Not long after a new member arrived, the team received an order to apprehend a gang of drug dealers at the border.

Who knows, in order to avoid arrest, this group of outlaw drug dealers finally escaped into a minefield.

In the harsh winter, even the most experienced hunters do not dare to hunt their prey up the mountain.

Not to mention the mountains and forests full of landmines.

Therefore, the captain of the team decided to ask for support.

But it took too long for the help to arrive, and if it had been waiting for the help to arrive, the group of drug dealers would have already left the border.

At that time, they will not be able to catch this group of criminal drug dealers.

And the new team member said seriously to the captain: "No matter what, I don't want me to fail on my first mission!"

"So as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up."

After saying that, he resolutely disobeyed the order and ran into the mountains and forests.

And Deputy Yang couldn't rest assured, so he followed the new team member into the mine-ridden mountain forest.


In the end, a total of 12 drug dealers, eight of whom were killed by mines in the minefield.

The remaining four drug dealers only have two pistols left, which are naturally not the opponents of Deputy Yang and this new team member.

was soon arrested by the two.

However, on the way down the mountain, a mine was triggered.

The new entrant falls into a coma.

When they woke up, they were lying in a white hospital.

Two of the four drug dealers were killed by the explosion, and one was seriously injured and is still being resuscitated.

Deputy Yang also bled excessively and fell into a coma, also rescuing.

And although he was almost cut by shrapnel to the femoral artery, because the bleeding stopped in time, it was fine.

However, he still stubbornly believed that Deputy Yang should not have entered the mountains with him in the first place.

After learning his thoughts, the rest of his teammates told him the truth.

It turned out that when he was in a coma, it was Deputy Yang who fought with the last trace of sobriety to stop the bleeding from the wounds of the new players.

But he fell into a coma after that.

As a result, Deputy Yang later suffered a dark injury in his leg and retired from the army early.

This incident is his lifelong guilt for Vice Team Yang.

Later, instead of reporting his disobedience, the captain chose to give him another chance.

Later, they also completed countless missions.

Their team has also become the Hades who terrified all drug dealers.


When he came back to his senses, the captain of the bodyguard team looked at the bodyguard team members in front of him, and suddenly his heart softened.

His face couldn't help but soften.

He walked up to the bodyguard team, patted him on the shoulder, and said

, "He sacrificed for the archaeological cause of Great Xia, he is a hero! Moreover, this is not only his destination,

but also our destination!"

"Our sacrifice should be more meaningful!

Hearing this, the members of the bodyguard team wiped away the tears on their faces, and slowly squatted down to close the eyelids of Deputy Yang, who had never closed his eyes.

At this time, he suddenly saw several blood holes on the neck of Deputy Team Yang.

It looks like a sharp tooth bite.

The blood around the blood hole has crusted over.

"Captain, look!" the

team member said, pointing to Vice Team Yang's neck.

And at this moment, Ye Xiao's voice sounded in the headset at the right time, and said:

"He... I met the ancient corpse in the bronze coffin!I should have sucked the blood essence of the ancient corpse!"

Ye Xiao said slowly, his voice a little solemn.

He didn't know if the other two lost team members were like this.

But if nothing else...

Thinking of this, Ye Xiao couldn't help but slowly shake his head.

If this ancient corpse sucks the yang qi to saturation, I am afraid that only a Heavenly Master-level figure will be able to restrain him at that time

! But now, we still have to solve the current matter first!

As he spoke, Ye Xiao suddenly turned to Old Professor Zhou beside him and asked,

"How do you care for these sacrificial team members?"

After thinking for a while, Professor Zhou replied:

"There will be a pension to their families, and if there are parents in the family, there will be state-run nursing institutions to accept

them!" "If the children are still young, you can consider letting their relatives and friends raise them on their behalf, and we will bear the school tuition and child support fees!" "If there are no relatives and friends, we

will also have a special agency to adopt!"

Raise them as adults!

" After speaking, Professor Zhou lowered his head and was silent for a while, and then said again:


This is what I can do for them... The greatest compensation I have earned!

" When Ye Xiao heard this, he silently moved his gaze back to the center of the screen, and slowly spoke:


After they die... I need to have a home too!"


When the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, they burst into tears.

In an instant, the barrage in the live broadcast room became turbulent again like a flood that burst the embankment.

"Yes! That's right! They who died in the tomb are also martyrs! They are also heroes who have made sacrifices to Great Xia

!" "After they die, they should also

have a home!" "Tears in their eyes!" "Don't worry! Now that the country is enlightened, these heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the country will have a home!"

"Come on! But I hope that no one will be there in the future... "

I must all return triumphantly!"

Ye Xiao looked at the tomb in the seminar hall

of the command headquarters

, still in tears, holding the body of Deputy Yang and crying as a member of the bodyguard team.

He let out a long breath of turbidity, pressed the button in the headset, and said,

"Properly place his body first!Bring him back when we go out!Now we have more important things to do!"

Don't forget, you have two teammates, and you're in the tomb now!".

Ye Xiao's voice, as if ringing a bell outside the sky, woke up the bodyguards who were grieving.

As if waking up from a dream, he placed Deputy Yang's body against the wall, wiped the tears off his face, and slowly collected his emotions after a few deep breaths.

Turned around and saluted the camera, and

said, "I'm sorry!"

Ye Xiao nodded slightly

, and said, "Rearrange the formation and listen to my instructions

!" "Because of the change just now,

the position of the Shengmen has changed!"

Now we need to walk in the opposite direction, if nothing else, we can find the door within half an hour!"

As he spoke, everyone in the archaeological team had already stood in the direction according to Ye Xiao's request.

With Ye Xiao's commands, everyone strictly followed Ye Xiao's requirements and took every step carefully.

The audience in the entire live broadcast room, as well as the experts in the seminar hall, stared at the live broadcast room with bated breath, and did not dare to take a breath.

I was afraid that an ancient corpse would suddenly jump out of the dark corridor next to me.


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