Half an hour passed, and everyone in the archaeological team was already sweating.

In this piece of road, according to the strange steps given by Ye Xiao, everyone's legs were already a little weak.

Every step you take requires a great deal of perseverance.

At this time, Ye Xiao's voice also sounded again:

"Turn left and enter the Shengmen!" When

everyone in the archaeological team under the tomb heard this, they all subconsciously looked to the left.

And at this moment,

everyone clearly saw that there was obviously a bluestone slab wall on the left.

But at the moment when everyone's eyes looked at the past, the wall opened silently and disappeared into the wall on the other side.

Turning to reveal a passage to everyone!

Suddenly, everyone couldn't help but be slightly stunned.


Saying that there is a passage, there really is a passage?

This mouth is too smart, isn't it?

But then,

everyone thought clearly.

Since Ye Xiao can command everyone and leave this weird gossip array, he must know everything about the gossip array.

So it's normal for him to know where there is a passage and where a dead end is.

Thinking of this, everyone no longer doubted, but once again followed Ye Xiao's instructions and walked into the door.

"Pass through the 'Hugh Gate' through the Shengmen, and then turn from the Hugh Gate

to the 'Open the Door', and you can leave this formation!" "The most difficult step to leave this formation, that is, the first step, the 'Shengmen' has been completed

!" "The next three steps are very fast, everyone work hard!"

Ye Xiao cheered up everyone in the archaeological team.

Everyone in the archaeological team also nodded, their eyes resolute.


Afterwards, the archaeological team rested for a while and regained some strength.

followed Ye Xiao's instructions again and walked slowly towards Xiumen.

Although this Bagua Array is a living array, it changes from moment to moment.

But you must know that the Bagua Array is ever-changing.

No matter how it changes, the pattern of innate gossip cannot be changed.

Therefore, as long as you find the door, the rest of the doors only need to be found according to the map, and you can quickly find them.

There is no need to walk back and forth like when I was looking for a place to live.

In addition, everyone has been walking for so long, and they are also a little Xi to the steps pointed out by Ye Xiao.

So along the way, the archaeological team was relatively easy.

Soon came the "open door".

Now, just by going through the "open door", the archaeological team can break away from this formation.

All of a sudden, the audience couldn't help but be overjoyed and expressed their joy in the live broadcast room.

"Now it's... It's already time to 'open the door', right?

" "That's right, the archaeological team is about to get out of this formation! It's great!"

"To be honest, I'm still a little excited, ahhaha~"

"After walking out of this gossip array, the rest of the way... It should be soon, right?"

"Come on, we must all be safe and sound, and we will all be waiting for your triumphant return!"

In fact, since everyone entered the living gate, what they walked through along the way was not an immutable bluestone slab corridor.

In the Bagua Array, each corridor is connected to a magnificent, but empty, hall.

It's weird.

Originally, everyone thought that this hall would be a tomb.

I also thought that it would be full of many mechanisms, or other hidden dangers.

But it was just beyond everyone's expectations.

There is nothing in these palatial halls.

Except for the load-bearing pillars that connect the floor of the main hall to the top, there is nothing else.

Of course, Ye Xiao knew that these halls were just a part of the Heavenly Court, and they were also integrated into the formation.

If there are still the rest of the formation mechanisms in it, it is really a little strange.

So Ye Xiao didn't say anything, just commanded the archaeological team step by step, and slowly walked towards the outside of the formation.

And since Ye Xiao didn't say anything, everyone in the archaeological team naturally had nothing to worry about this splendid hall.

So along the way, everyone was attentive and slowly walked towards the outside of the gossip array according to Ye Xiao's instructions.


"Lao He, Lao He is me, what's wrong with you?" said

a burly man with a torch in his hand, frowning, not without concern.

And in front of him, the man known as "Lao He" was extremely pale, like a real dead face.

It is the same as "Deputy Yang".

These two people were the team members who were sent out to find Deputy Yang at that time, but suddenly disappeared in the end.

After the two disappeared, the two of them quickly separated from each other.

However, by mistake, the burly man and the man known as "Lao He" met again in this hall.

But in just a few dozen minutes, Lao He has become what he is now.

This couldn't help but make the burly man a little puzzled.

The person in front of him, except that his face is somewhat similar to "Lao He", his body is like a withered body, and his face is pale without a trace of blood.

There is no longer the appearance of "Lao He" before.

He shouted a few times, but Lao He did not respond.

But suddenly, "Lao He" seemed to have suddenly woken up, and his whole body was trembling wildly.

This startled the burly man, who hurried forward to check the situation.

However, when the burly man just walked in front of him, "Lao He" opened his bloody mouth as if he was crazy.

It came directly towards the burly man.

The burly man reacted very quickly, and hurriedly dodged away, which led to the previous scene.

And now, "Lao He" was still unrelenting, let out a very low roar from the depths of his throat, and rushed towards the burly man with his teeth and claws.

The burly man was stunned,

and Lao He's current appearance was completely unaware of himself.

How can this be believed?

You know, for dozens of minutes, they are still in the same team, exploring under the tomb.

There have been countless times in the rain of bullets, birth and death have completed many tasks.


within a few seconds of his sluggishness, "Lao He" had already rushed in front of him with his teeth and claws.

opened his bloody mouth and was about to bite down on the burly man's neck.

The burly man's face was shocked, and he even wanted to reach out to resist.

"Bang !!"

At this moment, a gunshot rang out throughout the hall, suddenly scaring the burly man into a violent shock.

He turned his head to look, and a flash of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

Because at the entrance of the main hall, there are standing bodyguards and archaeological teams.

The burly man's face was excited, and he took two quick steps towards the archaeological team.

I just wanted to call out to the captain who was close in front of me.

Suddenly, however, he seemed to remember something, and his face suddenly became a little dull.

There was also a deep look of horror in his eyes.

He turned his head in disbelief and looked behind him at "Lao He", who had fallen to the ground and had a bloody hole on his temple!


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