This time

, the rescue team did not wait for the instructions of the group of experts who were already frightened, and could only go down the well first to rescue the two survivors on the stone platform.

As for the cameras that were shot... Everyone tacitly didn't mention it.

After a long day of work, the rescue team successfully rescued the two survivors at the bottom of the well.

It's just that after these two survivors were rescued, they couldn't even speak clearly, and their whole bodies were trembling uncontrollably.

The eyes are glazed and unfocused, and they are completely unable to communicate normally.

So soon, the two were transferred to the hospital for psychiatric recuperation.

The wellhead of this locked dragon well was also sealed at the first time.

At this time, the experts in the command hall finally recovered from the extreme panic.

They didn't expect that what Ye Xiao said would come true and come true so quickly!!

Almost all of the archaeological team members who went into the water died from the attack of the strange fish, and the only two surviving people have been transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

The first archaeologist was in a state of complete shock and self-reproach.

He never expected that under various high-tech surveys, this strange fish would not be found.

This ultimately led to the tragic situation of the archaeological team.

In retrospect, how ridiculous and pathetic it was to give such a firm order to launch at that time!

For a moment, he even regretted it a little.

I regret that I didn't listen to Ye Xiao's words just now, and now that I think about it, all this can be avoided!

At this thought, the elderly archaeologist seemed to be several years old in an instant.

At this time, the rest of the experts who insisted on deciding to go into the water at the beginning also felt extremely embarrassed at this time, and they sat on their chairs and did not dare to raise their heads.

My heart is also filled with regret.

In addition, more experts are talking about what just happened.

"What the hell was the strange fish under the water? As a zoologist, I know more than 10,000 species of fish, but by no means monsters that have just appeared!!

"I've never heard of it either! However, the aggression of this fish is so strong that it can gnaw a person into a skeleton in a matter of seconds!

"We have to find a way to study it, otherwise the archaeological process will probably come to a standstill!"

"Shhhh Not to mention, this time the losses are so heavy, it is estimated that it will not end so simply, let's see the situation first!

"Actually, I seem to know the name of this strange fish!"

After the last sentence was spoken, the scene suddenly fell silent.

The authorities were stunned for a second, then they all turned their heads in shock to look at the young expert who said this.

The young man was also slightly stunned when he saw that everyone's eyes were all focused on him, and then hurriedly waved his hand to explain.

"Recently, there is a very popular tomb robbery movie, called [Lock Dragon Well]!

There's a black viper in it that's very similar to this strange fish! "

What? Movie?

The experts didn't react, and they all looked at the person who spoke with some confusion.

Seeing this, the young expert hurriedly took out his mobile phone and searched for a picture of the black viper on the Internet, and asked the staff to play it on the projection.

As soon as the picture of the black viper came out, the authorities present gasped.

"It's... Where is the "like"! It's exactly the same!

One of the old men exclaimed.

Indeed, the black viper in the picture is exactly the same as the strange fish they saw in the water just now!

Whether in terms of appearance or characteristics, the similarity can be said to be almost 100%!

At this moment, the experts and authorities present are all messy!

For a moment, their heads were a little confused, and they didn't understand what was going on.

It's a fictional fish in the tomb robbery movie, how could it be... How did it appear in reality??

This is not scientific!

Wait a minute...... Tomb robbery movies?

Several scholars suddenly thought of something, and they all looked at each other in horror, and their hearts had already set off a storm!

You must know that after high-tech survey, there is very likely to be a large tomb under the lock dragon well!

"Could it be that ... The creator of the [Lock Dragon Well] movie, is it very likely that he has ever gone down to lock the Dragon Well?

"That's right, otherwise how can you explain that this strange fish that was found underwater for the first time appeared in the movie? It can't be a coincidence, right? "

The purpose of their locking down the dragon well... Not surprisingly, it's to lock the tomb under the dragon well!

"It's over, it's been the first to be taken again! The tomb under this locked dragon well is estimated to have been ransacked by damned tomb robbers!

"We must hurry up to carry out a salvage excavation, and we must hurry up to discuss the next plan for the grave!"


The experts and authorities suddenly became nervous, but suddenly, they were stunned again!

And so on....

The host just now, Bingbing, didn't you introduce:

The handsome guy who prevented the advance team from going into the water is the screenwriter of the movie "Lock Dragon Well"? ?

There is also a fat man who greeted everyone before and was good at dancing with long sleeves.

seems to be the director of "Lock the Dragon Well???

Very tacitly, everyone seemed to be under unified command, and their eyes turned to Ye Xiao's direction in unison.



In the seat, Director Zhang was also completely stunned.

In fact, the moment he saw the black viper in the underground river just now, Director Zhang's brain had completely "boomed" and completely lost the ability to think.

He could never have imagined that the creatures in his movie would one day appear in reality.

This is a hundred times more bloody than the plot of [Zhen Huan Ji]!

After reacting, Director Zhang's heart had sunk into the abyss.

The tomb under the lock dragon well, plus the tomb robbery theme [lock the dragon well], and the same creatures in the movie and reality!

He can't explain it even if he has a hundred mouths!

Tomb robbery is a big crime, and the thought of being interrogated in a small black room and squatting in it for a few years, Director Zhang's tears are about to come out.

You remember that a few young models had contacted him just now and wanted to ask him for a role in a new movie.

The time of the "interview" has been scheduled, but now there is this incident, will his brilliant life in the second half of his life be ruined like this?

"Ahem, Director Zhang, I'll go first, I'll contact you if you have something!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from beside him, and Director Zhang turned his head, but saw Ye Xiao just about to leave!

Director Zhang hurriedly grabbed Ye Xiao and asked tremblingly

, "What's the situation,

Ye Xiao are you going to run away?" Take me one!

Ye Xiao shook off Director Zhang's hand and said, "Why just run away, the seminar is over, I want to go home!"

"No! You're definitely going to run! "


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