalps tingle.

This is definitely the most frightening scene they have ever seen, there is no one!

And when these strange fish turned around and pointed their scarlet fish eyes at the archaeological team again, the souls of the archaeological team were scared away!

Now, their minds were blank, and only one thought flashed - to escape!!

This time, no one reminded them, and

every member of the

archaeological team used all their best to swim frantically towards the shore.

It seems that if you are slow for a second, you will fall into the abyss, and you will be gnawed by these strange fish until only a pile of skeletons remains.


After a few moments, the

waters became quiet again,

but the surface of the water had changed from the initial clarity to a strange blood red!

The entire body of water has been dyed red with blood, like a river made of blood, and it is terrifying!

Just looking at it makes your scalp tingle.

On the stone platform on the shore sat two members of the archaeological team who were glazed and drenched, and they were the only two survivors in the team.

Several other members of the archaeological team, surrounded by the fish, followed in the footsteps of the first and merged with the white bones on the riverbed.

The camera used to shoot the live broadcast fell underwater.


The picture in the live broadcast room was frozen in darkness.

Even after a long time, the audience still didn't react, they all stared at the screen with bated breath, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

In the end, I don't know who started it, and the entire live broadcast room exploded as if it had been dropped into a bomb!

It was only then that the audience reacted, and their backs were already completely soaked with cold sweat.

"I... Oh my God! That's too cruel, isn't it? I'm going to have a heart attack! "

This is a piranha! There really are piranhas in this world!!

"My heart was about to pop out of my throat just now, and now I think about it and goosebumps all over my body!"

"It's horrible, it's simply scarier than the scariest horror film in the world... There are countless levels of horror!!

"It's not a horror movie, it's real!" Live piranha eats people! These strange fish really ate the team members..."

"It's over, I'm definitely going to have nightmares at night, I don't even dare to sleep!"


In this scene in the live broadcast room just now, all the audience was terrified.

As soon as they closed their eyes slightly, the appearance of strange fish in the water appeared in front of their eyes, and some people even felt that their spirits were scared out of their minds.

said that he was going to organize a group to see a psychiatrist.

But slowly, some viewers seemed to remember something, and their words once again made the entire live broadcast room boil.

"Wait a minute! This strange fish seems... Where do I think I've seen it?

"Holy! No way? Isn't this strange fish special, in the [Lock Dragon Well] movie?

"I remember! It's called a black viper! It's a strange fish in the Lock Dragon Well movie! This strange fish almost killed the Iron Triangle! How did it come out here?

"Just now, screenwriter Ye prevented the archaeological team from going into the water, is it because... He had known for a long time that there were black vipers in the water???

"Shhh Does this mean that screenwriter Ye has really locked Longjing? It's too... It's incredible! "


Several experts present in the seminar hall

of the command center

also watched this scene with chills down their spines.

It wasn't until the screen was completely dark that some experts seemed to remember something, and hurriedly took out the fast-acting heart-saving pill and swallowed two.

Many people were so frightened that their lips trembled and their speech was slurred.

There are even experts who, unknowingly, have used up a whole pack of paper in order to wipe the cold sweat on their foreheads.

But without exception, everyone's eyes were full of horror.

The righteousness just now was awe-inspiring, and the fearlessness dissipated at this moment, replaced by endless fear.

There are a lot of people who are now on the verge of collapse.

"It's... Where is this strange fish, this is... It's a reaper! I

don't know who it was, he shouted this sentence tremblingly, but there were countless scientific research workers present, but none of them scolded him.

Because now, in the hearts of many of them, this is also the idea!


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